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Tuesday, 10/30/2007 3:25:13 PM

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 3:25:13 PM

Post# of 246
I just received this information from Pedro via email and he gave me permission to post it.

SOCIEDAD para el Desarrollo de BIO Combustible:
“JATROPHA BIO FUEL <JBF.1>…for a Green Planet”

Documento Estrictamente Confidencial


Nuestra Razón Social…

“La Sociedad para el Desarrollo de BIO Combustible: Jatropha BIO Fuel<JBF.1> será una Sociedad Anónima Costarricense con un capital social representado por tantas acciones comunes como metros cuadrados de Plantación de Jatropha (Tempate) existan en los terrenos de interés. Es una empresa “Holding Inmobiliario” para la siembra del árbol JATROPHA (Tempate); Su cultivo y producción de las frutas-semillas para el refinamiento y comercialización del BIO Combustible identificado para estos fines como <JBF.1>, (una alternativa a los hidrocarburos); Será una Sociedad Jurídica de capital abierto y variable, sus acciones comunes podrán ser ofertadas y adquiridas a través de la Bolsa Nacional de Valores de la Republica de Costa Rica y el PDRex en la Republica de Panamá.

Sus activos están compuestos de la siguiente forma:

1. El usufructo de las plantaciones individuales de agricultores independientes. Identificados para estos efectos como <Colono Productor afiliado> a<JBF.1>, utilizando el “modus operandi” de un modelo/mecanismo “cooperativista” de colonos productores afiliados, para la siembra y cultivo de la fruta-semilla del árbol conocido como Jatropha (Tempate).
2. La cosecha de las frutas-semillas de Jatropha (Tempate) producida por los colonos productores afiliados será vendida exclusivamente a la Sociedad para el desarrollo de BIO Combustible: <JBF.1>.
3. El inventario de las frutas-semillas para ser procesado por <JBF.1> y el producto en forma de aceite y sus derivados. Tales como: BIO Combustible, BIO Fertilizante y otros.
4. El producto refinado denominado como: Marca comercial <JBF.1> para el BIO Combustible y <JBF.2>para el BIO Fertilizante y otros.
5. Los Micro Bosques de Jatropha (Tempate) con los beneficios comerciales que estos ofrecen a nuestro ecosistema contribuyendo a mitigar el efecto del calentamiento global.

Su fin social es la protección a perpetuidad de los bosques de Jatropha (Tempate) que conforman las plantaciones afiliadas, así como promover los beneficios del conocimiento amplio de como su ecosistema contribuye a mitigar el proceso de calentamiento global”

“Cultivo de Tempate…BIO Combustible <JBF.1>…para un Planeta Verde”

Los seis objetivos de <JBF.1>:

1 Siembra de Jatropha (TEMPATE)
2 Cultivo y recolección de las frutas – semillas,
3 Procesamiento de las semillas para producir el aceite,
4 Procesamiento de la cáscara de las semillas para obtener BIO Combustible y BIO Fertilizante,
5 Producción de BIO Fuel,
6 Creación de JATROPHA Micro Bosques (créditos de carbono CO2)

Origen y descripción de la Jatropha:

Del griego iatrós = médico, y trophé = alimento
Según datos científicos, el Jatropha curcas (Jatropha Curcas L.), conocida en Costa Rica como TEMPATE, es una oleaginosa de porte arbustivo, perteneciente a la familia de las Euforbiáceas, que tiene más de 3 mil 500 especies agrupadas en 210 géneros. Pero la verdad menos solemne y más concreta es que el Jatropha curcas es un árbol aparentemente inútil y bastante feo. Tan inútil y tan feo que casi llegó a extinguirse en Nicaragua, porque nadie se tomaba la molestia de sembrarlo ni de dejarlo crecer.
Sólo se utilizaba como cerca viva: sus frutos venenosos ahuyentan el ganado, con lo que se asegura que las reses permanezcan en los pastos. El Jatropha curcas no sirve para sombra, porque en el verano, cuando el calor aprieta, se le caen las hojas. Ni para leña, porque su madera arde mal.

