xyz in your professional opinion in an IPO would it not be in Steve Burg's best interests with the 20 million shares he now owns for the parent company to end up with say 50 to 70% of Xechem Nigeria instead of say 20 or 30%. Of course as a side thought, I guess if the IPO is not going to happen until 2008 as he has stated then he could always sell by January and February and still qualify for long term capital gains before the IPO came out. I guess we can speculate on and on, but we are not going to know until the company gives us some kind of idea of what the proposed structuring is going to be. On the free shares even if we just received 1 for every 1000 (not sure what is common in these situations) and Xechem Nigeria's share price shoots up into the dollars, then many of us would be looking fairly good just from this standpoint.
"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity."