RET_EE, a sincere thank you for trying to get some input. I too, am impressed with Ketch for the attributes you mentioned. If he's a "con man" or "flat-out lying", he's really good at it. Because he seems very sincere and trustworthy to me. RET_EE, how would you characterize Ketch's sincerity and trustworthiness? To me, this is ultra-important in the CEO of the companies that I'm invested in, along with competence, obviously.
That's the same assumption I made about the FPGA. It must have a way to go until completion if Ketch feels Adaptive could use some assistance to accelerate the process. But the important thing to me is the end result. As long as it's not too far down the road. And it must not be if Ketch is still confident in tech revenues this year. In my opinion, Ketch's desire for NVEI to have some tech revenues in 2004 is why he'd like to see Propp have more help to move this along faster. Time will tell.
By the way, what did you think about today's PR as well as the upside share price movement with a million plus volume?