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Re: None

Sunday, 02/15/2004 11:15:30 PM

Sunday, February 15, 2004 11:15:30 PM

Post# of 168
"No Own - No Sell Original Petition" Save The USA Markets
To: The SEC & Congressional Finance Committee

We, the undersigned, request immediate action to halt the destruction of our national financial system. Whereas, both greedy American and off-shore anti-American interests are currently exercising their right to impose financial sanctions by short selling our financial markets into oblivion.

Therefore we seek an immediate suspension of all short selling until adequate safeguards can be implemented (a "No Own, No Sell" policy) to protect our markets and our investors. In order to insure Our Financial foundation’s safety, No Sale should be allowed without Proof of Ownership. Further, we request that ADR sells and all sell orders generated outside the United States be accompanied by an electronic certificate of ownership or the actual paper certificate of ownership.

It is our considered opinion that if this action is not taken by the SEC to curtail short selling by off-shore hedge funds and openly anti-American interests immediately, these short sellers will continue to rob the American investor of hard earned money and destroy our financial markets. In the current unrestricted environment these short sellers can bring all of the indices down to ZERO.

The time to act is now and save our Markets before it's too late!
The Undersigned

1 Gary Swancey Author of Petition
2 lance berger with this economy why own if you can short
3 Brad Morris Short selling is the exact opposite of what our country is fundamentally based. Short selling destroys companies and markets.
4 David Wagoner
5 Franklin S. Fontaine Short selling is nothing more than theft by conversion.
6 John Gernannt
7 Craig Hjalmarson It needs to stop
8 Malcolm Steed Sort selling is killing our market. No way to know short position.
9 nitya Shorts are killing the already tormented market.
10 David Weed Co-Author of this petition
11 David Hansen
12 Michael Thomas Short selling is killing our economy! It must be stopped.
13 Walter Agsten
14 howard walsh
15 William Hayden
16 Tom Hemingway I agree!
17 Richard Hutt
18 Greg Richardson This needs to be done NOW!
19 john hamstra
20 Paul Regnier
21 Paul Taylor at least moderate the rules to temporarily raise shortselling margin requirments
22 ed wilson otcbb shorting is out of hand from overseas investors and corporations
23 Sara Swafford
24 Don Esposito
25 michael rubino
26 casey_319 what happened to all the "pledges" not to sell or short??
27 Thomas L Sauer any other venue.The stock market should not be an exception..
28 William R. Anctil Selling what isn't yours is a crime in any other venue.The stock market should not be an exception..
29 Kevin McCarty Shorts incentive is to hurt company and shareholders, why allow that?
30 Dave Hay
31 Charles Light the market is out of equilibrium and you know it. Eliminate all naked shorting. Punish the ones who engage in it. Let the deception end. You have the proof and you have the power to stop it. Then stop it.
32 Ken Hellyer
33 James R. Stewart
34 Elizabeth Ceal Shorts and bashers are out of control
35 JC Goodwill OTC weakend by short selling, could kill it
36 william L andrew
37 Kathy Doherty Lets stand behind America
38 Carl Chiavara Small investors are willing to play by the rules lets make everyone play by the same standards and level the playing field.Isn't that what the government agencies are supposed to do?
39 Gary J. Wegmann Traders should be allowed to sell only shares they already own. Selling shares "borrowed" from someone else is not conducive to a free market place.
40 Erick Kollerbohm
41 stan podlofsky
42 Bradley J. Fiene
44 Jim Whiting North American
46 robert lloyd The rules should be the same for shorting a stock or commodity as it is for going long. The sec almost always changes margin requirements or takes other measures to stop a rapidly rising market however the sec does nothing to prevent hedge funds and large investors from naked shorting a market to death without ever owning any stock or commodity. This must change.
47 Allan Rigg
48 curtis hagge
49 Stephen R Anderson Very serious matter indeed!
50 Mr. Jan A. Kusy
51 Gregg Mangan
52 George A. Ruffalo One point of clarification : Contrary to common opinion, shorting a stock does not make the share price of a stock go down, but what it does do is create an atmosphere of negative investor sentiment and diminishes the number of "would be buyers" of a stock needed to make the stock price go up . I am therefore against shorting of stocks and would like to see it eliminated .
53 David Ries
54 Gary Evans
55 Joe Bortolotto
56 Earl C. Wafford
57 Don Fisher Please, this needs to be done right now, before it is too late!
58 Kevin Cundy
59 Ron McCrary
60 Karen Reinker We need to put ethics back into our market!
61 Jeff Gruenwald need to not restrict daytraders either
62 Muel
63 Noma Sallis shorting stocks is what has caused this recession.
64 jean marcotte
65 line voided
66 Robert Dunn I agree. No one should profit from the current disaster that those folks suffered in New York, Washington, or Pennsylvania. If we are truly United then we must put all interests as a priority and not only those who stand to gain from such a tragedy. By allowing this to happen it is allowing a few people to profit while the masses suffer. And that my friends should not ever be the way we live in this great country.
67 james samuel stop short selling
68 Jack Lynch
69 James Smith Do it NOW.
70 E. Daniel Cantrell united we stand
71 Arthur W. Vasbinder
72 Robert Oliver Shorting must be controlled!
73 Dave Marshall
74 Philip Reimers
75 Edward Legere
76 Scott Brown
77 Darrell Foltz
78 Larry R Allphin
79 Peter Draffehn
80 Tim Pearson make it happen!
81 Joyce Timmer
82 Billie J. Brewer
83 matt williams please hurry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
84 W.G. W
85 Frank Delattre
86 Raymond Yeck
87 Donald Droesch It is long over due that this practice should be stopped!
88 James M. Chandler serious problem needs addressing
89 Mike Gladkowski Immoral and illegal practices must be stopped. The rules are useless if not enforced.
91 J Kahan
92 Carlo Mangiaruga
93 Carlos C Gonzalez I agree
94 james
95 Wayne Pedersen Should not be allowed in the first place
96 Robert Johnson
97 Dennis W. Kutsche
98 J.D. Szumlas
99 M. C. Hansen
100 francesco venneri
101 H.A.Wood
102 Greg Roderick
103 James Creed, Jr.
104 Ruby Creed
105 Bruce Thomas Stop Manipulation on Wall Street
106 Bob Mccawley
107 Richard K. Rothell Perhaps there are legitimate instances where shorting is appropriate, but it has been abused to the point that it must be stopped for the continued well-being of our markets.
108 gary rhodes would we let any other type of business to sell things that they don't own. autos, land, houses,groceries, or anything at all?
109 S.E. Prescott This is long past due: shorts borrowing longs' shares to sell against them. Outrageous practice from the get go. Let's get it to GO!
110 Michael Wolf
111 Valleen R. Blanchet
112 Alicia Navor
113 Roger Hungerbuehler
114 Craig Cowden
115 stop the short
116 Chris Baskett
117 larry v dagen Please look into this very serious problem
118 Andy Mulcahy Gone on long enough
119 philip Kopel
120 Dennis Fisher
121 James T. Barnes I agree,let's have an even playing field..
122 Robert J. Bennett
123 Vincent Navor
124 UKBird
125 Sam Jaros
126 barbara ellis sick of shorts on my stks
127 Gary Williams te action is required. This is a matter of national security.
128 Rande Isabella The attack on America continues. Immediate action is required. This is a matter of national security.
129 Thomas Dowell Please on all stock!!!
130 Cathy Sigo
131 Gary Stivers
132 Linda Sigo
133 Robert Miller short selling is hurting the market .Newsletters are saying the market is going much lower. This is caused in part by short selling.
134 Robet C. Allen
135 Jonathan Klotzbach
136 Paul Weiland I have always thought selling short made the stock market more of a gambling casino than an investment house.
137 Alan Garland Brown the MM manipulation has been out of hand for years/and is robbery!!!!!!
138 Robert Johnson
139 Gerald Merna
140 William Clinton Carter Short Selling undermines a small company's ability to grow and allows people to bank on it doing poorly. How UN AMERICAN it is to WANT our businesses to do poorly so you can profit.
141 Steve Loser
142 Robert Gibbons Stop Naked shorting, rejuvenate america
143 Lorna McLeod & Daniel Borich
144 Jeff Allen Naked shorting is illegal for us, it should be for them.
145 Dave Fagen Shorting should be banned. Too many investors, and companies have been seriously hurt by organized shorting.
