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Re: Stogie post# 10822

Tuesday, 09/04/2007 10:23:41 PM

Tuesday, September 04, 2007 10:23:41 PM

Post# of 19446
I understand your frustration about how things have been handled in the past with press releases and updates in general.


What company issues a press release that any firm has initiated coverage with a price target? None that are not total scumbags. The news about coverage comes from the issuing company, not the company being covered.

I have not seen in print any Sam excuses. All excuses have come from board members, not the company. In past years, there have been no updates because there was nothing to update. The plan kept changing directions as necessitated by the then current market conditions and/or problems with how the deals were to have worked out. I assume that since nothing has been reported, there is nothing concrete/signed/done to report. Or there are other deals that may be jeopardized by flying out with all kinds of JCMP type hype.

With regards to dilution, in the long run, playing by the rules works for companies that do, even if dilution hurts in the short term. Look at all the bs companies that issue phony press releases then dilute the crap out of their stock. Always catches up with them!!!

Volume is how you rid weak holders and bring in new shareholders, allowing the share price to then rise...

Problems, sure there are. Nothing to report in couple years? How about financials? We go nowhere long term without reporting audited financials!!!