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Re: stockseeker2000 post# 2401

Saturday, 09/15/2007 7:20:26 AM

Saturday, September 15, 2007 7:20:26 AM

Post# of 11472
Stockseeker – I agree

as all I know who are shareholders at this price or under are very pleased – though actually most who even have bases higher, bought for the longer term so are patient as the company grows.

I wanted to point our 2 things as I have only a little time today.

One is that the 144 sales – anyone can check all of those that were resisted at for free so there is no disagreement at all. Vickers does have two registrations however that are not correct – one for 350k and the other for 250k both of Barry Davis – there was never an opinion letter given for those so they were not officially registered so were not sold.

By my count since last May when the first 144 was registered there has been 1.84 million shares registered so not many in the scheme of things. It has weighed some on the stock price but the stock is up since mid July when the bulk of 144 sales started so the buyers still outweigh the sellers. Remember that these sales have nothing to do with the company. These were private placement owners and the way the placement firm makes money is to get them out of one placement and into others as the firm makes no money if his clients just sit. Those who want to hold their stock can buy back and have unrestricted stock. Registering the 144 stock gives someone 90 days that they can sell and if they do not they would have to register it again. The upside to the selling is the freeing up of those shares to give a larger float without increasing the total outstanding shares. This is important for institutional buyers in the future as too hard to take any larger position with only 3.9 million in the float as it was before.

To repeat – as the stock price is up it shows that even with these shares that were sold it did not knock down the price as the shorts thought it would. They thought as soon as August 25 came along they would be able to cover under $1.

I do want to correct what you wrote that “ Russian backers who know no rules in their country” This is far from the reality. The company is not “Russian backed” it is a USA company and all the private placement – “backing” was done in the USA with mostly American investors. The Chairman of the Board is Lawrence C. McQuade who was a former US Assistant Secretary, Department of Commerce. This is not your average ‘pink sheet” stock. In so far as “know no rules” yikes - you do not live here – rules we have - too many of. There is sure no lack of them - maybe 14 years ago for sure but now there are very tight rules on so many things. This is why NNRF could buy only 50% of ATOLL and ROAR as the country has a rule preventing an international company from buying more. This is why the company has to wait a bit to be listed on the Russian exchange as an RDR as the law will be changed to allow this. So for rules Russia has plenty and strict ones.

My writings or comments or phone calls are to help some to understand the company information. I am not so interested in who buys the stock as plenty will and I believe it will go much much higher than its April run. People can make their own decisions but it is a large story with many parts. If someone is short term and the nervous type who need daily PRs and hand holding then maybe they will find another stock. People who are interested in what in my opinion will be very significant gains in a vastly growing field should read the 45-page report Strategically Positioned for the “Dawn of a New Nuclear Age” a link to it is on my home page and this week’s newsletter. I am surprised that some who constantly ask for more information have not read it and not even thoroughly read the monthly SEC filings or numerous press releases carefully. This report is not an opinion report, it is a compellation of materials. You can find most yourself on the Internet but here they are in one place.

Do not link me to anyone else as I live here and see what is going on and do research. I do not post information that is private or unknown but things which many do not have the time to read about or cannot actually do such as my visit with ROAR. Anyone can go and see but most do not get to Moscow.
I know there are some who like to talk about the stock shooting to the moon this week or next month etc. That is not me and I am not paid to try and move the stock price. I own some restricted shares which I cannot sell and shares I bought on the market I can sell but if anyone buys or sells based on what I own or do not own are IMO rather foolish.

The issue is the company and what they are doing. You know they have done 2 acquisitions and the latest one is still in the works for its spin off and that takes time. There is no secret to this. There are 2 more announced acquisitions in the works also and we believe more coming as you will see reference to in the report and in press releases.

The retail investor can call the company but I think not one person has even done that. They call an IR person or me but never the company. Mostly I speak with larger buyers or funds who have more involved questions about say, Atomenerogprom (ATROMPROM) and the major pillars of it – Atomstroyexport, Atomenergomash, TVEL and Rosenergoatom (ROSATOM).

These are really major word players, TVEL alone has about 40,000 employees. NNRF, Inc is still a young company and in the last year has made incredible advances. They have also an incredible team of word leaders in this field. For the small investor who in reality just wants it to get to $50 or so as soon as possible so they can sell, the big picture seems un important so they focus on short term questions that are not as easy to answer as who can say if a certain contract will be tendered this month or in 3? More serious investors who look for more significant gains over the next year or years look more at the complex structure of the nuclear business in Russian and the world need for nuclear waste cleanup, removal, transportation and long term storage. Also there is the need for shielding all around the world. As I say this is a complex and very interesting story and situation with the world getting very excited in renewed interest in nuclear power and real need to solve past problems.

I understand short term trader’s great interest in knowing every single day to day detail and keep hoping for daily PRs so they can see a quick rise. I am not so interested in that and none of the real professional investors or the long term investors I speak with are either. We look at the continued growth and the careful execution or each step along the way. To care if the stock price today is 50 cents more or less than three days ago is not the issue to me as stock prices can swing widely at any time. I look at the company’s progress and all you have to do is read the many press releases the company has made to see how much they are accomplishing.

We of course have whiners who give their daily complaints about every little thing they can think of and they may as well sell and move on as they benefit no one and not the company for sure. If you spend 5 minutes complaining – you have wasted 5 (Jim Rohm said) And we have our touts who say its going to the moon next week for sure. But I speak with a lot of mostly serious investors who do “get” the story and realize the potential and look beyond the short term 144 stock or the waiting for listing on other exchanges etc. They are smart enough to know that these things are part of the growing process and are not at all inpatient. They also underrated that all questions cannot be answered exactly when they wish and often for reasons that they do not know of. But heck from 55 cents to $3 in less than a year – yikes.

Anyway – I will be away a few days but just wanted to say that message boards in almost no way represent the average investor as most do not explore them or post on them. NNRF, Inc is progressing and has a very professional team that understands that their aim is to build a strong company so they spend most all of their tine doing that and not in talking on the phone to everyone who owns some shares.

We do not have projections from the company though we know the last report ATOLL has 26% margins and we know that the 3rd and 4th quarter are expected to be much better as they are historically the strongest quarters for ATOLL.

We are the shareholders so it is our company but I am happy with how our board is doing and what the company is achieving. The stock price is not going to crash as one poster would love nor is it going to $100 in the next two weeks as others may love but IMO this is very good one to take your certificates an put in a drawer and check the progress every quarter or so and I think you will be very pleased. I remember my parents used to meet with their broker each year to decide on what stocks they had that they would sell and what new ones to buy. They did very well. Some who say they are long term actually seem to watch daily and even hourly – amazing.

Have a great weekend.

I am a consultant for NNRF, Inc and own personal shares