Neither a fool or a fraud. How did you ever get me mixed up with these two words? Just a board participant that doesn't put up with name calling and labeling of others. If my response appears to be a threat, its not. Just standing up for myself in the absence of the moderator's, as an assistant moderator on another board that has earned the respect of others who have member marked me... and the rules established by Ihub.
I only responded to your question because other members may get the wrong idea about me... and you have now entered into a subject matter using the word fraud. (red flag imo) So now I must clean up the mess and provide clarity for everyone who may read this thread. Hence the purpose of the rule prohibiting personal attacks and name calling. First fool now fraud. This is the opposite of reality and work I have done over the years. There are many readers on IHUB. Lets not give the wrong impression. Lets keep it clean.
Many well wishes for you. Now we can all get back to the stock.
TOU Refresher
Off-topic: Any off-topic discussion is a violation of TOU. If your post is not about the stock for the board you're posting to, do not post it. Use email, private message, or post it to a board where it is on-topic.
Salt Creek