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Alias Born 09/11/2000

Re: LaShark post# 2835

Wednesday, 12/13/2000 5:31:27 PM

Wednesday, December 13, 2000 5:31:27 PM

Post# of 15369
LaShark, I understand that....
..but the talk on the town is that the shorters are having their day and covering. Are there more people (normal joe schmoe's like us) selling than shorters covering, apperently this has to be the case. MORE people are selling PERIOD. Even if the shorts are covering. I hope Tonyeight isn't right, (Tony you have a good question) I hope the shorts are NOT able to cover much down here, because I would love to get a short squeeze on the way up.

I'm sure most who bought SEVU are in for the long haul. So many people post that they are buying more on the way down, even myself. Yet obviously Sellers outnumber us.

Not for much longer. I can hear the AMEX train coming.