Greeneyed, with all due respect, you come off more and more gullible
every time you post.
Sounds to me like you believe every word you hear from the company...
For all you know, they don't have a dime of production for the
company itself. Sure, the TRRC reports that AMEP's subsidiaries are
producing oil and gas, but that doesn't mean AMEP has a working
interest in the wells.
You have no financial statements to tell you that this is a viable
company. NONE!
You've been going on here-say for the last two years about what you've
"heard" coming out of Mineral Wells. You've trusted Charles Bitters
implicitly with your investment, of which you are quick to point out
when you are buying more shares...
Now your "investment" is being cut to shreds, and you're still riding
high on this guy! Give me a break!
The fact that this clown won't go ask for money from a bank to drill
tells me one thing: He doesn't have production numbers to float a loan.
The 12-year old down the street can go to nearly any bank in Oklahoma
or Texas and float a million dollar note if he can show he's got
existing net cash flow from production.
All the more telling that he doesn't have any numbers to back up as
By the way, I've got a hell of a stripper well in Kansas that I'm sure
you'd love to take part in. You won't get any working interest, and
neither will I, but I'd gladly give you 200,000 shares in a "company"
that operates the well...
I don't mean to be rude, but at some point you've got to go to Bitters
and tell him to shit or get off the pot.
Let's see some financial statements from the company BEFORE we cut our
money by a factor 25 on the premise that "there are really good things
to come"...
Give me a break!
A fool and his money are soon parted...