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Alias Born 05/31/2005

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Monday, 03/24/2008 8:27:39 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008 8:27:39 PM

Post# of 361445
ERHC Energy Strikes Gold in Huge Oil Deal

Houston Chronicle
March 13, 2005, 12:42AM

African nation promises local ERHC Energy a share of profits
Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau

The impoverished West African nation of São Tomé and Príncipe may
soon become the world's newest oil exporter, and its leaders have
entrusted the country's great hopes to an obscure Houston company.

The winner of this prize: ERHC Energy, which has one full-time
employee, $21,000 in cash and no experience drilling offshore.

This little-known company, based in a Westheimer office building,
has been promised a share in a potential crude bonanza in the Gulf
of Guinea.

São Tomé and neighboring Nigeria have been evaluating bids from oil
companies wanting to drill in waters that are believed to hide more
than 11 billion barrels of crude.

Five offshore blocks in a joint development zone are up for grabs.
Little ERHC has been guaranteed a cut in each one.

"I've never heard of anything like it, anywhere in the world" — at
least not since Africa's colonial days, said Jedrzej George Frynas,
a lecturer in international management at England's University of

Exxon Mobil Corp. has been granted rights to claim a stake in two of
these blocks. The oil industry is watching to see whether the
world's largest publicly traded company will jump in with this
strange bedfellow.

ERHC's aggressive, penny-stock investors are all but salivating at
the prospects. On Web sites such as or Bradenton,
Fla., investor Joe Shea's weblog,, they trade tips
and rumors as they await word that the blocks have been awarded.

"I'm a little disappointed that I'm not already a millionaire," Shea

The story of how this small company gained such influence is drawn
from interviews with government leaders, company officials,
diplomatic sources, human rights groups, Africa specialists, and oil
and gas analysts.

Eight years ago, ERHC officials waded out to remote São Tomé before
others in the oil industry were willing to give the twin-island
nation more than a passing glance.

The company has since negotiated a series of deals its competitors
can only envy.

Critics say ERHC took advantage of a commercially naive government
with no experience in the oil sector.

But despite successive political uproars over its contracts, threats
to jail the company's chief executive officer and revelations of a
$100,000 payment — not to mention a coup attempt — ERHC has held on
to its prize.

A short history of ERHC Energy:
• 1986: Colorado-based Regional Air Group Corp. is formed. The
company later evolves into an environmental cleanup firm known as
Environmental Remediation Holding Corp.
• 1996: The company reinvents itself again as an oil and gas
• 1997: ERHC officials explore oil opportunities in São Tomé and
Príncipe, an island nation off the West African coast.
• 1998: ERHC helps establish a state-owned oil company in São Tomé
and takes a 49 percent stake in the entity. What's now Exxon Mobil
provides technical assistance and earns its own special rights.
• 1999: The deal collapses. ERHC CEO Geoffrey Tirman accuses São
Tomé's lead negotiator of demanding bribes. The government
cries "sedition," and Tirman is forced to flee.
• 2001: Nigeria and São Tomé sign a treaty to create a joint
development zone. Tirman sells his stake to wealthy Nigerian
businessman Emeka Offor, who negotiates a new deal. ERHC moves its
headquarters to Houston.
• 2002: São Tomé's new president, Fradique de Menezes, again demands
a new agreement.
• 2003: ERHC successfully negotiates current agreement. De Menezes
acknowledges Offor made a $100,000 campaign contribution. A coup
attempt in São Tomé fails.
• 2004: ERHC teams up with Pioneer Natural Resources, Devon Energy
and Noble Energy to bid on three offshore blocks.
Source: Chronicle research

Known for its stamps
Straddling the equator, the nation of São Tomé and Príncipe is a
former Portuguese colony of 150,000 people.

For generations, its economy was dominated by cocoa and coffee
exports, and stamp collectors knew São Tomé for its Elvis Presley
and Marilyn Monroe stamps.

But São Tomé also is in the hydrocarbon-rich Gulf of Guinea. And as
oil producers pushed out into ever-deeper waters hunting for crude,
São Tomé took on a new luster.

Enter ERHC. Founded in 1986 as Colorado-based Regional Air Group
Corp., the firm has morphed through several business plans —
airlines, environmental cleanup and now oil and gas producer — and
has undergone three major management changes.

At fiscal year's end last September, nearly 10 percent of the
company's stock was controlled by Nigeria's First Atlantic Bank.

The bank was issued the stock to settle a lawsuit against the
company's chairman, Nigerian billionaire Emeka Offor, and his
various business interests, including ERHC. First Atlantic, seeking
repayment of a $57 million loan, had accused Offor of fraud.

And no one really knows, yet, whether all the great expectations
will prove true.

West Africa accounts for 15 percent of all U.S. oil imports, a
figure that is expected to rise in coming years. And the Gulf of
Guinea has been prolific.

But many of the oil prospects off São Tomé are in waters more than a
mile deep. And in such depths, fields holding 100 million barrels of
crude may not justify the expense.

"Everybody talks about it as if there's no exploration risk," noted
Michael Rodgers, a senior director at Washington-based PFC Energy
and an expert on West African oil. "No one's drilled a well there

Company came calling
In 1997, executives and shareholders for what was then known as
Environmental Remediation Holding Corp. approached tiny São Tomé
about developing its offshore resources.

When approached by ERHC, "we had no experience, no know-how," Luis
Alberto dos Prazeres, executive director of São Tomé's National
Petroleum Agency, said in an interview.

Longtime ERHC investor Phil Nugent is more blunt: "They didn't know
pipe was hollow."

Those talks led to the creation of a state-owned oil company.

With the promise of a $5 million investment, ERHC was granted a 49
percent ownership stake in the company.

