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Re: lottoplayerslair post# 24

Wednesday, 10/31/2007 11:29:47 AM

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 11:29:47 AM

Post# of 156
sabra dabbs Originally posted by wallymac:
I've stayed away for quite a while now because, frankly, Between those that thought everything was part of the plan to those who think that people are acutally going to jump right in after a SEC suspension and court case, it was hard to find any middle ground. I don't believe either camp. ANYONE who buys, sells or holds a stock strictly based on what they read on messages boards deserves whatever they get.

As I have stated in the past, whatever you read here or on any other message board should only be the beginning. A point to begin your own DD. If you play a stock strictly for the momenteum, then reading the consensus is helpful. There have been many here on this board that have stated over and over that people should look to protect their capital investment first, before looking at the long term POSSIBILITIES. There are no saviours and nothing replaces good individual DD. 10 of 13 has stated this over and over. I completely agree with her.

IMO, The 7th is not going to solve everything, all anyone needs to do is research cases that have previously gone to court. Besides any rulings remember that MM's and brokers that wish to quote this stock are REQUIRED to do their own DD. The rules of state this and no one can get around it. I doubt very seriously that CSHD will be fully quoted come Tuesday. I believe it will be traded as a grey sheet with no bid and no ask, at least for some period of time. I have yet to find ONE stock that was quoted immediately after an SEC suspension or investigation. Does it mean that the stock is a fraud? Not neccessarily. If it begins trading again does it mean that CSHD is vindicated? Not neccessarily.

Without a doubt there were events that took place that are contrary to SEC rules and regulations. What you may ask? Well, let's start with the fact that FHAL and CSHD financials should have been combined in the 10K and were not. That is why Mr. Horton is no longer with CSHD because he should have known better. This is the reason the 10K needs to be amended. Rufus speaking so frankly on Paltalk and Subpenney radio are another violation because he jumped the gun many times, giving information to the listnerers that was not public prior to him talking about it. Lastly there was a violation as far as the merger was concerned because shares were issued, it is my belief that they were issued to AISS shareholders but the merger agreement stated in no uncertain terms that NO shares were to be issued until all matters were resolved. You have to go back to the board removing Dr Mensah and the statement that AISS stockholders could excahnge their shares 1 for 1 for CSHD shares to understand where I am comming from. Those are, IMO, the violations that led to the removal of Rufus and Darryl Horton.

Now the issue of the bonds and the misrepresentation of them in the 10K. Very few have discussed the terms of the agreements that enabled CSHD to obtain these bonds. In the 8K's it clearly stated how this happened. In consideration of CSHD being able to utilize the bonds the originator of the bonds was to recieve 50% of the sum hypothacated and 50% fo the profits that the funds were used for. Sweet deal. Makes a lot of sense why people were willing to place their bonds with CSHD. The problem comes in how those assests are reported. They were reported as assest without any liabilities. I'm not an accountant but that does not seem kosher to me. Yet, half of 7.3B is still substanial and lends creedence to the viability of the company. Just taking that at face value would mean the Book Value is $35 instead of $70. Let's divide that in half because the Bond owners would own 1/2 of all the JV's and SUB's and we still have a Book Value of $17.50 instead of $35. Now keep in mind this assumes that CSHD does actually own the bonds they say they do.

Nothing fraudulent here just erroneous like the statement by Mike Alexander states. We may get some clarification come Tuesday we may not. Is all of this according to plan? I highly doubt it. Is it real or is it memorex(a scam). no one can say for certain, not the bashers nor the pumpers. IMO, the resolution will take weeks at a minimum and probably months but not one person on God's green earth can claim to a certainty how this will play out.

Buy, Sell or Hold at your own risk.

Neptune you should listen to Simon at SubPenney before you decree that he is a pumper. I have and he has always and I mean always stated that people should do their own DD and has stated that the shares he holds are profit shares from flipping and he doesn't care one way or the other how this turns out. If you had listened you would have heard that he never once encouraged anyone to buy and has also given time to those who feel that CSHD is a scam. You should do your DD before pronoucing judgement. If you truely are attempting to save newbies, they deserve to hear both sides without bias.

This is all my opinion. Do not use it to influence your investment stradegy. Use it to begin or continue your own DD because nothing can replace the DD that you yourself does.


Well said, Wally...

can't say I "agree" with everything (I'm weak on bonds, in general, and the ins n' outs of "hypothecation" still elude me ), but if message boards in general had more content posted this well, there'd be a lot less hysteria.