146 George F. Vaughn, Jr.
147 D. Sparks
148 gene shaker
149 S. Darrell Youngblood Naked shorting is out of control by foreigners. This assualt on our financial markets must be stopped. Only the SEC, Congress, and the White House can change the rules of the game.
150 daphne cash
151 R. K. Hedrick
152 bernwa get a grip you people................................
153 Vincent Malgapo
154 Joan Cummins Also: information on shorting is only given out once a month. With the technology at our disposal today, why is this information not available on a daily basis? Investing for me has been an education in legalized criminal behavior (of various types) and the SEC does nothing. Would you please explain to us why nothing is done? Is the SEC itself powerless, ignorant or are you secretly condoning what you see? Wall Street needs to go back to school and take an ethics class.
155 Amar Mahmood
157 Ruthie Martin Crucial for our economy right now
158 Jim Schomburg
159 Craig Koziar Please implement ownership restriction rules immediately.
160 Chris Shepherd The way it should be.
161 James White
162 walter lysik Rules which apply to us on US stocks should apply to foreigners or americans trading in foreign accounts. All who have been doing this should be made to buy the stocks at a premium or pay a fine. Please note I am not opposed to short selling if properly executed under our rules.
163 Erick von Alroth Naked Shorting only benefits non Americans. How can that possibly be good???
164 Thomas L. Cummins
165 bob kubecka
166 mark maynard
167 Carolyn Tibbs
168 Michael Ottomanelli
169 Matt Mencel
170 Jerry V. Gummere
171 Lillian Wright
172 Michael Wright
173 L. Jerome Langhi
174 Larry J. Hough Please regulate the Market Makers !
175 Brian Solner
176 Fritz Voecks
177 bruce susel help the HONEST INVESTOR
178 leroy jellison
179 Eino Fitz short selling practices are destroying my future
180 Terry Shaub
181 Gerald Musick We MUST adopt this petition
182 Kirk Dzurisin who invented this shorting crap, anyway
183 Bryant hopper
184 Daniel Vu
185 Randy Yorke
186 C.J. van der List A very good initiativ
187 Nathan Foster
188 Monica Lo
189 david williams
190 Semyon Ronkin those who did not invest in a stock must not have the ability to sell it
191 Joe Lyddon Let's close this huge illegal hole.
192 Pete Garrett Selling what isn't yours is a crime in any other venue.The stock market should not be an exception..
193 David G Williams
194 Robert J. Soderstrom
195 Michael Laskowski
196 Dr. John Albert Guilliot
197 Anthony@Pacific You are totally insane the mkts have cratered because of the sins of The major Firms on WallStreet , By the way they have the largest naked short positions of any one, They are exempt from the same rules the public is bound to, THIS IS NOT A SIGNIATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
198 Patrick Lauder
199 mike brown
200 Robert Warren Short selling is stealing. Short selling in fact has the effect of increasing any companies number of shares out standing.
201 line voided
201 Moe fuelondelphia Shorts is what is keeping this market up, also the evil shorts that you say are so bad have saved many innocent investors millions/billions from the scams and overvalued companies out there This is not a signature
202 Moez K@$$am Short Sellings makes the market more efficient.......these posts about 'shorting is killing the market' is spoken out of pure IGNORANCE
203 Bob Anderson
204 Lynn Menetto
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205 Jim Riggins The markets cannot work without shorting They just don't teach it in investing 101 ERTS would fall to 20's immediatly if there was no shorting Conisder yourself lucky that ERTS is still in the 40's, thanks to the shorts who keep buying to cover This, also, is NOT a signature.
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207 no signature (see comment below) Market Specialist and Market Makers are allowed to sell short, as a mechanism to facilitate stock transaction to the general public "to make a market" in what may be an illiquid market The general publics participation in selling short makes the markets even more efficient, and, at the same time, provide competition for the Market makers and Wall Street firms that are selling short Without the ability to sell short, money funds would sell stock at the bid, really pummel the price of the security they were selling instead of trying to work the sale in an uptick.
208 paul s beisler
209 line voided
209 petewitt save the markets my @$$!So they will run $2 stocks to $1200/share again.How about stop whinning and blaming others for your poor trading skills and stop tampering with free markets-if you pay $1000 for a $2 stock imo it should have never that high to begin with-shorting keeps this from happening.Can you imagine1999 with out it?This is not a signature.
210 alan hegglund
211 Jim Rogers Let them buy puts if they don't like the stock
212 Linda D. Hughes Please!
213 Mrs. Cindy Buell
214 Todd Moore
215 Kamran Anwar
216 R Miler NO OWN NO SELL get it!
217 M Cohons Markets can not work without shorting and it is a key component IS BULLS**T and the cry of all shorts alone! Do you take us retail investors for idiots? Well yes you have but no longer. It is time to stand up and scream NO SHORTING we DO NOT require this for a healthy marketplace!
218 DeVere L. Ferrin
219 Lois Dibble
220 John Payne seems the prudent thing to do
221 Bob Brooks
222 james e. fletcher
223 Ralph G. Hallenbeck strongly support
224 Rudi Lee If you don't own it, you can't short it!
225 van grootel peter
226 Kai Mesterton I believe market makers must be allowed to continue shorting stocks in order to provide shares to buyers and maintain market liquidity. I'd favor a ban on shorting for investors on stocks selling for under $5 per share. This would keep many struggling companies from being delisted. Thank you.
227 L Langford At least persue naked short sellers, it's not legal, but done all the time. Why should American citizens be allowed to short naked off of foreign accounts. We must put a stop to it.
228 Michael G. Askins I vote and I am against "Short Selling!"
229 Christopher T. Ayers
230 David Sundquist
231 Greg Brown This should've been done long ago.
232 Robert Lindan Selling something you don't own is called fraud and should be stopped and prosecuted! This is out of control greed pure and simple! Good small companies with tremendous potential don't stand a chance and are at the mercy of these manipulators and it should not be this way! They are NOT market makers - they crush lives and companies!
233 Fran Miller
234 Douglas F. Cook
235 Paul M. Fortin Shorting has destroyed the values of shares. Borrowing of shares should NEVER be allowed!
236 frank delong
237 John M. King At the very least, non-marginable securities should not me made available for short sale transactions. If the account cannot borrow on the stock in a margin account, the broker should not be able to lend the stock
238 Mark James Severson
239 Ken Methwani Yesssssss, let' s play it fair and save the US markets.
240 Horace A. Wiltshire it's about time .something to be done
241 Michael Y.S. Hu Short selling didn't really make a lot of sense to me. At least the benefits don't outweigh the destruction it wroughts on the wealth and well-being of this country. In order for short-sellers to profit, things have to go badly for the country/economy. Why are we subsidizing that? By the way, prosperity and exuberance is not a bad thing -- that is the objective of any society.
242 Richard Barager
243 ken stephens no shorts, no buying on margins, no options
244 Darrell W Hodge
245 David Mozer
246 Richard L. Mansell I agree that short selling should be heavily restricted.
247 Susan Graham
248 Barry Glasco
249 Haik Novshadian
250 Chester Kolendo
251 Terry Martino
252 line voided
253 David Le Strat
254 D Holzer
255 William Peterson The stock market is NOT in the hands of the American public. It is being manipulated by certain others with large accounts who rape the public from time to time as they control the direction of the "market". Read the message boards - most are long and suffering. The public tends to go long at any time - bull or bear conditions. They don't know any better. And then MarketWatch posts on their front page today (9/28/01) that of all the total funds out there (4,046), 95% are negative. How is that possible? These funds have mega - billions to spend. And how come the remaining 5% is not making out like gangbusters? Because they aren't. Something is wrong here. Where is all this money going? Not to American's that's for sure. I was highly disappointed when the market didn't rally on Monday after the attacks. It should've. It should've gapped down below support and rallied from there. There is a TERRORIST ATTACK going on right now under our noses. And it is in the stock market. ........Fix it!
257 Suzanne Lawson
258 shorty You're all idiots. Add my vote for what good it will do. You all go buy some will you! LOL
259 Pamela Altmeyer Act now!
260 Michael Hunt me agree. why me loss so many money. i ear what they speak and i losey money. i buy exds what went wrong. i buy athm why i. i buy cause i think animals need food to, i guess animals donot eat. i never see fat squirreels so what i thinking. i think it is the shorters because i be not stupid. help i. thunk you.
261 kevin berger Short selling is just another form of theft!
