This is one of the coolest features here on iHub, and that’s saying a lot, as there are some pretty cool features on Da Hub!
Hot Linking (remote linking) to another website outside is easy enough to do, but it does have one drawback that must be dealt with; once you have posted the post, the code (script) will break up (scramble) if you attempt to edit (open) it.
To avoid this, I suggest copying the post before you hit the Submit button.
Hint, save a copy on Word or another program for future reference.
Remote Linking on iHub is done with the following script:
[-url][/url-][-tag][/tag-] (without dashes).
Copy the URL starting after the http:// and beginning with the www, if it there is one; either way, start copying the url after the hhtp://.
Paste this link in between the [-url] & [url-] (without dashes).
Now place the text or image of what you wish to link to in between the [-tag] & [/tag-] part of the code (without dashes).
Note: You can use an image in place of the text in the remote link by using the [-chart]SAMPLE IMAGE[/chart-] tags placed between the [-tag] & [/tag-] (without dashes).
NOTE: If you are using the linking tool in the same post as one with the font color tool, be sure to cut & copy the post; In this way when you edit the post in order turn on the color, you'll have a copy of the post with code intact.
*** Opening The Same Link In A New Window ***
If you wish to post a remote link and have it open up in a new window, you can do this:
Use the same directions as posted above, but leave a space at the end of the url and then add: target="_blank"
Note: Be sure to place the target="_blank" immediately in front of the[/url-] in the line of code, making sure to leave a space after the .com or tag won't work.
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