When the MM's have taken sells at .314 and there about, MM's are seeing a rise in share price.. when it ticks red sell this means a MM picked up the shares.. So,, at this point in time, it's to the MM's advantage to run the price up..
Just a bit ago, MM's picked up some at .30.. The wall of resistance at .31 is a lot weaker right now, not to leave out, for the time passed probably got bigger.. But if it's broke through, the resistance at .33 looks weak..
I am sure there are a few, flipping out,, to bad for them.
The bears are looking to break the weak hands right now.. A little more ask slapping and bulls will keep the charge.. If not today,, bulls will be back..
Corn-fused-us Long-vestor ancient saying: Patience and small movements keep a steady course.
I don't have a humble opinion!
At's ma boy!