Nashoba Holba Chepulechi
Adventures in microcapitalism...

Posts: 16310 | From: Fort Worth | Registered: Apr 2005 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 07:26
I took my advice from the son of a friend who works for a large brokerage house. He supposedly did all the DD and was convinced of its accuracy. I found this board after I made the purchase, and in the begining before the SEC halted the stock it seemed to collaberate with what my sourse said. What I should of done is DD my sourse. LOL

If you repeat a lie often enough it is perceived as truth

Posts: 478 | From: Florida | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 07:28
Neptune thanks for the advice.

If you repeat a lie often enough it is perceived as truth

Posts: 478 | From: Florida | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 07:58
So you go from one source to the next and still fail to do any DD on them or the companys assets. Good luck in the market.
Posts: 440 | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 08:14
not smart, i know

If you repeat a lie often enough it is perceived as truth

Posts: 478 | From: Florida | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 08:35
Maybe it's time you followed your signature.
Posts: 440 | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 08:41
I guess I'm learning that dd means something different to everyone. An infamous person once said "it depends on what your definition of "is" is."

The latest story posted by Webb. Take the story paragraph by paragraph since it seems it is a chronological sequence of events. Is it inaccurate -- not because the site is a rag or the reporter is a known basher -- but is it inaccurate?

If the answer is yes, then what evidence is there to refute those statements -- remember opinions of the rag and reporter aside? Also, individual ideas, speculation, conjecture and conspiracy theories to spin a yarn good enough for soap opera tv cannot be considered "good" dd. It is trying to turn a negative into a positive w/o fact.

So, in reality, you are left with company-filed documents -- unaudited and audited (which is questionable) -- statements made in public, on radio and over the telephone (I have noticed -- although I may have missed them if so please repost) -- that not once did anyone post an official email from one of the officers, and the internal belief that these are true.

RPH had a checkered past but for some reason(s) many on this board overlooked those events and explained them away. My bad for not doing that dd. Like 3403 I failed in that area.

So, sceptor, I assume you did dd on the company assets. I would assume you believed the company-produced documents. That's all anyone could do if you have the internal need or belief that they were true. With the amount of back pedaling on these posts, a number here are starting to question the 8k and 10k validity as well. I can see by the number of speculations on this board on how this will play out -- many are now attempting to pave the way for a longer battle with a positive spin.

The one thing I can say positive on many on this board is that you have missed your calling -- you could be best-selling fiction novelists.
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 08:57
No sense crying over spilt milk. If it is traded again salvage what one can, and if not try and make up the loss.
Someone said it may take weeks for this to be settled. That is a shame because I thought at least Tuesday we would know for sure and it would be traded or over. Hate to think of this thing being dragged out for months.

If you repeat a lie often enough it is perceived as truth

Posts: 478 | From: Florida | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:05
Why are the bashers so ravenously angry about this stock and so interested in looking out for the shareholders' "well being"....oh yeah that's right...shorting a successful company's stock = Bankruptcy! (giggle). If trading resumes Tuesday or Wednesday, don't panic sell! This is the perfect storm for the shorts. They are dying to get their hands on your shares to validate their own. Why else would they care what happened to this company?

On Wednesday, let shortie sit quietly in the corner along with that other fear-mongering, right-stealing group: the Republican Party.
Posts: 88 | From: NYC | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:08
We insult Bashers, Pumpers and now the Republican Party? Where does it end?

If you repeat a lie often enough it is perceived as truth

Posts: 478 | From: Florida | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:11

Originally posted by 3403:
I took my advice from the son of a friend who works for a large brokerage house. He supposedly did all the DD and was convinced of its accuracy. I found this board after I made the purchase, and in the begining before the SEC halted the stock it seemed to collaberate with what my sourse said. What I should of done is DD my sourse. LOL

Just being honest with you...I still do not believe you own or ever owned any of this stock....just like I do not believe Neptune.

When two post and feed off each other like you two do...I always find it have some proving to do.

My position on this stock remains...Those putting the plan together must prove they are able to get to the finish line.

- "Pay it Forward"

Posts: 1524 | Registered: Jun 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:14
This is what you hope for in dd executives of a firm. Look into HRAI. You might be impressed with what is happening.

Gregory J. Wessling
Chairman & CEO, HouseRaising, Inc.

Robert V. McLemore
Pres. & Founder, HouseRaising, Inc.

