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Re: jk21 post# 75003

Tuesday, 08/28/2007 12:34:04 AM

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 12:34:04 AM

Post# of 131532
I can totally mirror jk21's sentiment. My position regarding the stock has not changed. As he said we put in a lot of time on this board. I'm retired and had the time to give but I got tired of begging people to keep this a nice place where people could share their thoughts and DD on INXR. For our efforts we got called names and told that WE need to relax!! Shelly said it best, she reviewed a few days worth of posts and out of 111 removals she only restored 2!! I'd say we were just in what we did yet we still got labeled as being biased mods. In reality nothing could be further from the truth. I've invested in stocks for many years and any day of the week I would rather find out potentially damaging news about a stock I own, then to hear good news about things to come. It is the damaging news that would hurt the most so it would be foolish to NOT want to know about it. We still were barked at and told that we only allow positive posts and anything negative got deleted. That is just a lie. There is no other way to say it then it is a flat out lie. We have thick skin but everyone reaches a point where if the fruit of their efforts isn't worth it there isn't much point in continuing.

I am sorry for the confusion left behind due to people wondering what happened. There is no easy way to do this though. There is no patented way of severing ties from a job, and a volunteer job as jk said. We didn't ask for much and I think we were pretty damn fair but we would no sooner make a general post on the board asking for people to stay on topic and the VERY NEXT post would be off topic talking about what we had just asked not happen. That gets frustrating. In the end those blaming us were directing the blame the wrong way. We did not write the posts. I can assure that jk and myself and all the mods for that matter do have lives outside of I hub and this board was beginning to detract from that a bit. That can't happen and shouldn't happen.

Having said all that, it was a VERY small majority of posters that made the board the mess that it would become. Those people know who they are. It was almost as if it became a joke to deliberately buck the system and make us out to be the bad guys instead of them just doing the right thing by cleaning up the posts they were writing. I REALLY appreciate all the PM's I've received today from people offering support and thanking me for what I did. Those words DO mean a lot!!!! It made the job worth it. Unfortunately the balance was shifting away from those type of posts and becoming more and more nasty in nature. For what will ultimately be the best for the board I backed down. Maybe a change will make people realize that there is more to moderating a board then just removing posts. Believe me when I tell you that NONE of the moderators took any pleasure in removing posts. All of us would rather NEVER have to touch a post and let the board just flow naturally. Many times it was like that here but not as of late. Nobody has the right to take out their own personal frustration on another person and that is precisely what was happening. It's selfish to put it mildly. And I wish it had not come to this.

I wish everyone the best here. I have not sold a single share and do not plan to any time soon. My feeling on the stock and the company have not changed and I have no doubt that things will soon turn around and start going the way we all hope they will go. It is VERY easy to point fingers and blame people for what is happening when many times that is just the way it is when it comes to investing in stocks. ESPECIALLY pink stocks. They are a different kind of animal and there are CLEARLY people here that can't handle the kinds of ups and downs that this market frequently experiences. Should that be an open license to take pot shots at people??? I think not. So maybe by removing myself and by jk removing himself from the picture a balance can be attained that is missing. We are not accepting blame for this imbalance but we recognize that it is there and to bring this to a rewarding outcome if our departure helps then it was worth it.

I'll miss the chats I had with people here. I'm sure many of them will continue outside of this board and maybe even still on this board. But this change was needed. I would like to think that the mods that remain will get the respect they deserve for volunteering their time to do what can be a totally thankless job at times. We've paved the way and I think they are more than capable of continuing on should that be what they decide to do. At least give them a shot!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to you all for your support and I will be around and willing to talk at any time. 98% of my time here was great, that 2% got pretty rough though and ain't that always the case where it only takes a few to make things rough on the many!!!

Good luck everyone and in my mind, I still have no doubt that this stock will do well. If I didn't feel that way I would tell you and make the appropriate move.

Thanks to you all!!!!!

"Sort of" is such a harmless thing to say. "Sort of". It's just a filler. "Sort of" - It doesn't really mean anything. But after certain things, "sort of" means everything. Like after "I love you" or "You're going to live" or "It's a boy".