My impression is that AK is always very very focused on the main task, and what is happening in the market is not very much on his radar. I am comfortable with that (as comfortable as I can be in this situation, that is). I think it must be an incredible juggling act trying to get ends tied up within a timeframe, with all these publishers, labels and legal teams involved. It's a nightmare. If the delay since 'launch' is just about the legals/agreement wordings, it seems a long time. Other posts have talked about the need for more upfront license fees, which seems very likely. It sounds to me from the posts that agreements are ready to go, but there is a last stage now about raising more funds. If that is the case, and funds are forthcoming, then I get the feeling that the 'major' announcements are within weeks. The easter break is going to create a bit of a slowdown either side of it, I would think, so my hunch is the week after next we see some news. All just a hunch, from the posts, and imo.