Kristy M. Carriker
Sr. VP & Chief Admin. Officer,
HouseRaising, Inc.

Grant S. Neerings
CTO, HouseRaising, Inc. &
Pres., HouseRaisingAcademy, LLC

Robert M. Burroughs
Former Sr. Judge, NC Superior Court

Daniel S. Fogel
Dean of Charlotte Programs &
Exec. Prof. of Strategy at Wake Forest U.

James O'Connor
Private Investor

Gregory J. Wessling Chairman

Gregory J. Wessling, Chairman and CEO of HouseRaising, Inc., a former Senior Executive and 33-Year Veteran of Lowe's Companies, Inc. is highly regarded throughout the building and home improvement industries. He was instrumental in transforming Lowe's from a small regional lumber and building supply retailer into a nationwide chain of home products and improvement centers with 1,100 stores in 48 states.

Robert V. McLemore Director

Robert V. McLemore, Founder and President, HouseRaising, Inc has been President of HouseRaising since June of 1999. He brings over 40 years experience managing retail custom homebuilding operations to HouseRaising and its affiliated companies. The experiences gained from four decades of selling, designing, and building some 2,000 custom homes are now being developed into a computerized management system that has become the HouseRaising Franchise.

Kristy M. Carriker Director

Kristy M. Carriker, Senior V.P., Chief Administrative Officer, HouseRaising, Inc. is responsible for all of HouseRaising's Builder Service and Support activities. Prior to joining HouseRaising in 1999, for 20 years Ms. Carriker was Vice President of Administration for a large custom homebuilding company in Charlotte.

Grant S. Neerings Director

Grant S. Neerings, Chief Technology Officer, HouseRaising, Inc. & President HouseRaising Academy, LLC, was one of the original founders of Egghead University (currently doing business as Catapult Inc. – an IBM Company.) He also led the professional services team for Primus Knowledge Solutions in deploying knowledge management systems for large Fortune 500 high-tech companies.
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:18

Originally posted by voyager1951:
I guess I'm learning that dd means something different to everyone. An infamous person once said "it depends on what your definition of "is" is."

Try and keep a grip on reality, you are succumbing to the very claim you make of others. fictional posting.
Posts: 440 | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:18
Can anyone, in your opinion rushdabus, be angry at what has happened and not be a shortie?
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:20
What is fictional in that post, sceptor?
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:20

Originally posted by voyager1951:
This is what you hope for in dd executives of a firm. Look into HRAI. You might be impressed with what is happening.

at least you didnt waste anytime on getting to the real reason for posting in this thread. Go pump your stock somewhere else.
Posts: 440 | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:24
Alright, I won't mention it again. But tips have to come from somewhere don't they? And why not talk about a potential good investment when talking about CSHD is not going to do anything to change anything?
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:25
Sceptor -

I'll ask again what NONE of you bashing, one-dimensional shorts can't or won't answer.

When and how have Rufus, Mike Alexander, Sabra Dabbs, and Ben Stanley benefited financially from this purporte fraud? It's only one question and its a pretty simple one.

Good luck answering it and be careful not to embarass yourself
Posts: 386 | From: Plano, TX | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:25
Besides, I have seen several others here mention other stocks.
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:26

Originally posted by TexasMoney:
Sceptor -

I'll ask again what NONE of you bashing, one-dimensional shorts can't or won't answer.

When and how have Rufus, Mike Alexander, Sabra Dabbs, and Ben Stanley benefited financially from this purporte fraud? It's only one question and its a pretty simple one.

Good luck answering it and be careful not to embarass yourself

You do realize I'm not a basher right?
Posts: 440 | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:28
Well, Texas, one answer which is pure speculation to your question is that they didn't get the chance to complete the fraud -- thus they didn't benefit financially -- they goofed.
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:29

Originally posted by sceptor:

Originally posted by TexasMoney:
Sceptor -

I'll ask again what NONE of you bashing, one-dimensional shorts can't or won't answer.

When and how have Rufus, Mike Alexander, Sabra Dabbs, and Ben Stanley benefited financially from this purporte fraud? It's only one question and its a pretty simple one.

Good luck answering it and be careful not to embarass yourself

You do realize I'm not a basher right?