262 Robert Meyers
263 Adam Craft
264 Ken Williams
265 David Boland
266 Jon J. Eastman
267 line voided
267 John Doe Does anyone know where to get free porn online? I'm looking for naked body builder type women TIA
268 J. Blackham
269 Lance Shirley
270 David Helms
271 Jon Warkentin Shorting is beginning to ruin the market, in my opinion.
272 Thomas James Gunn Also when our share are borrowed from us in our street accounts we should be paid to borrow our shares!
273 greg turi Stop the short selling, people are losing there futures.
274 Joan R Caffey This cannot and should NOT be allowed.
275 Randolph Straughan no overseas shortselling;especially otc and pinksheets
276 Anthony F. Higgins
277 Eugene A. Slater do it now!!!
278 Brian Hansen
280 Janice L. (Jan) Hare
281 carol beckham act quickly!
282 Charles Miller
283 Robert Janowicz
284 Richard D. Searles An article in Bloomberg (9/17/01) reveals that these bastards have also made significant gains (1000%+) in put options.
285 Jack Frost When you post also include what stocks you own so I can short them. Shorters rock, Naz going to 1000. I think we should just do away with the ability to Sell period. Or maybe you could listen to CEO's of MSTR or GENI and take your stock out of street name then get screwed when you cannot sell and GENI goes down 70% in a week. Really the CEO's care about you. No really.
286 Walter A. Eilers
287 line voided
287 Ida Loser you guys are morons
288 David Berriman
289 Paul Davis During this time of crisis, we need to get back to basics. Markets are not for gambling, they're for orderly flow of capital.
291 Haiping Dun
292 Mark Pierret
293 garygnu You guys are using this as a scapegoat for your problems. Shorting is not the problem. People panicking from thier stocks and fund managers realizing that they hold junk is the problem. To stop shorting shows complete ignorance of the checks and balances of our system. How about instead of no own no sell, have not enough money can't buy more than you have to prop junk up. I'd take this seriously if this petition was for no shorting and no margin. Margin is just as much to blame. Guess what, shorting will continue and there isn't much you can do to stop it.
294 Willem Slootweg
295 thomas ellis
296 ken bohr
297 Pamela Brockman
298 Walter Carpus Short selling ruins due diligence. Manipulation runs rampant, and does not help to give true value to ANY stock.
299 george magnus If the stock market is to remain viable short selling has got to stop.
300 miwolveso
301 krystal sneiderman
302 Richard Slager
303 Jim Nelson Respect our Core Values and this mission that matters. Thank You.
304 Jeff English ASAP
305 Larry Rowe
306 alan green
307 Leigh Ware
308 Steven Tabb
309 william r moreau very true
310 franz roland should not be allowed. Shorts have total control.
311 line voided
311 Renfrew Morte This petition is complete bulls**t sponsored by the desperate and the greedy The capital markets would decay completely if shorting were halted Market makers could no longer maintain a neutral position and one would see selling into the bid become the norm Volatility would be unprecedented and ultimately disasterous
312 Gerald Cupido NO OWN - NO SELL
313 jack Ladbury
314 tom johnson no shorts - they ruin the fairness of the markets
315 J. Farmer
316 arnold adler great idea !
317 steven stein short selling is a dishonest practice
318 john uger good luck !
319 Michael Mowery
320 Leonard Riley
321 Richard Baratta
322 James Hagan
323 Dan Ray Good Idea!!
324 line voided
324 Ben Laden Is this site public because I want to short it?
325 Michael Sohn
326 Martin Mansour
327 line voided
327 Osama bin Laden I agree, the Great Satan of Short Selling must be eliminated!!
328 Al Clymore
329 JOSIE LILLIS please make the shorts family has lost their life's savings because of the shorts.
330 gary sweet
331 John Kealy
332 Ginger O'Brien
333 Dan O'Brien needs to be done immediatly.
334 Kyle Ramsay Wake up
335 Peter Schultz
336 Anthony McLaughlin buying stock,hoping or helping it go down is not fair to investors that buy for a company to get stronger!
337 kc
338 Arthur Seeney PLease, "Please" remove "Short Selling forever" enough said
339 melvin harrison greedy shorts make money off of the backs of patriotic retail investors - that's not right
340 Jeff Abel
341 Georges Brennet Is the SEC really neutral ?
342 Mike Mohrhoff
343 thomas m colello
344 William P. Louie
345 bob borell shorting in this mannor is criminal
346 Richard Romley
347 Mark Tal Its being abused/Nasdac has failed its responsibility
348 William Talley
349 rodney schiffner make them play by our rules
351 Gary D. Silcox Wake up and do your job to protect.
352 bob carr it's about time!
353 Norman E. Spray
354 gay perry
355 gordon smith
356 Joy Heitman The stock market should be people hoping to make money by the market going up, not people wanting to make money on other people's losses.
357 Suzanne M Gunn
358 van dyck luc
359 Russell Godwin
360 Richard L. James
361 Gregory K. Fox
362 Matthyssen Rudi STOP THIS THEFT
363 G.A.Lee
364 Dan "Potatoe" Qualye These Shorteyes muste be stoppede. Thise site ise as stupide ideae.
365 George Nasser It is just like the last 3 years has never happened. How many successive interest rate cuts with no results whatsoever. If what is going on in the market wasn't so corrupt and pitiful, it would be funny. We were at Nasdaq 2300 before the first rate cut and now 9 cuts later, we are at 1400. That really makes a lot of sense. Kill the shorts who killed the market. How many more have to lose their jobs and how many more bankruptcys must occur?? Stop this bull crap NOW!
366 Thomas H. Ward,III
367 Lawrence Boes
368 Richard Anderson
369 John A. Hamann
370 Brad Moore Why would our Govt allow this anyway?
371 gary horvitz
372 Lori Bayne
373 John Cupo
375 B. Beckett Bridges ed with short sells the supply is artifically inflated.
376 James L Packlaian Shorting is the reason for all the stock market losses. In the OTCB it's far from equal playing field when individuals in Amercian accounts can;t short but big hedge funds, overseas etc accounts can. Market Makers create short positions every day. Buyer are buying but when filled with short sells the supply is artifically inflated.
377 Henry Chaffin Please pass this no own no sell policy. I watch my investments dwindle daily due to greegy mm's controling the market and short selling it into oblivion. Some thing has to be done NOW.
378 John H. Austin Please!!!!!!
379 Dan Nguyen It's a matter of national security because the market is a leading indicator of economic activities.
380 Bill Podley
381 Brian Marcus
382 Marty Carr This is out of control on the Pink Sheets and OTCBB
383 Nikke Van Derheydt-Sosnick
384 ralph jenson
385 Stone Livingston III It seems that there are many pathetic individuals on this board who have lost money in the market and are now looking for someone to blame for their own stupidity. It's not short sellers that drove this market down you was overvaluation, pure and simple. YOU chose to buy an overvalued investment and now YOU must spend your retirement serving my children french fries at the local burger joint to make up for it. Blame nobody but pulled the trigger and now you have to eat the bullet. Ban short selling...LOL...poor (literally), mislead souls. By the way...Le Nasdaq 100 is still carrying a PE of 100+...we're going well below Nasdaq 1000 before this is all over.
386 lee please stop shorting with out better rules
387 Adam Liszka Please act immediately
388 Christophe Van Parijs
389 Jim Moon We small investors have to keep looking for an open ear at the SEC.
390 M.B. Frazier It's time for a change, and this one is long overdue...
391 Michael Bowman Please stop shorting of stocks.
392 Richard Astrom No more shorts, it kills small companies trying yo make business over here
393 line voided
393 six8 who gives of s**t, I made tons of money on shorting, blame the stupid companies who hype the stock
394 Broderick_s IMHO, someone posted in their comments previous, when they signed ,it was not the shorts who destroyed our market it was the companies and overevaluation that did this,,,HELLOOOO, What and who do they think caused the overvaluation,,,,It was a global effect and how shorters play both sides of the fence,,,,Go long pump it up, and see how far and how much they can take it, than when it wont go anymore, They go short and ride it right back down the same road they rode it up,,,,The markets are not a place for personal devious profit, it is a place where hard working companies bring their ideas and hopes and let the public decide what it should be worth, not what a few money monger lowlife individuals to play their games at the expense of others,,It is not right and needs to be stopped......My Honest opinion and thoughts...End of story......
395 Steve Csicsek I'm beginning to think the market is mafia run and your allowing of shorting to continue just keeps reassuring me it is. STOP DESTROYING THE MARKET!!!!
