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Sunday, 06/24/2007 3:49:45 PM

Sunday, June 24, 2007 3:49:45 PM

Post# of 3329
osted by: demmo47
In reply to: Crow3 who wrote msg# 17720 Date:2/2/2007 1:24:21 PM
Post #of 17724

A review of the site reveals that very few CEXI shares have been legitimately shorted. But Xeno refers to “naked shares”. A whole different animal. The naked shorts were probably lined up to receive millions of soon to be authorized shares at a deep discount to market prices (i.e. “ten-centers”). When the flood gates open with newly authorized shares on the market, massive dilution would have eroded the share price. The naked shorts could cover with their discounted “borrowed” shares and not have to buy at market prices. It appears from trade reports that the MMs are trying (with little success) to walk the price up, increase volume and force a cover. I’m guessing the shorts will win, dilution will decrease the share price and the naked shorts will cover with deeply discounted shares. Bang - Instant massive dilution that will not show on daily volume reports

Posted by: Crow3
In reply to: Xenophon who wrote msg# 17718 Date:2/2/2007 1:24:16 PM
Post #of 17724

Cutting way back on the burn rate, and selling shares to nursing homes and pro athletes, etc, is a slow way to go..but the only way that CDEX can stay alive for many more months.

A big pipe would bribg the curtain dowm fast.

Posted by: Xenophon
In reply to: Crow3 who wrote msg# 17719 Date:2/2/2007 1:09:48 PM
Post #of 17724

Crow: that is why Griff and Strickland are still dangerous and they will watch out to make sure that the PIPEFITTERS are not hurt or they will start to light the bonfire.

I bleeve the PIPEFITTERS, IF they hold naked short positions, will eventually get newly issued shares directly (via a PIPE PP with warrants and other devices to disguise the level of discount) or via an intermediary entity to cover themselves - maybe at a nominal profit even.

Just like you don't risk a lawsuit by disgruntled Tier 2 folks with the means, you sure don't screw with folks like Griff, Strickland, and their PIPE buddies who are a MUCH tougher audience - especially once they have been "inside Oz".

It becomes a balance of power/Mexican standoff. The only guys who get ripped are the common shareholders who DON'T have the ability to wield a meaningful threat against anyone.

Such are the ways of the Street.

Moving the BID/ASK at virtually no volume is a risk-free gambit to trap suckers trying to ride the "story" of a short squeeze and perhaps gather intelligence as to the level or depth of any panic buying (which I doubt will happen for the reasons stated above).

Butt it's risk-free to the MMs (as long as volume is low) to try to trap followers of the "squeeze story".

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Posted by: Xenophon
In reply to: None Date:2/2/2007 12:51:13 PM
Post #of 17724

Dale from Cincy asks why the scam continues, rather than letting the PIPE go thru and let the whole thing die.

The answer, Dale, is that some of the folks on the lower tiers (Tier 2 and lower) have a bunch of shares left in their pockets, as do certain PPers who have connections with folks in the securities industry who can get the Feds to relook at this with new info. (Folks like RLCJR and Milchip)

Those lower tier folks would have LOST the value of their shares if the PIPE went through and they would not have walked away and chalked it up to luck.

They called foul, and this FORCED MP to return (to CYA), sheetcan the PIPE, and Griff was tossed under the bus as the scapegoat du jour.

They HAD to "keep hope alive" or face some serious private lawsuits which would force DISCOVERY which could open the whole thing up for the Feds. They cannot allow DISCOVERY in litigation by a truly adverse party (which is what Degenhart and Gandy hoped for) - that is WHY the inside gang of Screwart and Mari hijacked Andy Badger's lawsuit against LOCH.

They similarly can't allow a lawsuit NOW. They HAVE to keep the hope alive and use it to hold off a lawsuit and DISCOVERY.

BTW, how is your "methgun in testing" any different than EM-1x at Kinmen Island and Yuma, or the Navy Phase I grant, or the PS3 "in active marketing" and "validated" by Lignon, Jenkins, a Tucson cop, and a retired UA professor - or ELF demo'd on the Capitol steps?

Has anything really changed other than the Golden Widget names?

Nah. Only the cast has shuffled chairs again.

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OTC BB | Miscellaneous | Cdex, Inc. (CEXI) CEXI Quote/Level II - News - Quote - Chart

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Posted by: Xenophon
In reply to: None Date:2/2/2007 10:35:35 AM
Post #of 17724

Let me solve a puzzle for Dale in Cincy as an aside.

The reason the MMs are raising the ask for CDEx is their speculation that Griffon was the front man for a PIPE, and this was aborted by his "termination".

The MMs speculate that the PIPELAYERS had sold short (naked shorted) CDEx in the Fall of 2006 in anticipation of Griff getting a green light to do the pre-planned PIPE in January (just like Bucky Lyons did). With those PIPE dreams now gone due to Griffon's departure, the MMs are assuming that the PIPELAYERS are stuck in a large naked short position with very little trading volume to cover it.