I'm not sure why I picked out your name. Feel free to copy and paste the question to the appropriate person(s). Its one that drives them insane!
Posts: 386 | From: Plano, TX | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:33

Originally posted by voyager1951:
Well, Texas, one answer which is pure speculation to your question is that they didn't get the chance to complete the fraud -- thus they didn't benefit financially -- they goofed.

their shares are restricted for 2 years. Mike A's were the only ones that would have been tradable and he still would have had to file a form 144 and get an opinion from the company atty and approved by the transfer agaent before being allowed.

You need to debate with knowledge.
Posts: 440 | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:35
Who restricted the shares?
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:36
What continues to be ignored by those who are now negative is that there is no value to CSHD unless it has assets.

Therefore, no reason to step in and save it.

I will not tell anyone not to sell. If you follow the tenets of trading penny stocks this process is a whole lot less stressful folks.

While I do not like the time line or going to court I do not plan to sell one share next week if we open on Tuesday. If it falls low enough I may buy more.

- "Pay it Forward"

Posts: 1524 | Registered: Jun 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:37

Originally posted by voyager1951:
Who restricted the shares?

I would recommend you reading the merger 8-k.
Posts: 440 | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:38
Should be a very simple answer. I'm waiting
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:42

Originally posted by voyager1951:
Should be a very simple answer. I'm waiting

While you are waiting, read the merger 8-k and answer your question for yourself. This isn't kindergarten, you are expected to be up on the issues if you want to debate them.
Posts: 440 | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:43
Always the same comeback.
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:46

Originally posted by voyager1951:
Who restricted the shares?

lol...I know you are going to tell us they planned to dillute and unrestrict everything right after the price zoomed....the .12 to $2-$3 range with volume was not enough right?

If this were a pump and dump...again no reason to save the company...they could all walk away. Mike A. has another company to run now.

Not to mention that based on the number of shares held by Mike A he could only sell 1% a month.

Now they are pulling back all those restricted shares from the board so your argument loses even more credibility.

Not to mention...I know exactly where Mike A's shares are sitting.

- "Pay it Forward"

Posts: 1524 | Registered: Jun 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:48

Originally posted by voyager1951:
Can anyone, in your opinion rushdabus, be angry at what has happened and not be a shortie?

It's that your anger is without any true purpose other than to ridicule. (ie: we're all in la la land - remember?) I want FACTS and not rhetoric; I look for Due Diligence, not Fear Mongering. All I'm saying is let's wait until this settlement is reached. Am I optomistic? Sure! But what other choice do I have at this point? My optimism comes from the fact that the company is choosing to reorganize its BOD, which usually comes as a provision of a settlement. I've dealt with government agancies before and, believe me, they hate to admit mistakes (sorry, oversights) and love to reach settlements where the defendant admits guilt in some form. This is what gives me hope, but I feel does not make me a cultist.

Shortie wants panic and the grey sheets; but who else would? Be angry about what is happening, but don't levy your anger on the optomists.

Does that sound good to you?
Posts: 88 | From: NYC | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:53

Originally posted by voyager1951:
Always the same comeback.

That is correct. Because it is the correct comeback for bashers. Read the 8-k, it is clearly defined in it. Trying to make negative accusations against the company and then demanding others to support the facts to refute those claims is the standard method used by bashers.

How about taking your pumped stock and head back on over there and stop bashing this one. You arent here to determine anything about this one that much is obvious.
Posts: 440 | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:55
Are we talking about the same 8K that had the average closing price adjustment section? Yeah, portman, I am eluding to the fact that this fraudlent document was written by the same people who could change it to their advantage in the future by controlling over 50 percent of the stock.

I don't believe the 8k, 10k and to comeback in your words, I don't believe you and your knowledge of Mike A.
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:57

Originally posted by sceptor:

Originally posted by voyager1951:
Always the same comeback.

That is correct. Because it is the correct comeback for bashers. Read the 8-k, it is clearly defined in it. Trying to make negative accusations against the company and then demanding others to support the facts to refute those claims is the standard method used by bashers.

How about taking your pumped stock and head back on over there and stop bashing this one. You arent here to determine anything about this one that much is obvious.

Always questions from these types...notice how they never answer questions posed to them with anything other than more questions and comments that are either not researched or speculation intended to seed FUD.

That is IF they answer the questions at all.

- "Pay it Forward"

Posts: 1524 | Registered: Jun 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 09:58
Sceptor, I believe the 8k was fraudulent, so I can't come to the same conclusion as you. It was written and filed by people with questionable pasts.
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 09:59

Originally posted by voyager1951:
Sceptor, I believe the 8k was fraudulent, so I can't come to the same conclusion as you. It was written and filed by people with questionable pasts.

