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Re: harrypothead post# 39309

Sunday, 04/04/2004 1:48:38 AM

Sunday, April 04, 2004 1:48:38 AM

Post# of 495952
The Concept of Jihad Goes back thousands of Years

See the Assasins stories below and their links.

Terrorists Blow Themselves Up!

At least three suspects in the Madrid railway bombings blew themselves up Saturday as police prepared to storm their apartment. One special forces agent was killed in the explosion and 15 police officers were wounded.

The blast in Leganes, a southern suburb of Madrid, blew out part of the exterior walls on the first and second floors of the brick apartment building.

Police had approached the building at around 7 p.m. to make arrests as part of an escalating manhunt for those responsible for the March 11 bombings that killed 191 people and wounded more than 1,800.

The suspects spotted the police from a window and shot at them, chanting loudly in Arabic, the Interior Ministry said. No police officers were hurt by the gunfire.

Over the next two hours, police evacuated as many people as they could from the building and surrounding area and prepared for an assault on the apartment.

"The special police agents prepared to storm the building and when they started to execute the plan, the terrorists set off a powerful explosion, blowing themselves up," Interior Minister Angel Acebes said.

"There are three that could have blown themselves up, but the possibility of more is not ruled out," he said.

The news agency Europa Press said forensic experts were searching the building's swimming pool for remains of a possible fourth suspect, but the report could immediately be confirmed.

Police believe some of the suspects may have carried out the March 11 train bombings, Acebes said.

After the blast, floodlights lit up the wreckage in the exposed rooms of the building. Pieces of concrete littered the floors and wires dangled from the ceilings.

Leganes is a city of 175,000 people about 10 miles southwest of central Madrid.

The investigation into the March 11 attacks have focused on the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group, which has links to al-Qaida.

Judge Juan del Olmo, the investigating magistrate, has issued international arrest warrants for five Moroccans and a Tunisian, identified as Sarhane Ben Abdelmajid Fakhet and described as the leader of the bombers.

Another 15 suspects are already in custody. Six have been charged with mass murder and nine with collaborating with or belonging to a terrorist organization. Eleven of the 15 charged are Moroccan.

Earlier Saturday, Acebes said a bomb found under the tracks of a high-speed train line on Friday was made of the same brand of explosive, Goma 2 Eco, that was used in the Madrid train attacks.

However, he said it was still too early to name any suspects. Goma 2, often used for demolition and in mining, is relatively easy to get in Spain.

"It's the same type of explosive and it's the same brand," Acebes said of the 26-pound bomb. The bomb was planted about 40 miles south of Madrid, and its discovery stopped six bullet trains using the Madrid-Seville line.

Train service resumed Saturday, but soldiers, police and Civil Guard officers could be seen patrolling the targeted rail lines. Sunday is the start of Holy Week, when many Spaniards take vacation or travel to their hometowns for the Easter holiday.

Because the bag containing the bomb was dry and the ground was wet, authorities believe it was placed at the scene Friday. A 450-foot-long cable was attached to the detonator.

The rail line where the bomb was found mainly serves Spain's AVE bullet trains, which have a top speed of 190 mph, although some slower trains also use it.

Another bomb was found half-buried beneath a French railroad track on March 24 about 100 miles southeast of Paris, triggering a massive inspection of France's rail network. Authorities have not said whether they suspect any connection to the bombs in Spain.

The Spanish government's main suspect in the March 11 attacks, the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group, is related to a group suspected in last year's Casablanca bombings, which killed 45 people including 12 suicide bombers.

Spain has been a major U.S. ally in Iraq (news - web sites) and has been warned previously by al-Qaida that it would be the target of terrorism for its support.

The Spanish newspaper El Mundo reported Saturday that the Spanish Embassy in Egypt received a letter from an Islamic militant group threatening new attacks if Spain did not withdraw its troops from Iraq and Afghanistan (news - web sites).

In the letter, the Brigade of Abu Hafs al-Masri, a group that also claimed responsibility for the March 11 attacks, threatened to strike against Spanish diplomatic missions in North Africa and the Mediterranean region unless Spanish troops are withdrawn in four weeks.

A Spanish diplomat in Cairo, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that the embassy received a threatening letter signed by Abu Hafs after the commuter train attacks last month.

The United States believes the Abu Hafs group lacks credibility and has only tenuous ties to al-Qaida. In the past, the group has claimed responsibility for events to which they were not connected — such as last summer's blackouts in North America and Britain.

Flashmobs Feared by Federali's.