So, the MMs are trying to run the PIPELAYERS and run the short in a squeeze play.

As I said before, it became a GREED GAME between the OLE TEXASS BOYZ and the NEW IPIX GANG as to which one got to screw the common shareholders. The OLE TEXASS BOYZ were dealt outt by Strickland and Griffin in favor of their own PIPEcleaners, then the OLE TEXASS BOYZ who own the gambling house decided to pull rank.

Now the Strickland/Griffin PIPELAYERS are left inna cold. The question is whether (and how much) they had naked shorted CDEx in anticipation of January.

Do you follow that, or will it require more explanation?

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Posted by: Xenophon
In reply to: sanddollar who wrote msg# 17699 Date:2/2/2007 10:29:50 AM
Post #of 17724


Of course, as in the rainbow, there are shades of each color.

Butt from a Category Theory perspective, this grouping is analytically appropriate, IMO.

Posted by: Xenophon
In reply to: sanddollar who wrote msg# 17696 Date:2/2/2007 10:10:00 AM
Post #of 17724

What is more important is to focus on the Tier 0 Players - HARRIS, PHILIPS, THE BAKERS, MATZIG ... perhaps in some cases BUCKY LYON.

Potweety, Cauthen, and Blair were playing their own ongoing for-hire game of "pay me and I'll look like the next Golden Widget for you". The crashed into LOCH in the same way Screwart crashed into PetroTech. Let's call these Tier 0.5 Players, or Tier 0.75. I'd put RODNEY BOONE in that category also - like Lavalliere, he was Credibility-For-Sale and sports contacts for PPs - not the originators at Tier 0.

And secondarily, for sheets-and-giggles, also to find out WHO made the investment decisions for the Phelps-Dodge employee fund (Tier 1 or higher!).

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OTC BB | Miscellaneous | Cdex, Inc. (CEXI) CEXI Quote/Level II - News - Quote - Chart

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Posted by: Xenophon
In reply to: None Date:2/2/2007 9:43:17 AM
Post #of 17724

Do you reckon that our TEXASS GANG (Tier 0), who have run so many ScamCos, from LOCH to AVSG to DRYD/CWIR, etc. figured out in the mid-late 90's that the real deep pool of PPer MONEY was highly paid athletes and then the REAL SUCKER BAGHOLDER average Joe suckers would flock to follow the "smart money" of pro athletes once they found out about it and buy their PP shares and also more of those of the TEXASS GANG and their numerous LLCs?

This could explain why a TEXASS-LICENSED NUCLEAR ENGINEER working at WINSTON & STRAWN's nuclear energy practice in DC would have been in a position to know the WINSTON & STRAWN DC OFFICE ENERGY GROUP CLIENT PG&E's DIABLO CANYON - and its Rodney Boone (a former college ballplayer and part of the well-known BOONE BASEBALL FAMBLY) to take over the "front man" exec position from R.B. BAKER and DENNIS HARRIS. And Boonie (Tier 1) did bring in lots of baseball money - just ask Kidd. And Rod was the new Saviour to make LOCH work after DENNIS HARRIS had gotten into a bit of a bind and was allowed to exit stage right and blamed for LOCH's past lack of commercial success.

This could explain how ROBERT LEE MATZIG's Avid Sportswear at the same time lured Mike Lavalliere (Pittsburgh major league star- Tier 1) to be a "front man" exec for AVSG - and sign off on the Avid leases, and net SEC-REPORTED co-investors MARIO LEMIEUX (famous Pittsburgh hockey star).

LaValliere, Michael(2) 1,762,940 3.8% 172,923

Lemieux, Mario 300,000 * 300,000

Trottier, Doug E. 6,000 * 6,000

Seeing these guys would make lower level sports figures and more importantly the general penny stock investing public think these shell companies had credibility. It also gave the TEXASS GANG access to PP money to sell newly printed shares to at a discount - the LOCH 2-for-1 deals - so the Big League ballplayers were allowed to make a modest profit and walk away generally happy after they were used for appearances to suck in more money from non-sports players (like Madison softball players hanging out at a Dump across from the ballfield - "Hey, this company is run by a Baseball Boone, it must be legit!" or "Mario Lemieux invested in this one, so it must be legit.")

Note the common scheme at a common time among companies that all originated from TEXASS, and more particularly ROBERT LEE MATZIG and DENNIS HARRIS.

Note that the Tier 2 gameplayers (who were sent out to find the low-level suckers to impress with how the company is legit and has attracted all this Sports Money and New Front Men to invigorate share sales (PPs and market) of their long-moribund pennystocks were almost the SAME in the companies.

