The problem with your reasoning, TRCPA is that "rationality", "reasoning", "objectivity" can never be separated from interpretation and understanding. Chanfan has established factual DD which is ignored, yet very accurate. It is ignored, because the rationality, reasoning and objectivity is skewed toward positive only postings on your part--and including the past track record of FASC, nor discussion of it, is ignored.
Jagman is correct. And I might add that it has been scientifically proven by John Templeton that prayer and faith and subjective values, such as we all being just stewards of God's provision, are related to the stock market. As Templeton stated, "Prayer before investment decisions certainly doen't mean I will not continue to make mistakes and poor investment choices. But I am convinced it has greatly improved my batting average". As the old hymn goes, "He's got the whole world in His hands". And for me this includes the stock market. Waitedg