Flashmobs are being organized for stunts soon to strike at a Federal Reserve Bank near you.

Hundreds of area technophiles joined laptops Saturday in an attempt to create a computing force on par with the world's most powerful supercomputers.

The experiment organized by researchers at the University of San Francisco was designed to determine whether a gymnasium full of off-the-shelf personal computers networked together can muster enough power to process the most complex research problems.

Organizers hoped to break into the ranks of the world's top 500 supercomputers through the event, which they called "Flashmob Supercomputing."

"Flashmob is about democratizing supercomputing," said John Witchel, a graduate student at USF who codeveloped the concept. "It's about giving supercomputing power to the people so that we can decide how we want supercomputers to be used."

Supercomputers perform highly sophisticated functions, such as predicting weather patterns, modeling biological processes or animating movies. Most are run by government laboratories or big corporations because they are expensive, costing $25 million to $1 billion.

Saturday's flashmob event was a dry run designed to measure how much computing power could be generated, rather than tackle a specific task.

The term "flashmob" comes from the spontaneous Internet-organized gatherings that gained popularity last year. During the events, hundreds of people suddenly appear at a predetermined location, perform a wacky stunt — such as wearing purple hats or spinning in circles — then quickly disperse, leaving bystanders scratching their heads.

Saturday's event was not the first time citizens have pooled their computing power. For example, the SETI(at)home project has created a virtual supercomputer through Internet-connected PCs to search for signs of extraterrestrial life.

Organizers hope the Flashmob concept can eventually be applied to problems requiring high-powered computing such as the study of global warming or AIDS research.

Global Death Rate Soon to Exceed Global Birth Rate at This Rate

The Ranting Research Rumblings of a Raging Revolutionary

Are we witnessing a repeat of history - when will we ever learn?

The Mongol invasions changed conditions in the Near East dramatically. Baghdad was in ruins and the Abbasid Caliphate was gone. The Assassins were reduced to a few strongholds in Syria. The young Mameluk sultanate was now the leading power in the region, and it was this power, wealthy and relatively independent of the complex politics that dogged Aleppo and Damascus, that would lead the final offensive against the Franj.

The Real Meaning of Jyhad

In 654 AH / 1256 AD the Mongols ruled by Hulagu Khan, a grandson of Genghis Khan, seized and destroyed Alamut. This defeat was not only a severe loss of many thousand brave soldiers, it was utterly needless. The war was no matter of our Jyhad. The reasons for the Mongols lay only in territorial gains and thereby worldly power. Thereupon the elders of the Clan discussed the subject again and arrived at the decision never again to build an army like that but fight the Jyhad with silent strengh and not exposed forces. Worthy humans were integrated in the Clan and embraced. The army was disbanded, first in Persia then 670 AH / 1272 AD in Syria.

However, the deeds became legendary all over the globe. Many orders in the world tried to imitate the army over past centuries, but none was effective. The word Assassins even became a synonym for professional killers in many Camarilla influenced languages. Since these nights the kafir know what Jyhad really means - war till death do us part.

Can Psychic Assasins Stop the Wars Raging on Earth?

Hell is paved with good intentions.

Never has that old axiom been better illustrated than in W. Adam Mandelbaum’s The Psychic Battlefield.

Mr. Mandelbaum has the benefit of detailing a fascinating subject with a cult-like following, semi-reputable members (the CIA, for one), and plenty of glamour and intrigue. The Psychic Battlefield, as a chronicle of “the military-occult complex,” is of interest to those curious about tradecraft and tactics, or to those who have faith in or a need to understand what compels humans to dabble in the darker sciences.

Mr. Mandelbaum’s answer to that problem is simple: If it can be done, it will. The occult is a science, he predicates. It is not a myth, a hoax, or a game. And, like any science, a willing individual can be trained to take advantage of his or her natural ability. Just as some excel at chemistry and others physics, members of this exclusive, though growing, club have a special capacity for “remote viewing”. A simple operation in itself, RV is a method of infiltrating an enemy’s facilities and taking mental pictures of words and objects from, as the name declares, a remote location.

Mr. Mandelbaum, a former intelligence officer, advises that savvy countries, including the USA and now-defunct USSR, embraced the concept of psychic spying. He stipulates, however, that the practice is not a new one. Common knowledge has it that both British and German World War II-era commanders used the occult to attempt to peer into the future and foresee the fate of their causes. Indeed, antiquity’s “scientists” spent a good deal of time researching the power of sex in relation to strengthened mental perception. And, as The Psychic Battlefield opines, the conclusion that a cross in the sky is somehow more credible than a sign in the cards is due in great measure to cultural indoctrination.

