Let's Speculate....
I just did some quick research...
Back when Yahoo was $250 per share it's Market Cap approached $140,000,000 (yes, BILLION)
Today, it is just under $20 Billion
Disney is currently worth $60 Billion
DIG is worth (as of today) just UNDER $1 Billion
Today, Yahoo is worth only THREE TIMES what ALL OF INFOSEEK WAS WORTH as GO.COM when Disney bought SEEK out in November of '99!!!!
(It was once worth as much as TWENTY TIMES as much as SEEK!!!!! And we think we've 'GOt it bad'?)
Now, to speculate...
IF IF IF Disney were to 'entertain' (get it?) buying Yahoo, just WHAT would the terms of the merger be?
One share of Disney for each 3 shares of Yahoo?
20 shares of DIG for each ONE share of Yahoo?
Would the Merger be right to justify DISNEY shareholders in any way?
Would it be wise for DIG to increase the number of shares by TWENTY FOLD in order to have Yahoo under the DIG Umbrella?
Gang, remember when we used to crunch the numbers to no end, and still end up on the wrong side of the tracks?
Let's chat about this. Isn't it what we have tortured ourselves over for so long as believers in SEEK/GO/DIG ????
Heck, I wouldn't even mind hearing SayZero's comments about this. LOL! Or even GJ's????
Hmmmmmm....I think I'll visit the Yahoo DIG Message Board !!! Why not! Soon, we may OWN IT! Hahahaha!