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Alias Born 04/17/2006

Re: Mr. Zen post# 972

Thursday, 09/27/2007 6:11:22 PM

Thursday, September 27, 2007 6:11:22 PM

Post# of 1076
Sorry Doubloon,

There is no more MLTO, so no need to "moderate" MLTO board. Now we can move to AGWS, or PECB, or some new great ( read disaster ) penny stock..

Would you tell us how many shares of MLTO you own. I bet you zero. You, and your friend RW, have known all of this garbage is coming long time ago...

Plus, you can give us a lecture how is P/D action done, 19M shares is piece of cake...I guess just the dump part was a bit difficult, not too many poor naive retail buyers...

Oh, by the way, did you miss-spelled Telereco, for Talarico?
