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Alias Born 12/24/2006

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Tuesday, 04/24/2007 3:45:05 AM

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 3:45:05 AM

Post# of 9476
LSMJ was formerly XXsys Technologies, Inc., trading on the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) market. See, e.g.,

LSMJ -- LeaseSmart, Inc.
Com (No Par)
Search for Dun & Bradstreet reports on this company.

Company Notes:
Formerly=XXsys Technologies, Inc. until 10-05

See also,

LeaseSmart Inc.

LeaseSmart Inc.

LeaseSmart Inc., formerly Xxsys Technologies, Inc., was organized to develop non-destructive testing and measurement techniques for advance materials in the defense industry. . . .

As an OTCBB Company, XXsys was required to and did file SEC documents. The last SEC Filing was a 10QSB filed on February 16, 1999, wherein it was confirmed that the authorized shares (A/S) was 20 million and the outstanding shares (O/S) was approximately 14 million:

"Common stock, no par value
Shares authorized -- 20,000,000;
Issued and outstanding -- 14,074,019"

. . .

"State the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes
of common equity, as of the latest practicable date: Common Stock, no par value
- - 14,074,019 shares outstanding on February 12, 1999."

After this SEC Filing, or shortly thereafter, XXsys became a dormant, non-operating shell. Everything was frozen in place, basically as left in this February, 1999 SEC Filing.

There is absolutely no documentation whatsoever, that we have been able to find, disclosing a merger, acquisition or any other sort of transformation from XXsys to LSMJ.

The contact person and former President of XXsys is Dr. Gloria Ma.

Contacting XXsys
Investor Relations
Gloria Ma
XXsys Technologies, Inc.

We have spoken with Dr. Ma via telephone who confirmed that there was no "merger" at all between XXsys and LSMJ. She futher confirmed that the Authorized Shares (A/S) was 20 million shares to the best of her recollection pursuant to the last SEC document filed by XXsys.

Dr. Ma has contacted the SEC and filed a formal Complaint, to which the SEC has not taken any action as of yet, to her knowledge. also reports a 1-for-1000 reverse split, which would bring the oustanding shares to a miniscule approximately fourteen thousand (14,000) shares:

Current Capital Change:
shs decreased by 1 for 1000 split
Record Date:
Pay Date: 2005-10-13

However, since that was effective after LSMJ came into the picture, it cannot be confirmed whether this is accurate.

LSMJ has been trading in the hundreds of millions of shares per for several weeks. How could this possibly occur where the A/S is confirmed to be 20 million shares?

Potential Mother of All Short Squeezes (MOASS)?

Unfortunately, BHUB has been temporarily halted from trading by the DTC after an exciting run from .0001 to .007. Trading in pink sheet stocks is extremely risky and everyone needs to be aware of the risks. Recently, some people have been coming to the LSMJ Board, which, by definition, is a forum to discuss LSMJ, seeking to compare LSMJ to BHUB, and, particularly, raise concerns whether LSMJ will be halted. But in so doing, this LSMJ Board is being transformed into a second BHUB Board. The LSMJ Board Moderators will not allow this to happen. Thus, I have set forth a discussion comparing and contrasting BHUB and LSMJ. This will be the final word on the matter. If you want to discuss BHUB, please post on the BHUB Board. This Board is to discuss LSMJ, please

This will be the last reply I make to someone referencing BHUB. Anyone mentioning BHUB again on this Board will be summarily deleted.

Okay, the comparison to LSMJ and BHUB:

Comparisons between BHUB and LSMJ

BHUB has a 50 million A/S and 21 million O/S, yet several hundred million shares per day has traded in BHUB for weeks.

LSMJ has a 20 million A/S (100 million A/S, maximum) and 14 million O/S, yet several hundred million shares per day has traded in LSMJ for weeks.

The T/A, for BHUB, American Select, apparently issued the shares over and above 50 million based upon the assumption that the "BHUB" they represented was a Delaware Corp. In reality, it turned out that the T/A was issuing shares for the wrong company. The true Company was a shell known as BHUB, domiciled in Florida. Darrell Peterson, the President of BHUB, confirmed that his shell company had no relationship whatsoever with the Delaware company for which the T/A was issuing shares.

