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Alias Born 08/23/2007

Re: None

Friday, 11/30/2007 10:53:26 PM

Friday, November 30, 2007 10:53:26 PM

Post# of 51618
I'm in the LittleBirdie camp on my view of Prom.


So the gold at smelter passed the Gerry test.
And Gerry traveled long distance for long time to evaluate it.
Seems unusal and special for him to do that... must be important!
Maybe a Kaboom deal coming down?!

Next comes the Dror test.
Dror leaves all his companies and travels for for long time.
Dror likes what he sees too.
Dror is now on same page with Gerry about what he went to evaluate and get done.
So Dror decides it is worth bringing in The Big Daddy himself - the Godfather of Madagascar - Dror is NOT going to waste the Chief's time with a long trip unless it is all evaluated FAVORABLY and Dror is ready to make the FINAL DEAL.

The punctuation mark on the FINAL gold deal is obviously this mystery man from Madagascar (an Elder seems right based on a TV show that shows that nothing will happen in such a remote place without infrastructure without the help and cooperation of the locals (even PAIM does that - they have Mindinao tribal warriors as the guards of the gold mine - if they have one).

The deal was completely evaluated and decided favorably by Gerry and then by Dror and now only the Chief needs to look and see and node his head and it is DONE!

So Dror and the Chief will not spend the rest of their lives at a smelter or at a bank - they need to go to Jewish holiday next week and to bring the photos to the tribal queen and bring some fancy things to the princess and maybe pick up some AK-47's to bring back to the warriors to guard the Prom mine that they partially own. Dror and the Chief WILL leave the smelter someday - you can bet on that! So the saga must have an end and it looks like it is now.

I only hope that Gerry is done with his "head-fake" fancy moves that make it look like all hope is lost just one more time (but then he does it again just to make sure ALL our hope is lost). Please stop the head-fakes Gerry. Put it in the basket! Move the ball down the baseketball court and Dunk it Gerry!

My guess is that Dror will NOT leave until he can see that money has transferred from the buyer (Chinese Olympic Team or Goldfinger or The Gentle Dental Group or King Midas). So the deal will be completed and I bet the money will be transferred and appear in Gerry and Dror bank account - then Dror will go home and the Chief will turn the canoe around and sail back.

So about enough time has passed for the final news.

All the parts finally fit.

What is the fate of the shorts and the promotors?
Only Gerry knows their fate and I hope he treats them as bad or worse than a 200:1 reverse split headache!!!!

WinMax is for real and so is Gerry - that we know!
Dror has many companies selling fine things - seems real!
Why would they need to set up a Scam to sell paper shares?
No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did say many times they were selling PAPER - but that was becasue of the dilution of PAPER that was occurring - I never said it was a fake company or a pump-n-dump. The dilution was real but by who.... I think it was Prom and it seems it was promoters also and maybe naked shorters and we saw that shorter in August (promoter??) who knew the price was going down cuz he was going to make it go down?

So Gerry needs Prom for WinMax - that is obvious!
WinMax does not need a scandal - that is obvious!
So Prom is real and Prom will deliver- but I hope there are no more head-fakes or delays. If there are it is all about the enemies of Prom getting burned as bad as possible I suppose. But Gerry - don't delay for them anymore because obcession can back-fire. Just give the KABOOM PR and let the shorts burn from that!

If Gerry wants to keep things right - then I think he NEEDS to announce any material events of Prom like selling of the gold. Delaying could be seen as manipulation ???? I really do not know.

My guess is that the gold is now sold at about $800 and the money is transferred or it is in Gerry and Dror account but PENDING. When it fully deposits - then Gerry PLEASE HAVE A PR ALL TYPED UP AND READY TO POST IMMEDIATELY - NO 1 WEEK WAIT FOR A SPELLING CHECK OF PR PLEASEEEEEE!!!!!!!

So if there is no PR soon then I guess it will come in time but I beleive it WILL come.

My guess is $210 million in gold over 5 years plus more exploration for more.

If we get a number like $35 million now that would be great - more is better!

I cannot see a RS in this with gold being sold - that does not fit - that did happen when it was needed for whatever but not now. I think that anyone who says "RS" now is either a shorter or has not looked at the time-frame on all these happenings (and lack of happenings).

Why didn't we get a PR in September as Dror said to Xuan's group on the other end of conference call to whoever it was??? Because Gerry, Dror and the Chief had not traveled anyplace yet! It took more time and then they traveled and it is obviously a done deal now (barring unforseen anomolies). It was not a September thing - it is a November thing and the PR is in early December - it fits!

If the glove fits you must not equit!

p.s. The shorts doth protest too much! Bingo!


That is Jeanette Lee "The Black Widow" world pool champion but married (sorry about that!).