This initial deal included a pledge that ERHC would provide college
scholarships for São Tomé's youth, with the idea of creating a cadre
of homegrown oil and gas experts.

São Tomé's lead negotiator in those talks, Carlos Gomes, sent his
son to study in the United States at ERHC's expense, the Los Angeles
Times has reported. Gomes also took a position in the new state oil
company, the Times said, receiving a $4,000 monthly salary paid for
by ERHC.

Gomes now heads the Nigeria-São Tomé and Príncipe Joint Development
Authority, responsible for awarding the offshore blocks in the Joint
Development Zone.

Gomes could not be reached for comment, despite repeated attempts.

Mobil soon signed on to conduct a feasibility study and perform
seismic work to evaluate the country's offshore potential.

But opposition to the agreement quickly grew. Critics accused the
government of handing over the country's oil patrimony for a
pittance. The political opposition insisted the government seek more

Relations between ERHC and the government quickly soured.

During a visit to São Tomé, then-ERHC Chief Executive Officer
Geoffrey Tirman publicly accused Gomes of demanding bribes.

The government, in turn, cried sedition. Tirman "was threatened with
a jail term, so he fled to the airport and took off," Nugent said.

Tirman could not be reached for comment.

São Tomé's leaders also accused ERHC of failing to pay the full $5
million. The deal was off.

Bleak prospects
ERHC sought international arbitration, but its prospects still
seemed bleak.

Nugent sought out Offor, who enjoyed not only great wealth but
tremendous political clout in Nigeria.

Offor, who holds the titles chief and sir, had been close to
Nigeria's last military dictator, Gen. Sani Abacha, as well as to
Atiku Abubakar, the country's current vice president.

Back in 1999, Nigeria and São Tomé had begun discussions aimed at
ending a longstanding border dispute. Offor assumed a leading role
in helping push those negotiations.

In February 2001, Nigeria and São Tomé agreed to create the joint
development zone. The pact called for Nigeria to receive 60 percent
of the oil revenues from the zone while São Tomé was to get 40

The treaty cleared the way for Offor to purchase Tirman's stake in
ERHC for $6 million. The company's headquarters was then relocated,
from Little Rock, Ark., to Houston.

Three months later, ERHC had a new, favorable deal with the

Under that agreement, ERHC gave up its claim to an ownership stake
in the national oil company. But the firm was promised a share of
São Tomé's oil profits, as well as a portion of the signature
bonuses other companies would have to pay for the right to drill.

Again, the company's critics were livid. The World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund voiced displeasure.

The following year, Fradique de Menezes, São Tomé's new president,
insisted the contract was unconscionable and unenforceable.

De Menezes insisted the company renegotiate once again.

Finally, in April 2003, ERHC reached its current deal with São Tomé
and the Joint Development Authority.

The agreement grants ERHC rights to take working interests in six
offshore blocks in the joint development zone, as well as offshore
acreage in São Tomé's exclusive territorial waters.

That means the company can claim a stake in all five blocks being
offered, plus an additional block in the future.

Other companies bidding on the blocks must offer signature bonuses,
upfront payments for the rights to drill.

Several of the bids for blocks topped $100 million. But ERHC's deal
allows the company to forgo making such payments on certain blocks.

Gerhard Seibert of the Institute for Security Studies, an Africa
research group, has estimated ERHC's bonus-free options will cost
São Tomé coffers $75 million — comparable to 150 percent of the
country's annual gross domestic product.

Though that agreement assures ERHC of a minimal interest in these
blocks, the company had the right to join the bidding process to win
an even bigger stake.

Three large U.S. independent oil and gas producers, Dallas' Pioneer
Natural Resources, Oklahoma City-based Devon Energy and Houston's
Noble Energy have teamed up with ERHC to bid on three separate

The idea is they would provide the resources and technical expertise
ERHC lacks.

But the agreement again sparked protests. Political opponents
accused de Menezes of accepting a $100,000 payment from Offor
sometime before the deal was reached.

De Menezes eventually acknowledged publicly that the money had been
received, but he characterized it as a political contribution.

Offor declined to comment for this report.

Ali Memon, ERHC's current chief executive officer, said the
issue "has nothing to do with ERHC."

"ERHC has not made any payments directly or indirectly to any member
of the São Toméan government," said Memon, a native of Kenya and a
longtime Marathon Oil Co. executive.

Three months after the deal was signed, military leaders launched a
coup attempt while de Menezes was visiting Nigeria.

The putsch quickly fizzled, but the event demonstrated the
precariousness of the São Tomé regime.

Throughout these years of turmoil, Exxon Mobil has reportedly
steered clear of ERHC.

"Exxon Mobil wished they would go away," Nugent said.

Exxon spokesman LenD'Eramo declined to comment on "speculation or
rumor" about the company's attitudes toward ERHC.

The long-running controversy over ERHC's activities in São Tomé
helped prod international experts to help the tiny country protect
its natural resources.

A group of international law experts at Columbia University crafted
an oil-management law to help ensure any new oil revenues don't end
up in the pockets of corrupt officials, as has often been the case
in West Africa.

Using this blueprint, São Tomé passed a law hailed as a model for
resource-rich, Third World countries. "We are in a position to do
better than other countries did," the National Petroleum Agency's
dos Prazeres said.

But ERHC's contract remained intact.

"São Tomé would be better off if it could get rid of (ERHC's) claims
somehow, but I doubt there is any legal standing to do so," said
Martin Sandbu, a research fellow at Columbia's Earth Institute.

Dos Prazeres thinks his country needs to begin a search for oil.

"This is the agreement we have," dos Prazeres said. "That's the way
it is."
