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Alias Born 09/11/2007

Re: GoldenStar post# 87439

Wednesday, 10/10/2007 8:11:14 PM

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 8:11:14 PM

Post# of 162847
I don't understand your motivation.

Hey Golden. I must admit you have me totally scratching my head.

It appears you are afraid for your investment. Of course, I understand fear as do all of us. But when I think a stock will fall, I sell. You've got to trust your DD and your instinct.

All of your posts are saying you think the stock will fall. I understand you bought in at .025, but if you honestly think the stock will fall, shouldn't you cut and run? Do you honestly think the PPS is heading south? If so, why the hell are you not selling? Are you masochistic?

If you are right and the price falls you can buy in later at a cheaper price or, in the alternative, you can move onto a stock you truly believe you can make money with.

You seem like a smart guy. My question to you is why are you staying here arguing with people and putting a bad vibe on your own portfolio. Wouldn't it be wiser to quietly sell your stock instead of using your creativity to increase the likelihood that the stock will fall?

Surely, a guy as smart as you must know that if you are indeed persuasive in your bearishness, then people will be influenced to sell or not buy at all if sitting on the fence.

I just don't understand your motivation if you do actualy hold stock in FCCN. Please discuss.

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