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Alias Born 10/20/2007

Re: Sprycel post# 3397

Sunday, 11/25/2007 2:17:27 PM

Sunday, November 25, 2007 2:17:27 PM

Post# of 137668
Some of you "skeptics" who want to "save us" from the evil SHCM are lazy.

Step One: Go to SGLS Homepage:
Step Two: Click on PRs:
Step 3: Click on PR titled "Signature Increases Percentage of Ownership in Revenge Designs"
Step Four: Read First paragraph.\ACQINW200709211204MRKTWIREUSPR____0305476.htm&symbol=SGLS&selected=SGLS&selecteddisplaysymbol=SGLS&coname=Signature%20Leisure,%20Inc.&logopath=&market=OTCBB&pageName=Company%20News&kind=&formtype=&mkttype=&pathname=&page=news

CASSELBERRY, FL and CHAMPLIN, MN -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 09/21/07 -- Signature Leisure, Inc. (OTCBB: SGLS) announced today that the company has reached a final agreement that increases Signature's ownership percentage in Revenge Designs from 25% to 40%.

You know, some of the pathetic attempts here to bash the stock are really sad, dare I say, junior varsity.

Uncle Meatball

Use your energies doing what you do best, helping others to make money ethically.

I miss you CEK.