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Alias Born 06/20/2007


Re: crooked33 post# 78007

Wednesday, 10/24/2007 6:20:44 PM

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 6:20:44 PM

Post# of 247242
crooked you got to be kidding do way to good of a job with DD to put that out...look it says in your article, Plant Not Done Yet..yea thats cuz it was going to be done by a different company in 05, we took it over and now in 07 construction has begun..GS Agrifuels will get govt funding for this and industry loans...they are not going to fund this plant with shares of SWVC, at .03 cents a share we would have to dilute to 3 billion then the price would be .0002 come on dont lose focus on this was expected in many ways...far to many people do not understand this 8-K and to many were looking Wal Mart numbers I guess...come next week all of this will be a memory...hang in there.