396 Mike Thomas Very strongly agree
397 Shelley Gause ALL in favor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
398 gerald levine
399 david smith
400 Ed Miller This needs to be stopped to save our markets.
401 benjamin tong i agree
402 R Mcwilliams
403 Mark Lutze
404 Clinton Roberts
405 Les Juhasz
407 Kerry Collings
408 Danny Poorters
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409 Short To Zero Now I've heard it all...Broderick blaming the shorts for overvaluation in the markets If you were wise enough to check the short interest figures when the Nasdaq was rolling from 4000-5000, you would have seen record low short interest...yes, there was some short covering, but it pales in comparison to the amount of schmucks that were busy putting their retirement money in stock such as CMGI and CSCO This petition is a pure and utter joke, showing a complete lack of understanding for how the market works If you ban short selling, you will see a dramatic liquidity crisis, along with a collapse in the dollar, and add to that a ton of selling as previously hedged positions become unhedged, forcing the an investor that was neutral to either eat the risk or completely liquidate Halting short selling would do nothing to stop this market slide, as many on this board seem to believe

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411 Eitan Cohen LMRI, SFST
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412 Syd Cohen LMRI, SFST
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413 Shoshana Cohen LMRI, SFST
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414 Syd Cohen LMRI, SFST
415 David Fox
416 Chris Astrom I total agree bro this shorting shit kills the small companies
417 Roy F. Butler Please put a stop to the naked shorting so prelevant with OTC:BB and pink sheet stocks! Give them equal protection!
418 line voided
419 Robert Johnson
420 vincent salvatore Please Help Us NOW
421 Pattie Taylor
422 Erik Taylor
423 Lindsey Taylor
424 TimFrega
425 victor a. peel please help and stop this
426 Edwin A. Johnson I'm fed up!
427 Judy Cline Nowhere in our business arena, except the Market, can one sell what one does not own. Some US Attorneys are beginning to view the off-shore shorting by foriegn nationals as thwarting the economic stability of the USA and a treasonous offence.
428 William D. Herbst Ê
429 dls
430 Robert Fewell Stop short selling ASAP
431 Eva Campbell
432 Darrel L. McPherson
433 Stuart E. Stegall
435 line voided
435 Tim Luke F*CK this SH*T....
436 Cole Kracke
437 Sharon Eskam
439 Thomas P Wagner The whole concept of being able to sell something you don't own seems wrong on the face of it!
440 Rick Farrington
441 David M. Krever
442 Marti DeMoss
443 Jason Ament
444 Max Helf
446 Anatoli Baranov Stop naked shorting on OTCBB.
447 Henry Jaroszynski We don't need to finance terrorism
448 dan stein
449 David Beardsley
450 Wayne Angel
451 Gary Martin Please help the investors with this problem NOW !!!
452 Greg Kashur
453 Willaim Campbell
454 Bob Campbell Make it so, I feel this would be a great start in fixing our economy, trading system and most of all this would help the many companies that are getting cheated every day. Why would the SEC even allow shorting, how could anyone invest in this manner to hope a company doesn't make it? I must blame the SEC for ever allowing such a mean of trading in the first place! STOP THE SHORTING !
455 louis hudon
456 James Barringer
457 herman r wilkins
458 jon stuckal
459 eran sober
460 Bonita Thomas
462 Joe Walton The Growing popularity of Short saleing is a few small steps away from Destroying our Economy. Stocks go down People spend less.Profits go down.Companys go out of business.People draw unemployment. SHORTS $UCK MONEY OUT of the ECONOMY. They have to be stopped.If you don't like a company don't buy it.If you like to invest to help a company and someone Shorts your shares You have in essense been ROBBED.
463 line voided
463 f**ken lame you people are f**ken retards
464 Carlos Pita
465 victor bianchi it is a "MUST".....lets stop the shorters
466 erik olico
467 Daniel Griffith
468 Pascal
469 Doug Mull
470 Michael Jernigan I'll vote for the person that gets behind this.
471 Anthony M. Rogers
472 Andres Irigoyen
473 Phil Sears AMEN!
474 Robert Thomas Killen Stop Market Maker Manipulation
475 robert f. miller jr. it's about time for corrective action
476 James M Heaton None
477 Steve Edwards equirements to short to 100-150% until the markets stablilze
478 Richard Burgess at least raise the margin requirements to short to 100-150% until the markets stablilze
479 Ryan ( kid raw ) Damn short sellers making me lose my Air nautique money. Suspend it for the over sees markets atleast
480 Jim Wood
481 Jerry Bedard Agree wholeheartedly with above petition!!
482 line voided
482 this is stupid awwww... did someone get burned on the market and now want their mommy to make it all better? The market is doing fine.. its bouncing back and its your own fault if you panicked and lost your shirt instead of waiting for it to recover..
483 Richard Perry
484 Wayne Jewell It is time to stop shorting.
485 Frederick M . Peters
486 Keith Gavitt If the government wants to boost the confidence of the average American this would be a good place to start seeing that the people who short are taking money away from the average person as well as affecting the future of the people who are counting on their retirement funds that are invested in the stock market.
487 Terry A. Reynolds People who sell a stock, should first have the guts enough to buy it.
488 David Petrovitch
489 Lori Flynn
490 dick healy In "times of war" acts undertaken by individuals and/or corporations to undermine the economy of the USA are considered "acts of treason" Thus, if we are truely "at war" against terrorism, the substance of this petition should be acted upon by the appropriate governmental bodies "post haste"
491 wendy dworken short selling is out of hand !
492 Joseph Bessette
493 Norman K. Lowry
494 Vincent Greene
495 marc black
496 william f mitchell stop marketmakers from naked selling also
497 Liam Egan
498 Louis B Seaman It's about time....
499 Paula Pfautz
500 barry champney
502 richard gostanian if you don't prohibit shorting outright, at least raise margin requirements significantly so as to reduce the extent of shorting
503 Scott Crutcher
504 Donald Fafard the time has come .....
505 Dennis Edwards
506 arthur dworken
507 George Karras no own ,no sell
508 Stan Wong
509 irene pensari
511 John Lawrence
512 geary g beatty as the markets go so goes the country
513 DANNY R. HILL SEC must investigate TTRIF and MVEE!!!
514 Dr. M. Marcus This is a needed measure to protect public companies and its shareholders from attacks by "vulture" speculators and MM's "gangs"
515 Falco Bulten shorting is distruction, stop this madness !
516 Damian Hayden
517 O.B. Thomas
518 line voided
518 Pete This petition ought to be renamed "Let's Rig The Stock Market So It Always Goes Up," and the text ought to be a rant about how evil free markets are, and how the best thing for America is to create a rigged, manipulated, house-of-cards financial system The creator and supporters of this petition are launching an attack on free-market capitalism, under the guise of patriotism, and it makes me sick THIS IS NOT A SIGNATURE!!
519 stan vesely I believe this is one of the biggest obstacles for a market recovery!!!
520 Pam Chua
521 Christopher Santa
522 W. Jay Gillespie Please take a look at shorting issue.
523 Randolph J. Pell
524 Gary Gordon
525 Darren Rittenhouse
526 James E. Shipley A worth while project
527 neal berman
528 Robert E. Zimmerman
529 Eli Elliott
530 Bill Rouse
531 K. Scott Piel Uncovered short selling is tantamount to theft from the actual holder of the shorted shares and serves only as a vehicle to unearned profits and a means by which to manipulate stock prices downward regardless of share structure and fundamentals. Uncovered short selling is a practice that should be entirely prohibited and treated as a criminal market manipulation activity.
532 John Serbeniuk This is a must...
533 Pablo Sacor It should be an investment Mkt. not a Craps table casino
534 Marc Bouchard Please !
535 William Bales Sr
536 Bruce E. Thomsen
537 Ron Hicks
538 George Roth
539 thomas majewski
540 Dennis Reed
541 Will Smith
542 lion On or before 9/25, Native Nations brokerage sold Genesis short $60 million backed by stock "borrowed" from MJK Clearing - when Genesis (controlled by the Arab arms dealer Kashoggi)halted trading on its stock on 9/25, its useful value to Native Nations for its net capitalization went to zero, putting Native Nations out of business since it could't do the payback to MJK Clearing. Consequently, MJK shut down, taking down all of the brokerage firms they clear for, freezing the assets of 200,000 accounts around the country. Eventually, like the S&L debacle, people will get their money after the government (us taxpayers) step in to fix it. IF NATIVE NATIONS COULD NOT SELL SHORT ON "BORROWED" STOCK THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED- The traders at Native Nations would have cut a fat hog on the deal if Genesis had continued to trade- but SOMEBODY made $60 million while Native Nations/ MJK lost it- This abuse only comes to surface when occasionally something inadvertently or DELIBERATELY goes wrong
543 todd gibboney
544 Joe Scriff
545 Christopher Marks
546 Scott Saxen
548 Timothy Leland Low valued stocks are overly manipulated by short selling. This activity must be stopped.
549 James R. Gordon I agree very much with this petition.
550 james milburn it MUST BE STOPPED!
