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Re: peeved post# 25011

Wednesday, 08/22/2007 10:33:36 PM

Wednesday, August 22, 2007 10:33:36 PM

Post# of 95650
i'll take the first stab, though I feel you should know some of the answers if you read this board regularly...

all my opinions... others please feel free to correct as needed

1. Spooz does not have to have the matching engine (if that is indeed what this deal is about) up and running to announce anything, in my opinion. A deal to get it up and running on the order of millions of dollars would certainly be a great PR, especially if some big brokers, and if yahoo or google were involved in some way. The quiet period may be just to work out the details of the deal, not to complete the project.

2. Deal going on trumps all PR's relating to other activities, may even trump how much effort is going into other activities, though I doubt it because the company was set for launch when this deal came about

3. Others have hinted at the fact that the STv2 software might give competitors more of an edge in terms of the deal, so maybe it's being kept off the market until this deal is done, who knows... many who have seen the demos are still blown away, so i don't think they'll have any trouble selling when the time is right... last i heard they already had hundreds of subscribers

4. not sure what you mean by revenue from exchange, but i'm pretty sure spooz does not plan to have transaction fees for STv2 or its modules, just monthly use fees from $89 to hundreds of dollars

God grant me the serenity to deal with the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and should; and wisdom to know the difference.