El Jatropha curcas sobrevive y crece en las tierras marginales y erosionadas, en las tierras que ya no sirven para la actividad agrícola, porque se agotaron. Existe una variedad que necesita poca agua para crecer: con 200-250mm. De precipitaciones lluviosas por año tiene suficiente, aunque tampoco le molestan las lluvias copiosas de hasta 2 mil mm. Por año. En pocas palabras, el Jatropha curcas crece donde no crece casi nada y se puede adaptar a la inundación y a la sequía. En cuanto a la productividad, su vocación es de servicio: empieza a producir de manera rentable al cabo de un año de sembrado, su producción se incrementa año con año durante los primeros 5 años y a partir de ahí se estabiliza en los 30-50 años que le quedan de vida. El fruto del Jatropha curcas es como una pelotita de ping-pong de color café claro en cuyo interior, envuelta en una cascarita pergaminosa, se encuentran varias semillas del tamaño, forma y apariencia de una almendra, aunque más blancuzca.


“Jatropha Cultivation... <JBF.1> BIO Fuel...for a green Planet”

COSTA RICA a natural growing ground for TEMPATE the famous JATROPHA the seed for the future BIO Fuel, offers:

Highly educated workers, easy to train and productive farming resources
Political, economic and social stability
Legal guarantees and economic freedom
Strategic location as the Pan American service center
Export-oriented infrastructure, reliable power and advanced telecommunications
Preferential access to important markets
Attractive tax incentives
Free professional assistance from CINDE
A growing economy

And its most valuable natural resource is its fertile volcanic soil, home of TEMPATE (Jatropha) our famous live fence and the future for BIO Fuel. Forests of oaks, pines and tropical hardwoods cover about one third of the country’s land. About a fourth of Costa Rica’s workers are engaged in farming or ranching and we all know TEMPATE as our basic living fence to keep our livestock from going stray. Costa Rica economy depends on foreign trade and the JATROPHA BIO Fuel projects can become the flagship of our new economical jewel the JATROPHA BIO FUEL.! <JBF.1> as we have set to promote in this presentation.

Timing is everything when making an investment in land and for Costa Rica that time is now!!!

About JATROPHA (Tempate)

Botanical Features: It is a small tree or shrub with smooth gray bark, which exudes whitish colored, watery, latex when cut. Normally, it grows between three and five meters in height, but can attain a height of up to eight or ten meters under favorable conditions

Leaves: It has large green to pale-green leaves, alternate to sub-opposite, three-to five-lobed with a spiral phyllotaxis.

Flowers: The petiole length ranges between 6-23 mm. The inflorescence is formed in the leaf axils. Flowers are formed terminally, individually, with female flowers usually slightly larger and occur in the hot seasons. In conditions where continuous growth occurs, an unbalance of pistil late or staminate flower production results in a higher number of female flowers. More number of female

Flowers are grown by the plant if bee keeping is done along with. More female flowers give more number of seeds.

Fruits: Fruits are produced in winter when the shrub is leafless, or it may produce several crops during the year if soil moisture is good and temperatures are sufficiently high. Each inflorescence yields a bunch of approximately 10 or more ovoid fruits. A three, bi-valve coccid is formed after the seeds mature and the fleshy apocarps dries.
Seeds: The seeds become mature when the capsule changes from green to yellow, after two to four months from fertilization. The blackish, thin shelled seeds are oblong and resemble small castor seeds.

Production of Seeds and oil: From the experience in India and elsewhere, a plant density of 1,100 per hectare (spacing of 3 X 3 meters) has been found to be optimal, although in rain fed areas on poor
soils a lower plant density of 1,666 has been felt to be more desirable. In such plantations Jatropha gives about 2 kg of seed per tree. In relatively poor desert soils, such as in Kutch (Gujrat) the yields have been reported to be 1 kg per plant. The seed production in plantations varies between 2.5 tons / hectare and 5 tons / hectare, depending upon whether the soils are poor or average. (Some people claim that you can get 12 tons per hectare. This is not possible as 2 meters tall Jatropha plant can not bear more than 1 kg of seeds per season initially. This level of production may be possible from a 10 year old Jatropha plant).

If planted in hedges, the reported productivity of Jatropha is from 0.8 kg., to 1.0 kg., of seed, per meter of live fence. Assuming a square plot, a fence around it will have a length of 400 sq. meters and a production of 0.4 MT of seed. A hedge along one hectare will be equal to 0.1 hectare of block plantation. The seed production is around 3.5 tons / hectare / annum.

Oil content varies from 28% to 30% and 94% extraction, one hectare of plantation will give 1.6 MT of oil if the soil is average, 0.75 MT if the soil is later tic, and 1.0 MT if the soil is of the type found in Kutch (Gujarat). One hectare of plantation on average soil will on an average give 1.6 Metric Tons of oil. Plantation per hectare on poorer soils will give 0.9 MT of oil.