Here are some of the common LOCH Second Tier players and the AVSG Second Tier players (the "SALESMEN") or at least Fambly Rewardees (from AVSG SB-2) - they all have similar links to LOCH:

Baker, Carol 6,000 * 6,000

Curtis, Christopher D. 100,000 * 100,000

Fisher, John C. 300,000 * 300,000

Gillette, Bryan 150,000 * 150,000

Huzella, James W. 100,000 * 100,000

Huzella, Nicholas S. 100,000 * 100,000

Huzella, Norbert T. 150,000 * 150,000

Huzella, Thomas R. and 300,000 * 300,000
Carole L.

Jakovac, Frank J. 400,000 * 400,000

Noriega, Michael 300,000 * 300,000

Smith, Gary 5,000 * 5,000

Man, it is sure interesting how ROBERT LEE MATZIG's AVSG and DENNIS HARRIS' LOCH both followed the SAME STRATEGY at the SAME TIME using many of the SAME TIER TWO PEOPLE.

Tier 2 players gott either free shares and/or deeply discounted shares (think 10 Centers) as the reward/incentive for their work.

Funnier is how Loch-Harris, a very closed TEXASS oriented group of folks with no EVIDENT links to Rodney Boone just happened to find him, the magic link to the BASEBALL MONEY AND NAME, while he was at DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, a WINSTON & STRAWN DC OFFICE CLIENT. Boy, it was sure lucky that one of the fellow TEXANS in DaGang, a guy who played penny stocks "constantly and in a BIG way" - "in a life-changing way" had contacts at DIABLO CANYON so California boy RODNEY BOONE could be "brought aboard" LOCH (which by 30 September 1997 already had the ChemTech chemical ID signaturing revolutionary tech brought "aboard").

The TEXASS GANG also knew how to get PR for their new CEO, on the MAJOR GENERAL MILNOR ROBERTS radio show, on the lawn of the US Capitol in WASHINGTON, DC, and how to get access to ARMY FACILITIES in Yuma and Aberdeen - some places where former ARMY DEMINING ENGINEERS have contacts.

Man, it is no wonder that the LOCH Plan (modeled on the AVSG and others plans - all originated from TEXASS) came together and was executed "perfectly" (according to Hotels00).

Then, when it was time to run out the SOL clock because the Game was TOO successful, a TEXAS NUCLEAR ENGINEER BAPTIST EVZNGELICAL MISSIONARY LAWYER FROM WINSTON & STRAWN just happened (by chance of course) to "run into" DIABLO CANYON ROD, introduce himself as just another investor-at-large from the public, and have Rod and the TEXASS GANG toss this guy the keys to their own criminal and civil liability (and his own!) - yeah, that's real believable.

Naw, I think when the SEC investigation began (thanks to certain baseball players, BTW!), Rod and Mark wanted to just shut it down and run. Butt one of the TEXASS GANG (one with legal training, who knew how to walk a tightrope) knew that strategy wouldn't solve the problem there. Instead, you have to "keep hope alive" to forestall shareholder suits and cooperation with the Feds, so you start a fresh shell (Baker founded CDEx), dump the assets into the shell, and sell the disgruntled investors HOPE with the story that things didn't work out with the 1997 revolutionary tech only because Bad Rod (that day's scapegoat) didn't fund it, butt now that is all better and YES, you will be rich if you only will WAIT until they can shut down LOCH and run the SOL out. Tell them a STORY that your new CEO is a GOOD guy who just walked in off the street and battled control of the revolutionary tech from Rod over golf games by threatening Rod with bad SEC/DOJ things (because he was a senior DC lawyer with SEC connections - or so the story went) unless Rod and Mark (made out to be the Bad guy scapegoats, walk away and let Oldtime TEXASS LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER FROM WINSTON & STRAWN take over the NewScamCo.

Only the NewScamCo was simply a diversion to get a general liability release from the LOCH shareholders via the cooked-up insider SA/CA lawsuit and then close LOCH and to run out the SOL clock. And Rod could be blamed for LOCH's lack of commercial success just like he was used as the Saviour to replace DENNIS HARRIS who was previously balmed for LOCH's lack of commercial success.

Then Jim Griffon, from IPIX (another WINSTON & STRAWN client) was "brought aboard" CDEx to take the heat off MALCOLM PHILIPS, who was temporarily blamed for the lack of commercial success of CDEx, just as Malc did for Rod, and Rod did for RB BAKER AND DENNIS HARRIS.

WHO chose Strickland and Griffon, of IPIX (a WINSTON & STRAWN client), to be "brought aboard" the USS CDEx (rechristened from the USS LOCH)????? WHO MADE THAT CONNECTION TO THOSE GUYS (NON-TEXANS, BTW - LIKE ROD)

I ask again, WHO from the original Loch-Harris (all TEXASS BOYS) KNEW of Rodney Boone from DIABLO CANYON and "brought him aboard" the good ship LOCH to star the Game in the same way and at the same time the Game was being played at AVSG and others of the TEXASS GANG?????

Ole Crowe

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