Rule 144 changes...
I wish someone would post a link that will explain how this
new rule change will be GOOD for us as traders/investors in
the microcap market.
As I understand it, when companies would issue restricted
stock to 'special' investors, those investors would have
to hold those stocks for a YEAR before they could then DUMP
them on the market, basically crushing the pps with unchecked
delution to the share structure.
NOW...the this new rule says they only have to hold those shares
6 months before they dump them.
How does this HELP the holders of the common shares ? Doesn't
this just mean that we can be exploited that much QUICKER ?
I'm SURE that I've missed something here ?
The general feel in the room was that this is a GOOD thing but
I don't see it ?
Thanks for any feedback that some of the more educated traders
Vana Catman fondles his mellons...