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Re: greenbullz post# 12287

Wednesday, 04/16/2008 3:27:36 PM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 3:27:36 PM

Post# of 19446
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In English:
Weekly information of 23 November, 2006. 1. activity of governor. On 17 November were carried out ten years from the moment of election by the governor of the Stavropol territory A.L. Of chernogorova. In its anniversary A.L. Of chernogorov it met with the young people of edge. It entrusted the nominal certifications of governor grant-aided students 107 to students and being studied. They all are the excellent workers of studies, they are actively occupied by scientific and social activities. In his presentation the governor of edge noted that after being repeated young people always appeared and remain the most competent, active and life-asserting part of the society. It perceptibly influences the social and economic and spiritual- moral development of the country and the Stavropol territory. We can be proud, noted A.L. Of chernogorov that the student motion on Stavropol'e preserved and increased its best traditions. They were its constant features and remain rich intellectual and creative potential, civil activity, sincere patriotism and readiness to dedicate their knowledge and labor for the good of native Stavropol'ya and Russia as a whole. On the commission of the governor Chernogorova A.L. edge Stavropol delegation headed by the minister of industry, transport and connection of the Stavropol territory S.A. Berezinym took part in the session of the group of coordination on the solution of the fuel-energy problems of the association of the economic cooperation of the subjects of the Russian Federation of southern federal region the "North Caucasus", which was passed on 17 November to the Rostov-on- Don. At the session are examined questions of the introduction of the generating power and their further development to the territory of the subjects of region, basic trends in development of power engineering of the North Caucasus for the period up to 2010. Within the framework of the work of coordination group took place the ceremony of the official discovery of the forum- exhibition, on which the enterprises of the south of Russia presented their developments in the sphere of the development of the fuel-energy complex of region. On the sums of work is introduced a number of proposals to the council of association "North Caucasus" on questions of the development of the energy complex of southern federal region. On 17 November A.L. Of chernogorov were accepted that arrived in the edge of Vice President, member of the administration L. ponidelko of "electronics" L. bank. As object of consideration in the current conversation of steel the questions, connected with the intention of bank to participate in the realization of a number of projects in the territory of edge and the discovery in the beginning of 2007 in Stavropol' of the branch of bank. In turn, the governor of edge emphasized the interest of territorial government in the attraction of additional investments in the interests of the realization of priority national project in the sphere APK and informed L.Ponidelko about the state of affairs in the agrarian sector of the boundary economy and the prospects for his further development. On 20 November in the government of edge under the chairmanship A.L. Of chernogorova took place the session of the administration of the boundary fund for required medical insurance. Within the framework of session the questions are examined: "about the project of the law of the Stavropol territory" about the introduction of changes in the law of the Stavropol territory "about the budget of the Stavropol boundary fund for required medical insurance in 2006"; "about the budget of the Stavropol boundary fund for required medical insurance in 2007"; "about the realization of national project in the sphere of public health in the directions, financed due to the means of the budget of the Stavropol boundary fund for required medical insurance" and others. The corresponding resolutions are adopted. On 20 November the governor Chernogorov A.L. edge conducted encounter with the key personnel of the American- Canadian company of "striae petroleum LTD": by the President of company Semom By khaymsom, by Vice President Khaymom Flattom, by director on Robert yeggya's technology and by the financial director of company Nestor voychishchin. On Stavropol'e of "striae petroleum LTD" plans to enter with the ecological project of cleaning petroleum sludges in the zone of oil output in the east of edge. Canadians developed the unique technology, which allows with the aid of the chemical means and the chemical-mechanical processes to split slimes into the clean oil (more than 90%), water, clay, sand and other soil formations. Over the long term the company could be occupied by the development of petroleum pour on participate in the building of oil refineries in the territory of edge. For the start of project it is proposed to create joint enterprise with the participation of Stavropol and Canadian sides. A.L. Of chernogorov aimed Canadian partners at conducting of the presentation of their project in the east of edge in JOINT STOCK COMPANY "petroleum company" To rosneft' "- Stavropol'neftegaz", also, before the specialists of the territorial ministry of natural resources and protection of environment. The representatives of American- Canadian company left into The neftekumskiy region for the idea of their proposals to the organs of local self-guidance and to the working oil-industry workers. The delegation of edge headed by the governor OF A.L. Chernogorovym in Moscow on 21 November participated in the All-Russian conference of the leaders of law-enforcement agencies regarding "about the state of work and the corollary measures on intensification of crime control and corruption in the Russian Federation". 2. the decisions of major importance of the organs of power of the state and local self-guidance. Decision of the governor of the Stavropol territory of 20 November, 2006, № 789 "about the introduction of changes in boundary special-purpose program" state support of the Cossack societies of the Stavropol territory during the years 2006-2008 ", affirmed by the decision of the governor of the Stavropol territory of 20 April, 2006, № 223"; the decision of the government of the Stavropol territory: of 15 November, 2006, № 142- p "about the dimensions of the compensation of the expenditures, connected with the official missions in the territory of the Russian Federation, to the workers of the budgetary establishments, financed due to the means of the budget of the Stavropol territory"; of 15 November, 2006, № 143- p "about the introduction of changes in the decision of the government of the Stavropol territory of 4 November, 2003, № 192- p" about the transfer of the watered earth into the nonirrigable earth in the Stavropol territory ". 3. vacancy of leaders and deputy chiefs of the organs of the executive power of the Stavropol territory as of on 23 November, 2006. The vacancies of leaders and deputy chiefs of the organs of the executive power of the Stavropol territory be absent. 4. events, which cause public resonance. The situation in the sphere of mezhetnicheskikh, between confessions relations and in the medium of cossacks as a whole remains stable. Extraordinary accidents and the crimes, perfected on the etnokonfessional'noy basis and causing wide it is public - political resonance, it is not registered. On 19 November, 2006, into Stavropol' over the area of the name of Ordzhonikidze took place the meeting, organized by the representatives of the initiative-taking group of the support Of konontseva B.V., within the framework of the program Of "politZavod-200'" of public organization "young guards of united Russia". Conducting this action is connected with the fact that by the Stavropol regional department of party "united Russia" on the competitive basis is conducted the selection of young people, capable of participating in the political life of edge, including in the composition of the party list of candidates to deputy of the State Duma of the Stavropol territory from "united Russia". The purpose of this meeting it was to support the adoption of law about the prohibition of play automata and the removal of special zones for gambling business. At the meeting participants in the program had to show their organizational and oratorical abilities. In the carried out measure participated of approximately 30 people, in essence of young age. On 20 November in the building of the administration of Stavropol' city took place the sanctioned picket, organized by the group of the activists of the regional department of association "voice". As the occasion of taking measure they served publication in the newspaper "opened" on the facts of the participation of the workers of the administration of Stavropol' city in the bribery of the deputies of Nevinnomyssk municipal duma. During the action went the collection of signatures in the support of the newspaper "opened". In the measure was accepted the participation of 10 people.