551 Corey LUCAS
552 mike t. mrozik
553 Pat Reischmann
554 david w. huy
555 gerald huber no one should short a stock of any kind.
556 Lloyd Silverberg This should be done immediately. In addition, a full investigation into all "short sale" activities over the last 18 months should be conducted immediately, including but not limited to a full investigation of all major stock brokerage companies. Do it now. Restore the faith and confidence of the American people ... and put an end to the widespread cynicism in the markets at the present time. OPEN YOUR DOORS! Let full disclosure reign supreme!
557 Linda Branum Critical for health of markets
558 Matt Demaree
559 Mark Kratzer have the balls to stand up for the USA
560 Doreen Kratzer
561 Parker Allred
562 David Yuen
563 sunder The shorts are killing our market. It is time to end this....
564 Ken Money Don't sell what you don't own!
565 Randy Brian No more short sales
566 Robin Henderson
567 Vincent Rinehart strongly agree with this petition
568 Chitti Kang
569 Roger Lindsey no own no sell!
570 line voided
570 Anti Petition It must be the shorts because earnings are wonderful and the P/Es are so cheap The public was not s**kerd into a bubble by Wall Street Liars and theives like Larry Ellison Long Live Abbey Cohen, Joe Battipaglia, and the idots from Merrill
571 line voided
571 BuyHighSellLow I hereby say this petition is a dumb idea! lol
572 Crybaby wah wah
573 jim beurle
574 line voided
574 I Losttoomuch I lost my shirt because of shorts! lol
575 David DeFina You are all misguided, and don't know the first thing about shorting and how it's used I propose we outlaw fast cars! They have no need to go over 60mph Put those sports car owners in prison! Maybe a bad economy and too many long purchases caused this recent decline in the market? Lets outlaw too many Long purchases too!
576 AlvenH.Jensen
577 Patricia A. Melzer Short-selling should be banned temporarily at a minimum , but I would prefer a permanent measure to eliminate it from US markets.
578 Jack Zajaczkowski 100% FOR IT!!
579 100% NOT FOR IT!!
580 Max D. Albin
581 line voided
581 Sniper_Trader1 You guys are nuts! Shorting allows an orderly market Market Makers and Specialists do it everyday Who do you think sold the public ETYS, PCLN, PETS, etc.? And do you think they were long the stock they sold .. hmmm not really They had Warrants and options to cover their shorts Win/Win situation I watched Robie Stevens on the inside offer of ETYS since inception and all the way down to zero! Wake up and smell the coffee Sell your stocks now, or get 50 cents on the dollar later, if you are lucky!
582 Malcom Patterson
583 line voided
583 no We must remain a free market, if stocks have no earnings then they should be punished.......get over this protectionism s** must be a democrat......
584 Greg Jacobson I support this petition wholeheartedly
585 line voided
585 Jack Meehoff you are insane, markets can't be controlled, you are one of the stupidest persons(who started this) - too stupid to live !!!!
586 Adriaan de Velde Harsenhorst
587 Miki Why not apply 'No Own - No Sell' to your home, car, stocks... Good god, people! Get a life...
588 Ron All these people that want to abolish shorting..its frightening, your eagerness to jump on this "no sell" bandwagon and also your utter lack of understanding of stock market supply and demand If you think shorting is what got the market to where it is now you have NO grasp of reality
589 sandra j farina
590 Larry Skees Ban ALL Reverse Splits TOO..!!
591 John Nelko
592 James Carter
593 Carol W. Brown
594 Michael McCormick
595 Steve Patterson At least make the brokers hold the shares in the individuals name so they can request that they not be borrowed for selling short.
596 Patrik LÃhr
597 Guenther Wilde NO OWN - NO SELL - SAVE ALL MARKETS
599 Anthony L. Johnson In my view, a spldid, timely initiative. The nations with free economic systems must defend themselves in these difficult times.
600 Sally Bergmoser We need to stop this before it hurts our financial community more God Bless America!
601 Thomas Gorman
602 Robert LaRocque
603 Carl E. Grigsby Todays SEC market policies have provided legal but highly unethical trading practices which have resulted in the fleecing of the individual investor.
604 Keith Koch
605 Donald J. Tinneny
606 M. Clay Gregory
607 Peter Jacobs
608 Damon Wright
609 Bennie Thornton
610 Jason Matthias Stop the Shorts, make the market a fair market.!!
611 Terry Young Does short-selling a start-up company improve its economic health?? In this mindset, so does bleeding help a sick person. STOP THE PRACTICE!
612 Karen K. Ard
613 Yvette Katib
614 sidney lieberman
615 Paul Sloan
616 Craig Sannino Support Our Nation - The Long Way!
617 Parris Beddo
618 Diane McQuaide
619 Mark Anderson
620 Christian Granvelle
621 line voided
621 J Edgar Hoover This has got to be one of the most idiotic things I have ever seen, almost as bad as Gary Dobry's The people who come up with this stuff have no clue how the real world works I'll bet they read the National Enquirer and believe everything they see in there too By the way Dobry, stop bothering my agents You were amusing at first, but now you're just a pain in the @$$ Your picture and name are posted at every desk with "Mental Case" as the heading Just knock it off!
622 Jeff Avriett
623 Marilyn Avriett
624 Troy Johnson
625 Roland G. Ludlow
626 Andrew D. Carroll
627 Govindan Balasubramanian
628 Larry Carnes
629 John Carl Ferguson Jr.
630 Edward T. Mahoney put an end to shorting stock--please
631 Duane A. Dotta
632 Geoffrey A. Hungerford please take this seriously!
633 Bob Thompson
634 John Chen
635 Tingting Lee
636 Mei yen Lee
637 joe huggins
638 Craig Maynard
639 Correll, ANthony W
640 Alan Koenigheit
641 H Smith
642 Robert Gilarski
643 Rodney A Miller
644 Eric Jameson
645 John Meyers
646 Vincent Sewalt
647 Frank Holmes
648 Ralph Moratz
649 Robert DeBell
650 Stéphane Clark
651 Joshua Gross I urge you to consider making Short-selling illegal on a permanent basis.
652 walter kane short this!
653 Dennis L Hooper
654 Kim Marie Thompson
655 len shannon
656 A. E. Valteau
657 Todd Lewis
658 Perry J. Ganz
659 John Rosa there is no reason to allow profiteering from mishap
660 Christina C. Hanneman
661 Robert Schuler
662 Kent Forsythe
663 Kevin C Love
664 Roy Josias
665 ALVIN KURASH a rule is a rule
666 Marty Ellington
667 Brandon Myers You have to ask yourself if a small organized group of offshore naked short sellers can maipulate the US market, what could a group of anti-american interests do to America's Market? Tighten the markets borders to "No Own - No Sell" to stop these interests from affecting America's markets!
668 William C. Howard at least impose limitations to foreign interests
669 Sean Flynn
671 Johan Lembke Nike is short-selling Cetek Technologies (CTKT) the last five weeks. Please investigate.
672 Sergio Gonzalez
673 Mark Conant
674 ed daggs
675 Linda H. Smith
676 sharon Komraus
677 percy- This is not a Fair Trading practice(shorting)......MM has the advantage,,,, and control ......The penalty is just a pocket change to them...this got to be stop for the sake of Equal Opportunity and Democracy....We need to change this form of unfair Trading..
678 Cecil A. Commander MICHAEL FLYNN
680 Robert Childers
681 Evan Antonatos
682 James Huttner Short selling is against American thought. Buy American be an American.
683 Danny Jennes
684 Jason Barkeloo This has been needed for a long time!
685 B.Nylund
686 Kathy L. Mosebrook
687 Glen Tenneson
688 Marianne daugherty
689 Andreas W. Kuhn
690 Michael Omans
691 genius this is a list full of ignorant people who don't know how to trade stocks
692 Kenneth Short
693 sean fisher
694 james j mahoney
695 michael fisher
696 Ralph E. Daugherty This legal option must be changed.
697 Lawrence Nelson ASAP
698 David Rubinstein Should have been done years ago
699 Michael Cava
700 Mike Reid
701 john phillips
702 charles mcnicholas
703 Bruce March
705 CONSPIRACY THEORY HEDGEFUNDS should declare their shorting activities to the public...BUT SEC doesn`t do anything about it...just like BUFFET..they should not allowed to short unless okeyed by the SEC...WHO owns the HEDGEFUNDS..the ARABIAN PRINCE or the SEC itself !!!!
