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Alias Born 05/02/2006

Re: moldme1 post# 1051

Wednesday, 11/14/2007 11:21:44 AM

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 11:21:44 AM

Post# of 1076
Of course you see I was right a year and a half ago when I started saying something smelled. And as the months wore on, it became obvious this was an exercise in extracting as much cash from the paper issued as possible.

As we wind down to zero, (and Doubloon gets closer to sending me the hand carved wooden box), there is no need to argue any more.

RaT and DebT and C&H are all doing very well. They had free housing, ponies, cars, meals for as long as the ride would last, and there is no doubt they have extracted a lot of cash that's buried under the sand somewhere.


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