In 1977, U.S. involvement in RV and psychic research took a compelling turn with the completion of the Kress report, a product of CIA sponsored research at Stanford Research Institute. The recently declassified material affirmed the actuality of psychic phenomena and the necessity for preparing a new breed of soldier to engage in and perhaps countermand RV and other forms of psychic spying. In the 1980s, The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia, in conjunction with SRI, became the backdrop for the expedient training of combatants for this new type of warfare.

The history of the Assasins is well known to military leaders.

The Motto of The U.S. Navy Seals Stealth Assasins (SSA)

Hassan Ben Sabbah conditioned and organized a band of fearless political killers such as had never been seen before.26 His method of indoctrination was unique.vii He constructed a secret garden and furnished it with all the delights promised in the Koran…to the faithful when they reached paradise. The chosen were drugged, one or two at a time, and taken to this garden by night. When they woke up in the morningviii they were surrounded by beautiful and scantily clad houris [in Muslim belief, women who live with the blessed in paradise27] who would minister to their every need and desire. After being allowed to savor this false — but pleasant and sensual — paradise for a day or so, they were again drugged before being taken back to awaken in their own squalid hovel or cave dwelling. To them, it was as if it had been a vivid dream. Ben Sabbah then sent for them, told them Allah had given them a preview of paradise, and surprised them by telling them exactly what each had been up to while in the secret garden. So successful was he in this method of conditioning and indoctrination that it was said he once astounded a visiting emir whom he wanted to impress with his power by sending for one of his men and ordering him to kill himself — which he immediately did.28 When an Assassin was sent out by ibn-al-Sabbah to carry out some violent death, the Assassin was just as dedicated. So convinced were the Assassins that they would be rewarded in paradise that they never hesitated to fulfill their missions of murder, even though this often meant their victims’ bodyguards would kill them immediately afterward.

Regarding Bush and Cheney?

If you could throw them out of office how would you do it? it would be easier to pull them down than to throw them out. There are at least a million people in this country who now believe that Bush and Cheney and their entire cabinet should be impeached. Why has the process not started? Who is getting paid to keep them in power? Who keeps the military industrial financial media complex in place?

Death for Money - Money for Death

"Actually, if you count up all the wars since the beginning of time, you begin to see why we have not yet reached the stars.

As long as man values his pocket book more than he does a human life there will be more death and will never end.

As long as humans value the taking of life for money humanity will be hindered in their evolution. Maybe another ten thousand years of wars will teach man a lesson.

Some of us "Hungarians who came from Mars" remember what happened there. There was a nuclear holacaust that wiped out the whole planet millions of years ago. Mankind has not learned these lessons for hundreds of millions of years. Why would anything be any different in the coming century.

There are less than 20 million Hungarians left in the world after 1,000 years of wars. There are less than 2 million Latvians left in the world after 500 years of wars.

Perhaps there will be less than a million people left in the world after another thousand years of wars on this planet, we may not get the chance to live another million years. Humanity is a failed experiment of the gods.

The more things seem to change the more they stay the same.

So many arguments, so much fighting, so much pain and destruction...I think it is high time for me to leave this world."

G! Alex Gabor

A former intelligence professional sheds new light on the obscure intersection of the military and the paranormal--the military-occult complex--and reveals the incredible story of psychic abilities turned into a weapon of war by the world's soldiers and spies.

In the annals of military and espionage history, many strange tales have been told, but none can match the saga of psychic espionage-the history of the military-occult complex. With the flavor of fiction, yet with its foundation in fact, The Psychic Battlefield is the complete history of the use of man's extrasensory powers in search of the information needed to win wars--hot and cold.

The Psychic Battlefield spans the five-thousand-year history of ESPionage, from the attempted overthrow of the Pharaoh Rameses by magic to the CIA's use of military-trained psychics during the Cold War. It is a story as true as it is incredible.

The cast of characters includes such noteworthy names as sorcerer-poet Aleister Crowley, author Ian Fleming, spoon-bending General Stubblebine, and psychic warrior David Morehouse. In addition, the book features an exclusive interview with top psychic spy Joseph McMoneagle.

Most remarkable of all is Mandelbaum's fascinating expose of the paranormal research and remote-viewing experiments conducted by the CIA, as well as the real effectiveness of the government's Stargate program.

Attorney, psychic, former intelligence professional, and dark-side investigative reporter, W. Adam Mandelbaum clearly demonstrates that the final frontier of future wars and spies is the mind. Stay tuned.

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