Whoever is sitting on bid didn't move, they are hoping for some real cheapies, we are not even back to pre-FS pps yet (.025ish). Sitting on a low bid will not work here, hate to think they saved .005 per share to get in........017 is the cheap stuff. We will have the occasional bid-whacker, but the sellers are gone for the most part, .017 is the low. It will only go up from here.
When IHGO starts the PR campaign, it won't stop till we skyrocket. Then everyone will chase and wonder why it sent so quickly and they couldn't get in at low levels.
Look at the L2s, .017 to .03 is thinner than thin and then blueskies, as soon as the PRs start and the buying pressure starts, this is gone! My only regret is no free funds. Christmas has sucked the life out of me.
These companies owned by the current owners have a tendency to go in December. There is a reason for that, very few stocks go in December. This will be no exception. The chase that will begin when we really move will be awesome. And we will all look back at the whackers and LOL! Rewards to the few. Others will make some money on this, but the people holding now will be rewarded greatly!