wall_rus: a problem here is that you are letting avowed statists and admitted socialists define capitalism for you. Capitalism is simply the right of individuals to choose how to utilize and invest their capital as opposed to an all-seeing, all-knowing state making those determinations.
The attempts to monopolize and thereby exploit a free-market society was opposed by anti-trust legislation. On the surface, it appears contrary to laissez faire principles, however the thieves of national resources, such as John D, Rockefeller, etal, provoked this protection against these usurpers. Sadly, the robber baron crowd soon had The Federal Reserve handed to them. What was their choice of government? Follow the money and one discovers that communism offered the greatest monopoly and still does. The mass of the feral gumit is a constant thrust toward hybrid communism and thus a one-world government.
"When in doubt, empty the clip."