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Alias Born 09/18/2006

Re: PremierStocks post# 150687

Thursday, 03/27/2008 5:23:33 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2008 5:23:33 PM

Post# of 246745
"Its not a loss til you sell." is an IRS rule, ONLY...
[Except if it is a 'wash sale' .]

It IS a loss if it is trading below what you paid. Period.

If you think otherwise, go to any bank, and put up some
unsold Enron Certificates as collateral.

Also, if you are holding a stock that you bought at much
higher levels, it proves that the 'dd' that made you buy
any, was Wrong.

And the 'dd' that says to keep holding it as it keeps
dropping 90% in the last 5 months is continuously Wrong.

And the self-deceiving + faulty math game of 'averaging down'
is only ever used by those who buy stocks that go down,
and keep going down, as they keep buying more.

Successful investors do Real DD, on Real Companies, based on
Real Share-Structure, that is Controlled by Outside Common
Shareholders, who can assure that the Fully Diluted can't
grow out of their control. And, they Must vote on all big
decisions, that affect Common Shareholder Value. And, they
Must Vote for Every Member of their Board Of Directors, who
can Fire a destructive CEO in 1 minute, by a vote of 50.1%
of the Directors, on a telephone conference call.

Anytime we find a CEO with UNdilutable 50+% vote control,
we know that we found a winner, for shorters, ONLY.

Especially when the 'company' has always lost money, and the
common share price has dropped 90% in the last 5 months, and
the CEO has 80% Never-Dilutable ownership of All Votes and
All Assets, and bought a Toxic-Debt-Overloaded Shell, and
then stuffed it with 'assets' bought directly from the
personal holdings of himself + his family + other 'friends', and
still plans to 'acquire' more 'assets' overloaded with more
Toxic Debt, and keeps signing up for more Toxic Debt, and has
diluted the Fully Diluted from 186 Million up to 10 Billion,
in only 8 months. And still has not Filed any independently
Audited Financial Statements.

extra, Sincerely. And, the above Facts have already been
submitted, to 'they' who Demand + Save timely + accurate
Filings, that provide Full + non-deceptive disclosure. 'They'
are also aware of where such Facts are publicly posted, and
who tries to have them 'deleted' , for their own personal
financial gain. This board is so obviously + deliberately
biased, that 'they' might even think that its biasers are
way over the line. Especially for a 'company' that Files,
and 'operates' within the U.S. , and that is totally Under
Their Jurisdiction. They already have their copy of all of
the above. So, they can determine that it is right-on topic.
Especially if it disappears.

P.S. ; We estimate that ~5 Billion shares of swvc have been
bought [+ sold, of course] since 15june2007, at an 'average'
price of ~0.02 per share, for a total cost of $100 Million.
During those ~8 months, there have been 3 massive pump&dumps,
in June+Sept+Oct 2007, and significant pump&dumps in all of
the other 5 months. So, it looks like common 'share'holders
of swvc are Losing $90,000,000 -- whether they sold yet,
or not. Most of them are U.S. Taxpayers; and we know of at
least 1 Taxcollector + 1 Taxprotector who are not happy, and
are probably watching, or should be. So, we are just helping
them, [and ourselves, at our own risk].

$90,000,000 in U.S. Taxpayer Losses,
in just the last 8 months, in 1 sub-penny 'stock' ,
80% owned by 1 UNdilutable guy, while diluting by 50x ,
who has a very impressive resume in the 'stock' world, but
no history of ever making a penny running retail shops,
ought to raise some very large eyebrows.

swvc is possibly the largest + quickest,
currently Filing + 'operating' in the U.S.
We bet that swvc's new Independent Auditor is going to be
Extra careful. Because he knows that at least 2 big 'theys'
are waiting for the First 10-K to be Officially Filed.
Then, they will read it, Extra carefully, using experts,
and so will some of us independent helpers.

And, if/when they decide to flush out some more Facts,
they will be visiting those who knew about the pump&dump,
and those who helped the pump, and even those who helped
expose it, like a few of us.

All of the above is just an opinion, of course.
Just like a 'company' PR, full of plans + schedules,
that keep dehancing common 'share'holder value,
as The UNdilutable Expert, Enhances the Fully Dilutables.

P.P.S. ; We are betting that the 10-K will Not be Filed
on time, and/or Not signed by any Independent Auditor,
that operates in the U.S. , and/or has any U.S. clients
that are better than swvc.
And, while we're all waiting, swvc's bounces are great for
all shorters, and lucky flippers, [and insiders + friends].
[Next best is copi + wnbd, because; like swvc, they also have
apparently real, but money-losing, businesses; and often
bounce at least 50% per month; and need toxies; and keep
exploding their Fully Diluteds; while their detonator is
Permanently UNdilutable, and permanently owns 80+% of All
votes + assets, and can even raise them to 99+%, overnight,
whenever he votes his 50+%.]

P.P.S. ; If only 50+% is ever needed, WHY DO THEY HAVE 80+% ?

Averaging-down is profitable, for shorters, only.