It can meet a number of objectives such as meeting domestic needs of energy including cooking and lighting, as an additional source of household income and employment, bio fertilizer, medicines, and industrial raw material for soap, cosmetics, etc., in creating environmental benefits, protection of crops or pasture lands, or as a hedge for erosion control, or as a windbreak and a source of organic manure.

Ecological Requirements: Jatropha grows almost anywhere – even on gravelly, sandy and saline soils. It can thrive on the poorest stony soil. It can grow even in the crevices of rocks. The leaves shed during the winter months form mulch around the base of the plant. The organic matter from shed leaves enhance earth-worm activity in the soil around the root-zone of the plants, which improves the fertility of the soil. Climatically, Jatropha is found in the tropics and subtropics and likes heat, although it does well even in lower temperatures and can withstand a light frost. Its water requirement is extremely low (1 liter per plant, once in 15 days) and it can stand long periods of drought by shedding most of its leaves to reduce transpiration loss. Jatropha is also suitable for preventing soil erosion and shifting of sand dunes.

Analysis of the Jatropha seed shows the following chemical composition:

Moisture 6.20 %
Protein 18.00 %
Fat 38.00 %
Carbohydrates 17.00 %
Fiber 15.50 %
Ash 5.30 %
The oil content is 25 – 30% in the seeds and 50 – 60% in the kernel. The oil contains 21% saturated fatty acids and 79% unsaturated fatty acids. There are some chemical elements in the seed, Cur sin, which are poisonous and render the oil not appropriate for human consumption.
Oil as Raw material: Oil has a very high saponification value and is being extensively used for making soap in some countries. Also, the oil is used as an illuminant in lamps as it burns without emitting smoke. It is also used as fuel in place of, or along with, Kerosene in stoves.

Medicinal tree: The latex of Jatropha contains an alkaloid known as atropine, which is believed to have anti-cancerous properties. It is also used as an external application for skin diseases and rheumatism and for sores on domestic livestock. In addition, the tender twigs of the plant are used for cleaning teeth, while the juice of the leaf is used as an external application for piles. Finally, the roots are reported to be used as an antidote for snake-bites.
Raw material for dye: The bark of Jatropha yields a dark blue dye which is used for coloring cloth, fishing nets and lines.
Soil enrichment: Jatropha oil cake is rich in nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and can be used as organic manure.
Leaves: Jatropha leaves are used as food for the Tusser silkworm.
Insecticide/pesticide: The seeds are considered anthelimintic in Brazil, and the leaves are used for fumigating houses against bed-bugs. Also, the ether extract shows antibiotic activity against Staphylococcus aurous and Escherichia coli.
Alternative to Diesel: It is significant to point out that, the non-edible vegetable oil of Jatropha has the requisite potential of providing a promising and commercially viable alternative to diesel oil since it has desirable physicochemical and performance characteristics comparable to diesel. Cars could be run with Jatropha without requiring much change in design.

There a number of varieties of Jatropha. Best among these is Jatropha curcas.
Other varieties are:
• Jatropha curcas (nontoxic)
• Jatropha curcas x Jatropha integrerrima
• Jatropha gossypifolia
• Jatropha glandulifera
• Jatropha tanjorensis
• Jatropha multifida
• Jatropha podagrica
• Jatropha integerrima

MicroForests CO2Neutrality Status:
Jatropha has multiple roles as MicroForests for mitigating climate change by reducing emission of green house gases, meeting rural energy needs, protecting the environment and generating gainful employment.
All attempts to increase its production and productivity, oil extraction by application of appropriate technology, product development, diversification and policies will promote Jatropha farming as a Costa Rican national interest.
There can be 6 Business Lines:
1. Plantation of Jatropha,
2. Collection of Oil bearing seeds,
3. Processing of seeds to produce oil and seed cake,
4. Processing of cake to get Bio Gas and Bio Fertilizer,
5. Production of BIO Fuel,
6. MicroForests, CO2 Neutrality Status (carbon Credits)

The oil cake is rich in nutrients,
Will provide BIO Fuel,
Very good BIO Fertilizer for soils which are getting increasingly deficient in carbon and nutrients,
Every component of the program will generate massive employment for farmers and will assist the socioeconomic development of the Central American Region and Costa Rica, which have experienced the adverse impact of forest degradation plus loss of natural resources.

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