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Re: Footquarters post# 41975

Sunday, 02/24/2008 10:31:46 AM

Sunday, February 24, 2008 10:31:46 AM

Post# of 386038
Not Exactly me fine intended Friend, I have to dissent in regard to what many main stream pundits call “Consolidation”, Not Exactly!

One play-ar's consolidation assessment is da-Boyz just playing wit da-Mouse and reaping HUGE gains, WooHoo!?

Play-ar's, I've written sooooooooooo Much about the Ignorance of Stops and after last week's price action and based on what da-Boyz are gonna do this week, you have to "Know Nothing" to keep using these tools of da-Boyz club (actually founded on the Teachings of da-Boyz), OUCH!?

Is it REALLY Consolidation, is their REALLY confusion in the Markets, can "Random" truly be applied to describe the price action of late, Not Exactly, LOL!?

Some insight into da-Dew-ings of da-Boyz and how they Paint Pictures and use their network of “Pigeons” to support said Manipulational means to an END!?

Last week I issued a warning to “STAY OUT” of the Markets because of the pending “Wrath” of da-Boyz and I’m here to report that they did NOT Disappoint, da-Boyz dat is!

So what’s all Dis-Not-Exactly stuff, well GrassHoppers – it’s ALL about the “STOPS” and da-FOOLS using-em! Da-Boyz haven’t been consolidating they’ve been removing play-ar’s, one by one, methodically and systematically as they prepare to Launch prices HIGHER!

How’d we KNOW to FADE FOOT-sters LONG proclamation Friday morning, EASY, too many Long stops waiting to be Picked CLEAN before the “True DCB” was initiated! The Pain and Silence by MANY players this weekend is as they lick their wounds and count their losses, OUCH, we warned so we have Zero Compassion!

The Beauty is that while longs were being REMOVED from the game the “SHORTS” were being enticed to ADD positions, HOW SWEET is dat, LOL!? Imagine a GAME where players actually “ANNOUNCE” what they’ll do if price tags a particular price, like going Long at the Open on Friday at 43.67 and placing a “Long Stop” at say, Tuesday’s low of 43.24?

Now Imagine a GAME where da-House Rules and have the wherewithal (otherwise know as the resources), to Manipulate prices into whatever Profit-Zone they deem worthy of Serious COIN additions to their Coin Stash? Now step back a moment and ponder these two forces (worthy opponents), on the SAME GAME board with the Same intentions, To EXTRACT COIN-age from each other, Oh Boy, one of these forces already has an inherent advantage being da-House! BUT, how does this advantage look now dat some STOP LOSS FOOL has “ANNOUNCED” their intentions to SELL at, well, 43.24! Shark Bait comes to mind, Sheep-ster might be appropriate, but I can’t help but thinking – Say FOOL, LOL!?

Ok, I’m da-Boyz (I actually am a Gold Card Member), and I see “Shorts” waiting like “Tigers and Lions” to Pounce if da-Boyz even THINK about breaching 44.00 Friday!

I KNOW, I was one of-em, da-Tigers waiting to POUNCE dat is, and I even posted it in me “Play Book” post indicating how we’d FADE ALL LONG Plays!

“We'll be FADE-ing ALL LONG plays today in anticipation of a Move Lower but the ST Bottom is nearly complete and we be positioning for the DCB that'll WIPE OUT most Shorts, OUCH.”

See for yourself:

I suspect that ANYONE with ALL da-Boyz knowledge of the GAME board would do what any logical Play-ar would do, SELL SHORT with reckless abandon, but wait, it’s even more Manipulative then that, huhh, is dat even possible, you betcha!?

Starting late Tuesday and most ALL of Wednesday da-Boyz were accumulating shares, buying any and ALL the shares that ANYONE wanted to sell. Some well taught (by da-Boyz I might add), Play-ar’s chalked it up to the infamous “Consolidation”, other “Paid Guru’s” call it distribution, but we say – NOT Exactly, more like CONTROLLING the price between da-Lines as da-Boyz buy into “Selling” pressure, and sell into “Buying” pressure BOTH accumulating and distributing in an effort to KEEP prices between da-Lines!

More importantly, these VERY shares (bought between 43.24 and 43.50), da-Boyz were accumulating and adding to their “personal inventory”, would be the very shares being sold to the “Buyers” who were triggered to Buy as prices moved lower and tagged players buy triggers. This is an important part of the game in regard to manipulating prices into the Profit-Zone as there would be NO way to HOLD prices DOWN and keep-em going lower unless one had the ability to “MEET” the buying pressure that would materialize as prices DROP and trigger buy programs!

This NEVER written about and seldom understood technique is how da-Boyz manipulate prices and paint pictures for the TA, Chart, Fibs & Lies players to FOLLOW into the “Shark Invested” waters!?

Do you REALLY think that prices could RISE the last 30 minutes on Friday as LONGS exited (remember, their stops were being triggered and hence, their shares SOLD and other Longs were just RUN-ing for da-Hills as prices appeared to be falling below support at 43.24 and they Too were SELLING), and SHORTS opened positions (remember, shorts initiate positions by SELLING, yes), which was creating Huge “SELLING PRESSURE”, YES!?

So who in da-Hell-a-cious Sam Blaze-es was “BUYING”, auhh, you don’t suppose it was like, da-Boyz, do ya, LOL!? Who would STEP up to the Plate and “BUY” with all that “SELLING PRESSURE” being exerted on the Markets? I ask AGAIN and to ANYONE with a P-Brain, WHO was BUYING!?

Dat’s right me mini-me GrassHooper’s, da-House was BUYING as they did a “Long-Stop” Sweep and took out most ALL “Long-Stop” players and absorbed the “Short-SELLING” as well!

Let’s digest this unveiling of some serious truths and the ramifications thereof shall we, let’s!?