706 Jim Bennett Charge SS tax on all shortsale profits
707 ADVR.ob investor !!! Hope they will not short-sell ADVR.ob if the PRODUCT R (RETICULOSE DRUG) for viruses like HPV, HIV etc. is proved to be very effective. If they short this stock , this company with good future will be doomed and lots of HIV/AIDS, HPV victims had no chance to do something about their problem.
708 don gleeson
709 Lloyd Guilfoyle Not a good time to be betting against America!
710 greg griffin
711 michael murphy
712 David A. Leach In this particular market enviroment I fully support this measure.
713 george mikulcik
714 mayer santer
715 Don Reeves
716 john cole do we wait for some one else to short the market and then blow up more property ?
717 andre thiboutot you are right
718 Mario A. Blanca
719 Martin Theriault
720 t.j. I think MARKETMAKERS did some shorting today even in OTCCBB stock like BIKO.....with news of additional RAPID HIV/AIDS TEST- result within 30 seconds- orders of additional test kit by WALTER REED ARMY HOSPITAL...stock should go up but because of maybe MM`s short-selling it let`s stop short-selling and help companies grow to help sick people !!!!
721 scott laird
722 line voided
722 Sniper_Trader2 First - Short selling does not hurt a company, period! Those who say that shorts are hurting individual companies have no idea what they are talking about Second - When the market went down 90% in the 30's do you think that foreign short sellers were to be blamed, too? The likes of the great Jesse Livermore who knew that stock prices were inflated took advantage of it Third- The market will be price at the same level or even lower if shorting was outlawed The shorts cover when the public sells in panic If they weren't there to buy, no one else would! Fourth - Why shouldn't it be possible to profit from falling stock prices? Why should we only profit from bull markets? It is supply and demand fellas - remember that Sell, Sell, Sell, Sell, Sell!!!!!!!!!!!
723 Kevin E. Johnson
724 Bill Warinner The "No Own - No Sell" policy will benefit millions of Americans who have saved for retirement only to see their investments diminished by greedy brokers and foreign owned hedge funds. Its time to put a stop to this idiocy that is ruining our financial markets and retirement plans of hard working Americans. Every investment I own is beign pummeled by short selling the likes that I have never seen before. Investors such as myself have lost faith in the ability of the SEC to protect the market from fraudulent activities. This initiative is a good first step to regaining control of the American marketplace.
725 David Mallon
726 keilmann robert
727 Ronald B. Marchman
728 RUSSELL J. MARGOSIAN ations to minipulate markets to their own advantage.
729 William Hanley Short selling represents no investment in our economy. It was and continues to be a tool for greedy individuals and organizations to minipulate markets to their own advantage.
730 tom lepera do the right thing
731 Ulrike M. Cintron No Own - No Sell
732 Louis Suarez
733 Roy F. Leffew Sr. I believe Market Makers on the NASDAQ are sometimes assisting Hedge Fuds by shorting and driving the price down I watch their activity almost daily and have reported it to the NASDAQ.
734 Mike Dubek
735 Billy Sasser No short trades!
736 Jeff Patterson
737 Jeffrey L Mccarty
738 Anthony Montanaro Stop short sales on all securities
739 richard l. rush, D.M.D
740 kirk freeman HELP
741 Demetria Essey
742 Glenn G. King So this is why my portfolio is down 96%.
743 Wayne L Kinnamon
744 Stephen B Roger
745 Steven A. Gallant
746 Robert P. O'Connell Please act soon!
747 Patti Moffett
748 Paul Stager
749 Bobby Boyd
751 Randy Blair
752 Robert Smith
753 John Howe
754 Charles Messall Long overdue - no inherent right to sell something you do not own!
755 Rusin Van Dyke
757 Robert McLaws
758 Robert Zaslow I thoroughly agree with the sentiments of this petition, and will act accordingly by withholding my financial investment until this problem is corrected.
759 paul calhoun shorting is legalised theft it should have never started
760 Edward V. Thoms
761 George W. Zeissner great idea!
762 Marilyn Hendrickson Stop the crooks
763 Ronald R McNamara Needs to be done to save company's
764 Margaret A. Switzer The short selling has almost put me into Personal Bankruptcy!!!
765 Frank Grey I agree no one has the right to sell what they don't own. Anybody want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? I'll make you a good price on it. Think about, stop the sell without ownership.
766 Teresa R Boomer
767 Charles Benefatti
768 Bill Rich
769 Richard P. Roberts
770 Kirt Gasaway
771 Lleonard The economy isn't a game.
772 Stephen D. Woodard
773 george swengros The market would be safer
774 Ashley Vail
775 Richard D. Block About time to put a stop to the 'pro shorters', and help get the economy, and the companies that need it, back on their feet. Shorters are helping to destroy our American economy..
776 mike wittland shorting is killing the market
777 Salvador Gesundheit D>
778 james f burge oppose dishonest tactics
779 balt bear phasing this in over a year would lift the mkt gently w/o causing a rebound. further requiring all exchanges to maintain hsort data in real time rather than as nuch as 45 days late would be an immediate, technically easy and confidence building measure.
780 gregory litwack
781 William Sniper Did you see the great rally today? It wouldn't have been of the same magnitude without short sellers covering their shorts! Shorting is good! Keep shorting legal! Do not listen to the fools here!
782 trey ty ADVR.ob has interesting movement today...volumes of shares executed at ask but the stock held up...does this meant SHORT-COVERING is going on after it was mentioned here ???
783 Gene Averkin
784 William M. Odom
785 Jaff McDonough
786 Amber Habert
787 Richard Viken Hope this helps
788 Matt Campbell
789 richard rueth
790 Lexie Kauffman
791 Emanuel Kustas
792 aj wodecki
793 pat s.
794 Bill Pearson
795 Michael Carlton
796 line voided
796 HAHAHAHA This petition is sooooooo stupid
797 David Tice
798 Randall Stapleton No Own No Sell will level the playing field for the real investor. The SEC needs to do a better job of eliminating the bad companies instead of relying on shorting to balance the market.
799 Elisa T Ruff it is time to stop
800 Jerrold Burden
801 Rob Ezzell
802 Toby Callahan
803 William Palmer
804 Richard Ware The market maker stock manipulation I've witnessed is a shame and discusting to watch.
805 Walter Michiels Shorting is given a stick in ones hand,they can kick you when you're almost drown,or they can reach to save you but they rather like to drown you.
806 Mary K Mattheus
807 Doug McGowan market makers have unlimited manipulation of OTC with no accountability. This has to be stopped!!
808 michael sunderland no own-no sell.
809 Juan R Rivera
810 Bradley G Mooney
812 James White It is about time.
813 Mark Hooker
814 rick vernon
815 Alan Luffman
816 Don Bogacz
817 Thomas Pierson There is no doubt that short selling has become the bane of our marketes particularly for small cap or OTC-BB companies.
818 Ernest E. McLaughlin who needs tarrorist trying to destroy the U.S.. Market Makers free to sell shares they naked short can do a good job by themselves
819 Frank D. Nichols Time to act NOW !
820 Russell Pullano
821 Steve Wilkins
822 Robert Wallis
823 Joe N. Pratt
824 Roy Besmond
825 Jose I. Piquero stop illicit trading
826 Sherman Ober Why isn't the SEC regulating this as closely as everything else.
827 ken leverich stop legalized stealing!
828 James Berman Please consider this.... Thanks
830 Jimi Hill Give us a chance!!!!!
831 Mark Paleologopoulos
832 Bruce Haden Short selling is a concept that simply DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. i Cannot sell a car I don't own, so how is it legitimate to sell stock under the same conditions??!!
833 Montie Hobbie
834 Sam Kuretsky short selling hurting companies (under $1) and economy
835 John G. Bury
836 Dave McNamara
837 Stephen Forbis
839 Jim Ness
840 Greg Dunn
841 Lynda Kalantzakis
842 Steve Knaze
843 Andrew Cockburn
844 Kenneth Bushby
845 Phil Miller
846 Dave Whitesel Fully endorse this petition in the interest of and wish to end the manipulation of the supply demand market by those creating phantom shares on a daily basis, to rig some outcome. Call for the regulation of brokerage firms to seek permission from shareholders to allow their investments to be used for shorting, as a separate item of account maintenance.