The T/A for LSMJ, American Select, apparently issued the shares over and above 20 million based upon the assumption that the "LSMJ" they represented is a Company known as LeaseSmart, Inc. In reality, it turned out that the T/A was issuing shares for the wrong company. The true Company is a shell known as XXsys. Gloria Ma, the President of XXsys, confirmed that her shell company had no relationship whatsoever with LeaseSmart, Inc., which is the company the T/A was issuing shares.

Darrell Peterson, the President of BHUB, confirmed in his interview today on Traders Nation that he did not know who John Sparrow is.

Gloria Ma, the President of LSMJ, confirmed in her telephone conversations with several posters that she did not know who John Sparrow is.

Distinctions Between BHUB and LSMJ

Darrell Peterson, the President of BHUB, stated that he "only recently" discovered that the T/S, American Select was issuing shares for his Company wrongfully. He responded by issuing several Press Releases stating that the T/A issued more than 1.5 billin "unregistered" shares.

Gloria Ma, the President of XXsys, stated that she was aware that an entity known as "LeaseSmart, Inc. (LSMJ)" took over her shell company as soon as it happened. She accordingly filed formal complaints with the SEC nearly a year ago as soon as she discovered the "hijacking."

Darrell Peterson, the President of BHUB, issued numerous Press Releases publicly challenging the T/A, which caught the attention of the DTCC. With the information so public and "in your face," of course the DTCC had to respond.

Gloria Ma, the President of XXsys, which was hijacked and transformed into LSMJ, has never released any Press Releases concerning the situation. She took her complaint directly to the SEC, nearly a year ago.


BHUB ran for over one month before its halt, and even when it was halted I-Hub posters had advance warning. BHUB ran in phases, the first phase from .0001 to .0007, retrace, .0002 to .0023, retrace, .0005 to .007, halt.

LSMJ is in the midst of its run. Will LSMJ be halted, who knows, certainly I don't and I don't make any representations one way or another. But I'm taking that gamble. Anyone who does not want to take the gamble should not invest in LSMJ and therefore have no reason to visit the LSMJ Board.

LSMJ is also running in phases but with higher highs and higher lows than BHUB. LSMJ ran from .0001 to .0025, and is currently retracing, to a low of .0007, and preparing for the next phase of its run.

Now people from the BHUB Board are running over here trying to "save" LSMJ from running to .007 and higher. Okay, thanks, but no thanks.

LSMJ Antandsons 4/09/2007 8:04 PM EST Corporate Hijacking Hits LeaseSmart?
Thomas J. Catino
4/09/2007 8:04 PM EST
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Once again, we are charting into some very speculative waters, but hey isn't that why a lot of investors trade stocks on Over the Counter and PinkSheets market? The stock that we have been trying to dig up some information on is Lease Smart Inc. (OTC: LSMJ) which is a full service commercial loan company according to their last public release back in April of 2006. Lease Smart stock tripled today on over a billion shares traded, though it is difficult to see why since there has not been any news releases issued since last year. Since there is relatively little information out there ranging from non-existent contact numbers and a lack of a corporate website, we started using a resource that has proved to be reliable in the past. We logged on to the PinkSheet's website to find something... anything. Unfortunately, not much of the information was updated for Lease Smart on the site, but we did discover that the company was formerly known as XXSys Technologies Inc., a developer of composite retrofit systems for infrastructure renewal.

But this is where it gets a little fuzzy. How did XXSys Technologies become Lease Smart? Could a reverse merger have been the cause? There was a symbol and name change back in October of 2005 that was accompanied by a reverse stock split, but there is no other evidence of a corporate change. The most likely scenario for such a move would have been a reverse merger.

Here is what happens in such a transaction; typically, shareholders of a private company gain control of a public shell by merging it with their private company. Then the public shell company issues a substantial majority of its shares and board control to the shareholders of the private company. Since the transaction process is not too complicated, the reverse merger can be accomplished in as little as two weeks, resulting in the private company becoming a public company.