SELLING pressure should, in all intensive environments, lead to lower prices, Huge selling pressure should cause even lower prices, thus, one could simply conclude that “Selling Pressure” leads to lower prices, yes? Not when da-Boy (otherwise known as da-House), are involved and using accumulation/distribution techniques to MASK the “TRUE” buying/selling pressure!

As we Ponder this removing of the “Curtain” and reflect on what just happened here, or last week specifically, one has to ask themselves, am I a worthy opponent or just “Shark Bait”, and why, because you have to ASK the hard questions of yourself otherwise what’s to be gleaned from ones endeavor-ous ways!?

The Gap up get’s bought by Long players, they configure “Long Stops” at or near 43.24, some, who think they’re REALLY SMART, place dem-stops even lower, 43.00, 42.92. 42.79 (this is a popular number since it represents a -2.0% stop loss, 43.67 * .98 = 42.79), and now they wait for prices to go higher feeling all smart and comfee, NOT?

With Shorts waiting in the weeds to POUNCE, Long’s having just bought in hopes of higher prices (also placing stops to protect themselves but in reality handing over their business plan to da-Boyz), why would da-Boyz take prices higher, to let the Shorts SELL to them at higher prices, NOT, maybe to allow the longs to make some coin selling to them at higher prices, NOT!?

So do da-Boyz use their House advantage and take prices DOWN, yes, yes day Dew?

Well, they could TRY to take prices down but they’ll need HELP as many sophisticated play-ar’s will be BUYING as prices drop, no (you know we were exiting shorts and adding longs all the way down to 42.86 because we posted-em in Real Time)!?

Remember the accumulation of shares at the end of Tuesday and most of Wednesday, well these shares will come in handy since they we’re accumulating those shares down at 43.24/43.50 and this allows da-Boyz to Sell and still make some coin. So they’ll use these accumulated shares to HOLD these Buyers at bay as they manipulate prices DOWN! Then when these accumulated share reserves are depleted they begin selling Short to keep the selling pressure ON! Prices WALKING down on a slow but steady pace are the “Tell-Tale” signs of said practices of da-Boyz club (we should KNOW being Gold Card Members and ALL)!

Remember, da-Boyz are getting HELP from the accumulated shares but they’re also being Helped by Longs exiting stage right (not all long players are FOOLS and they just use discipline to sell at their trigger price), and shorts adding short positions. This 3 to 1 selling ratio Trumps the buying pressure and da-Boyz have successful created a recipe to take prices Down, Genius!

In addition, they keep triggering “Long Stops” all the way down which allows them to buy back the very shares they sold the long players up at 43.67 and increasing their accumulated share inventories, whatda – accumulating as prices go DOWN, unheard of, whatever FOOLS!?

But wait, it gets better, as prices get manipulated lower the “Long Stops” dry up, literally! In addition, “Short Selling” pressure dry’s up and at some point the “Buying Pressure” actually reverses to a 3 to 1 ratio over “Selling Pressure”, whatchew you talkin bout Willis!? Dats right GrassHoppers, what started out as a 3 to 1 selling pressure ratio inverts into a 3 to 1 buying pressure ratio, I’ve NEVER read anything like that and it Can’t be TRUE, Oh Really, sigh……….!

And who do you think your FOOL-ing, sorry – got carried away dare, as I digress, Who do you think is the Biggest player as the inverted buy/sell ratio configures, auhh, yep, da-Boyz of course. And Why, because da-Boyz, unlike us, get to see the “Long Stops” evaporate and “Short Selling” dry up, and they reverse their “Selling activities” and start buying to close their short play and begin the accumulation process all over again! Not to mention the “Short Players” have now initiated “Short Stops” up at 43.67 and now become the New Target of da-Boyz club, Oh Boy, Holy Shark-Bait Batman!?

The real Beauty of this “Repeating” cycle is when you can get some “Puppet” to help you account for said Manipulative ways you have a winning repeatable method of extracting coin from and ALL who come to Play! What better way to “Pull da-Curtain” up then to have one of your Rogue reporters issue a statement or news flash to “Explain Said Manipulative Ways”, how sweet is Dat, LOL!?

With all dat Revealed, you ALL know we’ll be here to rat out da-Boyz and their “True Intentions” and guide you through the Picture Painting with REAL TIME trades posted every day, many in advance based on price triggers. We’ll do this in an attempt to show those qualified (possessing the wherewithal and P-Brain to ascertain said coded message), how to navigate each OE Period with the utmost precision in regard to da-Boyz dew-ings. Not to worry mates as we suspect da-OEPM factor will shed some light on the path of mucho coins, LOL!?

Have a Great seventh day and remember to bow your heads in thanks and praise! In addition we must continue to recognize da-House and their awesome ability to manipulate prices into our Profit-Zone, Thanks BOYZ!


Bonus Stuff for those that read on, LOL:

Weekly stuff:

Wkly Pivot, 43.82 (happens to be the OE Pivot as well)
High, 44.50, up 1.6%
Low, 42.60, dn -2.8%
Range, 1.90
PM, 4.3%, (this completes wk8 of this years activity)

Wkly PM.s for this year:

Week, PM
1, 6.7%
2, 4.8
3, 6.9
4, 9.4
First 4 wks average, 7.0%
5, 5.3
6, 7.6
7, 3.3
8, 4.3
Second 4 wks average, 5.2%
YTD average, 6.0%

Average the last three years:
2005, 6.0%
2006, 6.6
2007, 7.5 (Aug08 – Dec08 = 10.0%)
2008, 6.0

Can you Hear ME NOW TA, Chart, Fibs & Lies play-ar’s, No - Not Exactly, well, I understand as its hard to teach some old Play-ar's new ways to Prosper, LMAO – AGAIN!

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