847 Angie Icaza I have heard that these petitions are not legal. I will do it anyway as this definitely need some serious scrutiny.
848 Michael Moon
849 O. Michael Am I buying securities or am I in a casino? No own no Shorting!
850 Lee Cottrell looksk like the traders might have to grow up and start thinking ... Economics is not a playstation game,
851 Olafur Ragnarsson Lending shares for shorting is financial terrorism - stop it NOW!
852 Dave Millman
853 andy anderson
854 Sam Snider This shorting has got to stop
855 marty goldstein Stop the raping of the American public!
856 ken altshuler Stop this stealing against America now!
857 Thom Parkin
859 John Lutz
860 Larry K. Davis here here!
861 Rick Fernandez
862 elke hobein
863 craig carr
864 LeRoy Tassin Good Idea hope it gets implemented
865 Michael Del
866 Steven Waehler
867 mike hewitt shorting is indeed anti American and should be banned
868 scott bemis
869 john stewart
870 C. A. Hatch
871 Bill Welch
872 Steven C. Martorella
873 Steven M. Kaplan
874 Jim DP
875 Cynthia J. Abramson
876 charles abramson
877 william lawson
878 Donald L. Bunk
879 Earl Brown
880 l. jacob
881 Paul Brower
882 Tom Rolfer
883 Bob Bryan This is VERY impt. for a more stable market !!!
884 Santiago Duro
885 Chad Bester Short sellers have hurt the market more then anything in the last few months. In the last few months lots of associates have pulled all money from the stock market and vow never to return because of the practises of short sellers.
886 Charles McCarthy
887 Greg Danforth
888 Mark Webster The ultimate in "Conflict of Interest"
889 Gary Laneve
890 Eugene F. Brady
892 Michael A. Tesch
893 Keith Kosmicki Even though some companies are deserving of shorting; whether by being ignorant to their stockholders, or other reasons; It does damage to our economy and therefore, by this tragedy we're facing we as citizens of the United States need to do any and all of our part to maintain stability.
894 Alex Paul I totally support this petition. Short selling should be illegal.
895 Billy Dove You can't sell houses or cars that you don't own, why stocks?
896 Neal Meints
897 Bob Orr
898 Jason Beers
899 Peter Michaels It's fraudulent to sell something you don't own!!
900 Rick Patzner
901 gerald huber Do away with shorting stocks!!!!!!!
902 Terri Lain
903 Mike Gainor
904 Bob Turcotte
905 Al Barber Lets be fair to long term investors
906 Steven Dickey Short selling has hurt my retirement portfolio
907 Michael P. Sakowski While shorting is not an evil idea, the window of opportunity that it affords crooks is obvious. One goes short on a stock, and then starts spreading malicious rumors about the company. unscrupulous analysts, reporters, and fund managers can all cause great damage to an otherwise healthy company. And now, to compound the problem, after a shorted stock has been forced down, class action suits spring up, spreading more fear and panic amongst investors. As it stands now, it is to detrimental to otherwise solid businesses. Any company can fall victim to an attack by shorters.
908 Bernard Kupferschmid Hoping that the message of the petition is read and implemented!!!
909 John O'Brien Selling what you don't own is distructive to the economy. The reason is obvious.
910 William Beatty Forward this to Pres. Bush
911 Harry Robinson
912 Matt Star Stop the insanity!
914 Marco Lizzani is very dangerous
915 Joseph Laflamme
916 Patricia Wiley
917 Michael Wiley
918 Bill Wiley
919 Paul Baron
920 Todd Wagner
921 Robert Norman
922 Somphong Kiatkungwanglai No More Blood Suckers
923 Tim Bates heir own money and quit leaching off of honest invested dollars.
924 R. Cox Stocks should move based on performance. Hard earned money is invested in good faith hopfully to get a good faith return which in turn helps improve the financial positions of corporations, investors and the economy. I know investing in the stock market is somewhat a gamble - taking a chance - but it's honest, American, it's essential to the success of our economy, and it's MY money. Shorts are pure gamblers - greedy - simply trying to get something for nothing at the expense of other people and the economy. Shorts should take their game back to the track or to Vegas and use their own money and quit leaching off of honest invested dollars.
925 A H Young short sellers are a parasite on the marketplace.
926 Jan Volckaert shorters earn money on the back of real longtime investors
927 William D. Wojahn Shorting holds the markets down. This is a great time to eliminate the practice.
928 Loren Reining Shorting gives the market a casino appearance,and destroys the best intent of investors doing dd,this should be halted immediately!!
929 William Higden I own the stock, if short sellers want to borrow my stock, they can pay a flat fee per share, in advance, no matter what the outcome of their short trade.
930 Bobby Vance No one should be allowed to borrow other people shares. They need to buy their own shares.
931 Scott Bunn
932 Jeffrey A. Carlson
933 Robert K Stovall
934 Martha Dove If you don't own it , you don't sell it.
935 BIKO.ob Hope they won`t do it with interesting OTCBB stock just recently announced order of RAPID HIV TEST from EUROPEAN !!!!!
936 karen ramsey I do not believe in nor have ever taken part in short selling!
937 Bob and Lorraine Kasprzak
938 Jerry Zibton Some action is long over due -
939 Patrick Smyth
940 Bethany Lowrie
941 Marty Layton
943 John Sharp It would give everyone a level playing field and also help curtail MM manipulation
944 Greg Emmerling I am tried of Naked Shorting by the Market Makers destroying the stocks I own.
945 Thomas F sayers Jr
946 John H. Austin Small investors are driven away because the markets are manipulated. Ready capital is wasted and underutilized.
947 mary boltz
948 Indie Jones God Bless America
949 James Colleary
950 tery ser Is someone shorting AVGO today ??????? it`s Wireless stock that haas worldwide with PALM !!!
951 Henry Chaffin Stop all shorting now. This is nothing but legal thievery. Just like stealing from widows and orphans. Oh I forgot thats what politicians do best.
952 Doug Suttles
953 Robert A. Taylor
954 Elliot Yudenfriend
955 Bruce Larsen this is supposed to be investing not gambling
956 Robert Branca, Jr. Bring some sanity into the fundamental concept of an EQUITY investment. Shorting perverts the nature of the underlying concept of "investment". It also encourages unscrupulous behaivor, particulary with dilutive financing for struggling comapnie who then are forced to lay off American workers. SHorting creates nothing but anti-productive incentive for the worst parts of human nature.
957 michael pfluger
958 David L DeFrees This is a good idea whose time has come.
959 Bruce Vail Eliminate shorting/naked shorting in the otc market
960 Charles J. Bird
961 Terry Brown
962 Allex Wright Stop the shorting and buy usxp now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
963 Michael J. Moore
964 bill wagner NO SHORTING
965 Cleve Langston
966 Gary Reeder
967 Michael Maloy Enough is enough, stop the company-destroying shorting on low priced stocks. Save the small investor.
968 Jack Wisecup Long overdue, MM's and shorters are blood suckers and need to be stopped
969 john wyspianski
970 Roger RAUS
971 David Chernin
972 Terry Doran
973 Runneth I can't play the market correctly so I hereby blame the short-sellers
974 Noah Hart My real address is hidden for security reasons
975 Alan Ricciuto SEC crack down needed
976 HAHAHAHA Awwww, you removed my previous signature THIS PETITION IS STILL STUPID!
977 R Altomare USXP is down again today -- must be those shorters at .05!
978 Ernest Hemingway Call me Ishmael!
979 RBSucks Raging Bull is awful. Time for a real chat site.
980 Thomas Gaffney
981 Donald R. Sutton
982 James J. Caron This practice should be illegal.
983 Larry Skees BAN ALL REVERSE SPLITS, TOO..!!!
984 Leon Sagirus
985 line voided
986 Gary E. Dusenberry Stop naked shorts!! And, make them cover all shorts!!
987 Chris Young
988 james w. dunning
990 Thi Nguyen
991 Jay Reynolds interim measure
992 Ron Polli This is a national emergancy. The rules need to change.
993 Basil Meecham I Will s ** k your d i c k!
994 runnethover I WILL S ** K YOUR LITTLE 6 YEAR OLD BOY !