Well, I guess we are questioning both your past and motives. Therefore, all you post is questionable.

Are you willing to allow me to DD you?

- "Pay it Forward"

Posts: 1524 | Registered: Jun 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 10:00
I have read the documents and seen how this has played out, and I can come to no other conclusion not to believe in the accuracy of the 8k or 10k.
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


Member Rated:
posted November 05, 2006 10:02
Yes, you can dd me. It's my picture in the dictionary beside -- stupid stock investor. Lol. And that's the simple truth.
Posts: 77 | Registered: Oct 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 10:02
Oh well...been fun playing with voyager....time for breakfast with the family.

I always like someone who can conclude something before a judge

- "Pay it Forward"

Posts: 1524 | Registered: Jun 2006 | IP: Logged |


posted November 05, 2006 10:02

Originally posted by voyager1951:
Are we talking about the same 8K that had the average closing price adjustment section? Yeah, portman, I am eluding to the fact that this fraudlent document was written by the same people who could change it to their advantage in the future by controlling over 50 percent of the stock.

I don't believe the 8k, 10k and to comeback in your words, I don't believe you and your knowledge of Mike A.

You assume it's the closing price adjustment that the latest 8-k was referring to. We dont believe you know that to be the case either.
Posts: 440 | Registered: Jul 2006 | IP: Logged |

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Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp Announces Results of Emergency Board Meeting of AISS and Additions to BOD and Infrastructure

KENNESAW, Ga., Sept. 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Conversion Solutions
Holdings Corp (OTC Bulletin Board: CSHD), a Delaware Corporation, announces
the following current events have taken place.
CSHC would like to announce that during an Emergency Board meeting
called for the Joint Venture Corporation of American International Smart
Structure, it was voted and resolved to remove Dr. Thomas Mensah as
President and CEO of AISS and to offer a share swap transaction to all
Georgia Aerospace shareholders.
Notice: To all Georgia Aerospace shareholders, please contact Mitchell
Sepaniak at 770-420-8270 Extension 2382 to arrange a share swap transaction
for CSHC.
"This is a regretful situation but necessary. AISS is a JV corporation
of CSHC and will continue to be so. We will escrow the funds for the
project and proceed forward after the appointment of a new Board of
Directors and Officers," stated Rufus Paul Harris, CEO.
CSHC would also like to announce the addition of Sabra Dabbs and
Mitchell Sepaniak to our team of professionals.
Ms. Sabra Dabbs has been added to the Board of Directors as Corporation
Secretary and Executive Vice President of Global Investments of Conversion
Solutions Holding Corp. Ms. Dabbs is active in global asset management,
investments, finance, business development and development of corporate
infrastructure. Her experience includes more than twenty years in
management; nine years of finance, mergers, and acquisitions; and five
years in international business development and negotiations at the highest
levels. She has first hand experience in emerging markets in the Far East,
Latin America, and the Eastern Europe. Ms. Dabbs' business career has
included ownership of several companies within the United States and
internationally, covering a spectrum of interests within Corporate
Management, Financial Advisory, Project Funding and Information Technology.
Mr. Mitchell Sepaniak has over 25 years of experience at the Executive
management level with WebMD, ADP, National Data Corporation, Ciba, and
Bausch & Lomb. Most recently, he was the CEO of Weida Corporation.
"Mitchell brings to CSHC experience in creating strategies and managing
multi-national companies, a rich leadership background in blue chip,
mid-size and start up firms. His success in building companies, products,
and brands, through organic and business development means will greatly
enhance our success with each investment project," stated Sabra Dabbs, EVP.
"Ms. Dabbs and Mr. Sepaniak are a wonderful addition to our team. Their
abilities to resolve issues in an expedient manner is nothing short of
amazing," stated Rufus Paul Harris.
About Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp
CSHC is a diversified holdings corporation, which was formed to
originate, fund and source funding for asset-based transactions in the
private market. CSHC's main service will be to acquire, fund and provide
insurance to target companies in the currently underserved $15,000,000 to
$100,000,000 asset finance market. Our funding will enable our businesses
to compete more effectively, improve operations and increase value. CSHC is
headquartered in Kennesaw, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta. For more
information, please visit us at
Contact: Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp
Ben Stanley - Ext. 2383
Rufus Harris - Ext. 2384
Sabra Dabbs - Ext. 2385
Mitch Sepaniak - Ext. 2382

SOURCE Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp


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