Keep up the pressure. Don't let them go to sleep. It is only pressure that gets results. No one likes it. It will also let Lumb know to be careful what he's about as there is a BIG VOICE out there.
I took on our Local London Goverment a little while a go. I took it to every source I could think of, among them, - the Ombudsman, the Central Government, the House of Lords, and threatened with the media (but kept them as a last resort back-up)
Didn't relax, just kept up the pressure - emails are fantastic especially when you send copies to all those concerned and they each see who's getting the message.
It's our greatest weapon today when used right.
Yes, in the end I won, and they had to pay me for my trouble - the Ombudsman who earlier had sided with 'city hall' negotiated the settlement. (I had even threatened to take the Ombudsman to the HIgh Court)
We all (both sides of the Pond) still have what is left of a 'free and democratic' society (though I fear it diminishes a little daily) SO , as they say about many things - 'If you don't want to lose it - USE IT!
Bon Chance
When you write to FFGO show that you send a copy to your broker.
Even the SEC, and/or whomever, if things hot up.