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Alias Born 07/09/2003

Re: None

Saturday, 01/31/2004 8:34:49 PM

Saturday, January 31, 2004 8:34:49 PM

Post# of 2357
USGA has been the victim of an attack by an organization based in England called Our street has filed complaints with the SEC against a number of companies. This is all well and good, BUT --

Our-street (OS) accepts gratuities to finance it's operation. However, if you are the giver of a monthly gratuity, they will give you advance notice of thier research. That 2 day warning only cost you a gratuity of $200.00 per month. If you're unable to be as gratuitous as other parties they will accept your lesser gratuity and give you a few hours notice.

I don't know what the research was that was made public on USGA, but as I was reading the USGA message board on RB I ran across a post by someone who >had just seen news on a crawl about USGA< Well what do you do? I found the news and it was on the M2 wire. It boldly announced that an SEC complaint had been filed re: USGA. Now fearing that this was serious I went to the OS web site and read the complaint. All the usual complaints about a startup, but then the item, they have no patents. Hmmm. SEC complaint, and the patents they said they had don't exist. "Darn I invested in a scam" Man I saw this first let me dump out now.

Now to say I was taken aback by any SEC involvement with a stock I own is an understatement. I dumped on the news. After completing my sale I went back to the RB message board to get some other takes on the news. That's when I found out what OS was about.

I started to reconstruct my position and had managed to get most of it back at a lower price. Of course now I have taxes due on what I felt was a long term hold.

So later that afternoon a retraction of part od the OS press release is issued. There are patents. Sorry but we stand by the rest. Without the patent issue it's really just rehashed basher posts presented in one long post that looks like an official document. Oh and it is an official document if OS is to believed. They did file a complaint with the SEC. They did get a receipt from the SEC that the complaint was received.

Now I have a take on this and I believe it's illegal. The "gratuity givers" (Yeah monthly on a schedule) are given advance notice of the OS activities. (I believe). Heck I don't give a gratuity so I don't know what information they sent to the "co-conspirators". But it was promised on the OS web site to "give two days notice". Now I always figure two days notice on an SEC involvement is pretty good. Now the kicker here is here is this self styled watchdog reporting companies to the SEC and then publicizing it on thier schedule! If they were legit I do not believe they would announce the SEC being requested to investigate. I mean request an investigation, and then turn around and let the chosen few and then the rest of the world in on a possible investigation?

Now OS appears to be part od some Nick Tracy Enterprises over in England. I saw an e-mail address for him that looked like Africa somewhere. I don't even know if he's a real person. You know, Nick tracy or Dick Tracey?? But anyway, this 2 day heads up would tell you:

1. To get out of a position.

2. Set up a short position

3. Do it through your overseas account, and you don't even need shares. (naked)

Now it would be even better if this watchdog errored up and had to withdraw part of it's publicity because it was false. Stock should rebound right? Wonder if they advised the SEC that they were in error on that point. Oh well. So sorry. Faux pas.

Now I really am perturbed about this not just because I got burned, but because some of the people who invested in USGA were doing it through IRA's and Keoughs. Sorta' hard to build those lost funds back up.

The other point and perhaps more critical is USGA is involved in government contracts. You know the kind you can't really publicize. They make armor and have the distribution license on a decontamination foam. Troop protection and Homeland defense. Okay so I'm a sap, but I'm a veteran, and guess what, I invested in a company that was defensive rather that offensive. (Yeah, my heart was in there to a little bit.)

Now we are warned about financial terrorism being part of the Al Queda plan. (and it was directed this time at a possible defense contractor). (Who shorted American and United Airlines before 9/11) I don't think OS was around then, but they would likely think it a cool play. They sure picked a defence entity this time. USGA may be a scam, but a lot of people got involved in a conspiracy to create an incident they would have foreknowledge of so they could profit from it.

Now what you have to ask yourself is:
How would I react? What if my stock #### got publicity like that? What would happen. Would shorts eat my pajamas and come collect the first born child too? Now I view the SEC complaint made as a confidential document. I look on the "contributors" as co-conspirators . I look on OS as a criminal conspiracy waging financial terrorism on the US markets. Now all of us as investors in stocks are combatants in that war. Well guess what. You got a knife and they have nuclear weapons. See the real laugh is they are using the might and power, the reputation of our own US. Government SEC against us. We can't short, etc. Well guys, check out OS and see what you think. Then I suggest you sell every stock you own and we'll all go to Vegas. At least they smile at you there as you lose your money. And they have free drinks! You might even win. But here in the stock market, as long as financial terrorists can go after any stock, just by telling the SEC they think- and then take out a PR to announce they think..., and doing it in collusion with co-conspirators who with two days notice are all set up to collect the those hard earned investment dollars in the Sunny Caymans as they rain from the sky. Now you may do nothing more than read this post and be on to this conspiracy. Or maybe you'll ante up the $200.00 to get that 2 day warning and be in on the "research". But other guys and gals, there be folks out there who want your dollars. If you leave it in stocks right now, they are at more of a risk than normal, because this OS is overseas and you know how quick our government is sometimes. Maybe they'll be quicker this time because of the defence aspect. And when was that wrist slap about mm shorting to go into effect? (I think it only applies to one stock at a time too.)

PS: Incredible hootzpah. Nick Tracy, speaking for Nick Tracy Enterprises, wrote a comment letter to the SEC re: the new rules on short trading. Seem's he feels they make for an orderly market.

So if you guys dig up any info, post it here on I-HUB USGA or Raging Bull USGA and those of us who can are relaying the information to the company and to the SEC. I have no qualms if you copy this report to your congressman or Senator or even your favorite for election. At a time when they are worried about small investors losing faith in the stock markets, well let's see how they react to this problem.

Oh by the way, your invested in #### right? Well I have a friend who paid two hundred bucks and he told me that your stock is on the list. Now don't say I told you. But you better move quick. He told me this morning he got this e-mail. Yeah we're gonna' make money off those other suckers arent we!

Stakddek, who in stating his opinion about the

organization as he see's it. He is not now nor never has been a subscriber to our-street. Any statements in this post are made from his interpretation of events as he understands them, and he's not a lawyer now and has never aspired to be one. Everything I have stated here is my perception of reality as I know it. I told the truth here, as I know it. In some instances I have expressed an opinion based on my interpretation of the things I conjecture. If you check on this by doing a little due diligence you may conjecture in a similar fashion.

Anyone got some good stock tips????

I do.

Write a letter or copy this e-mail with your comments to the SEC or to your elected officials, or anyone you think cares about your well being. We'll find out who our friends are.
