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Alias Born 04/04/2006

Re: None

Friday, 05/18/2007 3:25:46 PM

Friday, May 18, 2007 3:25:46 PM

Post# of 56764
Good day to all of the investors of PAIM,

After yesterday’s release of the unedited financials, I was overwhelmed with emails, and phone calls. I tried to answer as many as I could, but it has become apparent that the best way for me to get to all of you in a timely manner is to make a general announcement, post it on all the investors boards that I am signed up on, and to send a group email to all of those that have emailed me.

We were hoping to have the audited financials done this week, and the company is still working very hard to get all the information together and working with the auditor to get these financials completed.

The financials are very important at this time, since we are also trying to get our uplisting completed, and the financials are critical for this process, so we want to make sure everything is kosher, and the auditor is completely satisfied.

I know a lot of you have been upset about not being able to get a hold of Mr. Gary Gotanco, the previous IR Officer. He has not been fired or left the company due to any reason, it was management decision to tap me as a full-time IR to enable Mr. Gotanco to focus on certain aspects where his skills are badly needed. As you know he has been appointed to head Philippines Royal Oil & Alternative Energy Co., Inc. as its President/CEO, and he is now focused on getting everything started on the right track to ensure its long-term viability. Meanwhile, he is still very important in the process of moving PAIM to a higher exchange and getting our piggy back qualification done. So he is not gone, he hasn’t run away, he is working diligently to complete the process of providing vital data and documents for the regulators, and hand it over to our New Attorney for filing and submission.

No, I will not give anyone’s names out, as far as the Attorney goes, the Market Maker working with us to get the piggy back qualification, and the name of the company that has shorted us. This will come at a later date, and only when we are informed by our Attorney that it is the right time to divulge such information. I know that a lot of you have speculations on who they are, but I will not release privileged information that may damage any future actions against any said shorters.

Again I stress that our most important goals are to get the financials completed, and subsequently secure our piggy back qualification to eventually uplist in a higher exchange.

No, I am not a puppet of PAIM, I am the IR, and I will continue to do my best to move the necessary information between the company and its investors, and no I do not get paid for it either. I am doing it as a bonafide PAIM shareholder who, like you, would like to ensure that shareholder value is enhanced.

As far as inviting Ms. Janice Shell to join us in the Philippines, it is a real invite on our part, and no PAIM will not be paying for it, ORO will. Now that ORO is a fully operating non-stock and non-profit corporation, we are raising our own funds to sustain ourselves, and the people we ask to join us in the relief effort. Even the medical team has also joined our efforts. Yes, if Ms. Shell accepts our invitation, she will be there and hopefully help with our relief efforts and she will be invited to see PAIM’s operations as well.

I can not confirm nor deny that there may be a reserve of gold, I can state that any self-sustained operation must have something to back it up.

Yes there has been some unforeseen delays, but the company is working through them as quickly as possible, with firmness, and desire to complete them in a timely manner.

I know that a lot of you are frustrated at this time, and I am very sorry for your frustration, but be assured that the company is still moving forward, and what plans have been made, will be completed as long as these will contribute to long-term shareholder value and given the resources available to the company.

Please refrain from using profanity and vulgar language. We are all working hard, for you our investors.

This is now going to be page two of the memo, since there is still some people that need some answer’s.

1)This was posted on a board this morning:

This 'stock' will do another 'Reverse Split' within 6 months.
Just another of my AC Opinions.

They did one less than 1 year ago, and 'misnamed' it
a "90% Buy-back", without buying anything back.

(They just
took 90% of everyone's shares, and 'replaced' them with
even more worthless 'Preferred' shares, which automatically
dilute common shares, constantly, for 5 more years).

It was
actually worse than a 1-for-10 Reverse Split, because of the
new 'preferreds'. It was effectively a 1-for-100 reversi.

But, that was nothing, compared to the next Reverse Split,
which will happen in less than 6 months, probably 3-4 months,
or faster, except they never 'accomplish' any 'plans' on
'schedule'. This one will be at least 1-for-100, but probably

The 'evidence' was accidentally 'released' today, in an ~english
eMail to some [but not all ?] long 'share'holders.

Here it is, in pain's own speling + sentinse struksure :

" 4)No, I will not give anyone's name's out, as far as the Attorney
goes, the Market Maker working with us to get the piggy back
qualification, and the name of the company that has shorted us. This
will come at a later date, and when we are informed by our Attorney
that it is time, I know that a lot of you have speculation's on who
they are, but I will not release priveliged information they may
damage any future Litigation against any said shorter's. "

First note the highlighted area, this gentlemen is having a hard time understanding the difference between, the preferred shares of March 06, and the CD’s. Maybe one of the other investor’s could try to explain to him the difference, between the two, it may help him feel better.

2)As far as the vanity cards go, and the reason for the delay, was due to moving the location into a different building that was more suitable, the vanity card’s will still be available soon.

Thank you again, Jeff