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Re: jackfree post# 11071

Wednesday, 09/19/2007 4:29:21 PM

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 4:29:21 PM

Post# of 19446
all sam could have done was to better update what was going on and provide financials, either audited or unaudited. and he needed to provide details of the JVs, how much SPRL really represented.

but all of those may have hurt more than helped.... we will never know.

fact is, the stock should have never been above a nickel. there was no justification then, there is none now. it was only hype then, it is reality now.

and many of us are left with alot of shares at a high average. said mine was .04, its actually .034, but at one time it was over ten cents.

no one to blame but myself. Im a big boy.