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Alias Born 06/20/2007


Re: PremierStocks post# 16933

Thursday, 08/09/2007 9:08:49 AM

Thursday, August 09, 2007 9:08:49 AM

Post# of 247363
Ok "Dude" do you have any idea what it costs to open a new store? Do you have any idea what it costs to buy an exsisting store and turn it into your format? And yes I do, over 35 years experience in retail and I have opened and remodeled more stores they you have women. So we have been told that Wise Buys / Hacketts wants to add ten new stores in the very near future..that 500k means we will have to open or remodel 9 /12 stores...Oh shit we'er broke, we are completly out of money. In the business this company is headed for 500k is nothing, in the long term..that is what you have to think of when you think of this company long term Dude