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Alias Born 08/01/2006

Re: RICK C post# 1064

Wednesday, 06/04/2008 9:18:46 AM

Wednesday, June 04, 2008 9:18:46 AM

Post# of 1139
Much different at least in my thinking. I mean if this one world Government is going to happen for real ... I know it is, this is just a step towards it.

the overall picture is we are getting hammered in every way. Since they have done these things below ... what's to say they have not secretly setup the SEC rules on pinks and otc's to allow the CEO and partners, to literally collapse the backs of the people so to gain control and make us a slave. After all the ENRON, California Power Grid, and many other major investigations were in that third building (#7) when it went down six hours after the Twin Towers went down

These three links should be a Constant job for all of us to pass around to evryone and keep it spreading. We are just one red Ant, we need to build a Collony.
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