Of course the Black and Decker Kwikset Smartscan was more than likely initially set up with low margins. Black and Decker provided Sequiam credibility and name recognition.
Bottom line is other manufacturers looking to make products biometric now understand that Sequiam's technology works. If not then Black and Decker would have worked with another provider. Black and Decker opened the doors for Sequiam.
For the most part it is too early to analyze margins on the Smartscan as the nationwide rollout just began in the last month of the second quarter. Third and Fourth quarter should be more indicative of Sequiam revenue attributed to the Smartscan.
However, there is one thing that some are not focusing on. There are millions of products that could utilize biometric technology. Black and Decker placed Sequiam on the map as being a leading provider to make products biometric.
Tool boxes, cigar boxes, garage door openers, jewelry boxes, computers, and complete high tech security systems could add Sequiam's technolgy to their product offering. Just to name a few.
Sequiam doesn't necessariy make the product, they make the product biometric.
I feel the company is on the right path now for huge revenue gains by alligning themselves with other Fortune 500 companies in the future.
This company should be exciting to follow in the coming months and years to come.