995 Paula M. Bianchi Yes, we need a moritorium on shorting
996 z shirazi
997 Randy James
998 James Harvey
999 Robert Enders
1000 Timothy Schilke
1001 John Colvin, Jr DO IT...the markets are contrived anyway. so i doubt anyone will mmake them free & totally clean.Dont believe me? I can prove it. Want to see over 300+ companies w/ p/es less than 25, profit margins of 20%+, growth rates of 20%+ a year & YET have no or declining stock prices???? Now tell me this or anything matters anyway. Good Luck yer gonna need it.
1002 Kaia Sorem
1003 Alan Greenspan Lemme borrow your house. I dont own it, but wnat to sell it.
1004 Manny Manso
1005 gene foley
1006 Brian Fauser
1007 JK McCullough
1008 abc
1009 Richard Webb Save our Shares
1010 Rodney Forni
1011 Greg Organek
1012 derrald w. crawford The sooner the better !!!!!!
1013 Charles Medsker
1014 Richard Brand about time
1015 Hans Stoll
1016 Sean Paul
1017 TK
1018 Mike Marshall
1019 David Liberty
1020 Charles Sandstrom
1021 Lilliam Ferreira
1022 Weidian Ma
1023 Ti Wang
1024 Nan Ma
1025 gerald levine
1026 William Burck
1027 Alex Rinker
1028 Jamil Harris
1029 Olivier Lafont
1030 Dellios Petros
1031 Michael Di Stasi
1032 Sandy Greenberg
1033 Ted Bernstein
1034 Cory Patterson God Bless America!
1035 Stan Kapish
1036 Armand Kadrichu Let's make it against the law to ruin our economy
1037 Buddie BUDDIEE Get Greenspan to give us BACK the TRILLIONS he STOLE from us along with the SHORTS, his partners in crime against humanity!!
1038 Julie Naylor
1039 David Pirillo
1040 Rita Connolly
1041 juergen schuster
1042 nancy eitapence
1043 george nair
1044 Fletcher Sanders
1045 Bob TAylor
1046 Dennis Bailey
1047 Jim Sitzman
1048 Hal Fuller
1049 Andrew Bradford Will help foster TRUE investment
1051 Lisa Zincone
1052 Robert Luckett
1053 Douglas J Patterson
1054 John Persons
1055 Pete Rainville
1056 Chris Ensey Short Selling is harming our public companies and putting small companies out of business. Short selling seems to have become a means to profit from negative political ,natural or contrived, influences rather than company fundamentals. Organized & Coordinated short selling by institutions and others could cause cycles of harmful events or unnatural planned disasters. The United States is strong and our financial institutions are strong because US citizens focus on positive goals and outcomes. Naked short selling fosters the exact opposite. Please stop short selling ,No own-no sell.
1057 Timothy M. Santiago
1058 Robert Travister
1059 Alan Tylar
1060 Valerie Evett
1061 Larry Davis
1062 Charles J. Valentino Sr.
1063 Larry Jenkins
1064 Greg Barton No Own - No Sell
1065 Gordon L. Meineke
1066 Al Valenzio
1067 Dave Giudice
1068 Didier Saint-Remy
1069 Denise Limbaugh this has to be done to save Our Nation and Our People
1070 Allen H. Limbaugh This has to be done to save Our Nation and Our People
1071 Wayne Hubbell
1072 William F. Taylor
1073 Mark Furman
1074 dennis vedin uncontrolled shorting is ruining the markets long term
1075 Jeff Robbins Ê
1076 Jim Sprague long overdue!
1077 Mark Tarnowski
1078 Robert Williams
1079 paul Zillman
1080 paul
1081 Michele Buckingham
1082 William F. Peavey
1083 Mr. Paul Dullaert
1084 dodie wellington
1085 Marcus Hackman This is urgent!
1086 Sylvia Adan It's about time someone did something!!!
1087 Ted van Zutphen
1088 Harvey Holland
1089 Mary Jane Kocsis
1090 kenneth bentley
1091 Paul Meuser Stop the SHORTS!!!!!
1092 R W Horton this must be done ASAP
1093 Kevin White It is time that we stop letting our Americans send our economy down just so they can make a dime. The market was designed to HELP companies, not hurt.
1094 robin O'Roark bravo
1095 J. Mogonye
1096 Brad Crowe
1097 Larry P. Smith
1098 BIKO alltheway How`s the earnings of BIKO (otcbb) today ? up or down ?
1099 Anatole A. Geiche
1100 James Bogert
1101 Gerald L Fisher agree 100% I put far out sell orders i.e. stock trading at $50 PUT A SELL ORDER AT $100 . It is my understanding that those shares are not available for borrowing to short.
1102 Damon Ferrante Heed this good advice (GOD BLESS THE USA)
1103 v.kaul
1104 Paul Matulef, ASID Some form of legislation to limit short-selling is essencial to the financial well being of investors and the american economy. I have never understood why short selling has ever been allowed. If someone is not confident in a security, they should just be required to sell it outright rather than to apply more pressue and insentive to large institutional investors to drag to stock value down. This effects not only the stock holder, but also all the families who depend on the related companies for their livelyhood.
1105 D. EVANS good - will reduce gambling, manipulation
1106 John Elliott/ Wave Wireless
1107 Ken Burnett Short selling is a blight
1108 RK
1109 Clarence E Johnson
1110 Mark Whitley ASAP!
1111 Florin Romila
1112 Brad Kamberos No one should profit from destruction.
1113 Robert W. Brasch, Jr. Never did understand selling short. Should not be allowed.
1114 margaret rock level the playing field for ethical investors
1115 Gus Gadonas
1116 Paul Hueber
1117 Stephen Skinner
1118 james hunt
1119 Andrea Paterna
1120 Joe
1121 Ghupta Swavarny
1122 ronald t. carlucci Stop ALL Short selling please !!
1124 kogler randolf bless all human
1125 Ray Overman
1126 Chris Johnson
1127 Robert D. Nelson Must Approve
1128 David Edvalson Stop the Madness
1129 Robert Singer
1130 Angelo Simone
1131 Harvey Bohn
1132 Brian Anderson
1133 Medernach Chris Great move, we shall win the battle!
1134 Martin Baietty The last thing we need right now is a negative tone in our stock market. Short sellers create this tone.
1135 Patricia Fagan
1136 Albin J Koniar
1137 Walter Storm
1138 mike dubek
1139 John M. Reed Jr.
1140 Mike Calhoun
1141 Donny Chang
1142 John Clendening
1143 Zak Fowler We need to impliment policies such as these in the short term to help boost these troubled market conditions.
1144 Michael Thomas Ho w can you Sell something you dont Own !!!
1145 Joe Brennan
1146 Chris J Dealy act soon !
1147 Robert Majka
1148 Jeff Keller
1149 Carl R. Brehm, Jr.
1150 John Rebellato Get rid of it!
1151 Monika Wilkie LOOK AT VLPI.OB
1152 Server227 MM Shorting is blatant Fraud!
1153 jeff costello and make the OTC:BB a safer place to trade.
1154 Cheryl Kellis
1155 Paul R. Guyatte Look at VLPI, the worst example I have seen!
1156 Michael Nolan It's a shame that the SEC LETS this happen!!!
1157 Kevin Bengochea
1158 Alex P VLPI is a huge disaster made by all these bashers.
1159 Ron Sena
1161 christopher Wendel just do it
1162 don eury
1163 wayne thiery
1164 dale taff
1165 Soren Kirchner STOP THE THIEVES!!!
1166 Patricia J Poole
1167 Ken Henderson Also investigate the lies spread by shorts on community bullitin boards.
1168 Tom Bright naked shorting must end
1169 bryan montgomery
1170 Fred N. Pebdani
1172 Christopher Kruk
1173 Anne-Marie Smatlak
1174 Bill Allfrey Naked shorting is legal theft in every way
1175 zach collins
1176 Manfred Steffens y believe what they read on Raging Bull who need help.
1177 ShortSeller Nothing is wrong with short selling. It's the idiotic investors who actually believe what they read on Raging Bull who need help.
1178 Runnethover Godowned Hi! Can you please teach me how to invest? I'm always five days late, and five dollars short. Also, my alleged $40,000 investment in USXP has sunk over 60%! There should be legislation that prevents morons like me from investing 40k in a friggin penny stock.
1179 Jim Rogers Selling what you don't own is pure speculation. Does the SEC support that? Put options serve the same purpose without artificially effecting share price

:=) Gary Swancey

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