However, we are a little skeptical about if this did legitimately take place considering the events surrounding The Inc. (OTC: BHUB) and because there was never a formal announcement issued by the company. Adding to the suspicion is the fact that the transaction does not go through a review by state and federal regulators.

So we looked to Lease Smart's transfer agent, Select American Transfer Co. to continue our due diligence process and made our first phone call. What we found out is the company has apparently not paid its bills for months, and as a result, the transfer agent has stopped working for the company and has tried to get in contact with corporate officers for weeks but to no avail. The representative declined to give out any additional information, only to add that most of it would likely be outdated.

Yet, XXSys is not a dormant company and is still active according to filings with the state of California so that begs the question why the company would undergo a reverse merger if its operations have not ceased. To get some answers, we spoke to XXSys CEO Dr. Gloria Ma. Naturally, she did not reveal much and would not comment on the situation except to clearly distance herself and her company from Lease Smart. She firmly stated there is no relationship between the two companies.

However, what is interesting is the relationship between The Inc. (OTC: BHUB) and Lease Smart. Both companies, besides sharing the same transfer agent at one point in time, list the same corporate address which just so happens to be a UPS store according to state filings. If you recall from a previous article, we noted that is likely a victim of corporate identity theft.

In 2005, individuals by the name of John Sparrow and Jason Wong registered a corporation using the name The Inc., according to Florida Secretary of State documents. It is not certain at this point, but there is speculation that Sparrow and Wong might have opened an account with Select American Transfer and claimed ownership of the company which would have given them the ability to change the share structure and sell shares on to the open market. Recently, the has traded in excess of half a billion shares on a daily basis. Interim President Darrell Peterson told Ant & Sons that the company is working diligently to update their corporate information. The company's legal team is being very pro-active and investigating the irregular trading activity that could have occurred as a result of unregistered or illegal shares hitting the open market. Peterson confirmed that there has been no share authorization increase that he is aware of since the last 10-Q SEC filing that indicated there were 50,000,000 shares.

Could the exact same thing be happening with XXSys? The last annual filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission indicated an outstanding share count of just over 14 million shares (before the stock split). If there is more substance to what could turn out be another possible corporate hijacking that has involved millions of unregistered or illegal shares hitting the market, than Lease Smart shares are in for a wild ride. We hope to find out more in the coming days, so stick with Ant & Sons for the latest coverage.

The author does not have a vested interest in Lease Smart Inc. (OTC: LSMJ) nor The Inc. (OTC: BHUB).

See, also,

Posted by: TikiGal
In reply to: CuttinRog who wrote msg# 5271 Date:4/12/2007 10:25:55 PM
Post #of 5315

Gloria Ma owns XXsys Technologies. Her company has been dormant since the end of 1999 for it is involved in lawsuits. She does not know the fate of her company until the lawsuits have been settled.
Her company is the victim of identity theft. Thus LSMJ. She has been in contact with the SEC for over a year now for them to do something about this situation and she is quite upset that nothing has been done. The A/S before it was highjacked was 20ml..
T/a for her company is American Stock in New York( I forgot the complete name but it is in one of my buried posts here) She told me they have been gagged and cannot discuss this situation with anyone.

I called Select in Canada. The CEO of LSMJ(Scam Co.) is Aaron Chaze. The A/S they stated was around 100ml, but they believe it is higher. They haven't been able to contact anyone from the suppose LeaseSmart. I wonder why? The Pr sent out from Leasemart in 2006 I proved to be bogus for the contact name they gave at the bottom of it was for LeaseMart who I emailed and they responded back that it wasn't their pr and they have nothing to do with LSMJ. Scamsters used their company at the bottom of the pr due to the fact that the names of the companies were similar LeaseSmart/LeaseMart.. How clever..
LSMJ and BHUB have same Florida address, same T/A out of Canada. Both bogus filings were done within days of each other in July/2005.. Both gave out bogus prs in 2006 which brought high volume to a normally non moving position.. Both had R/S. Symbol change from XXYS to LSMJ was in Oct/2005(I posted the link to this in another one of my prior posts)
I do not know what is going to take place here and I suggest everyone do their own dd on this one.

Posted by: morcash
In reply to: lifegear who wrote msg# 6446 Date: 4/17/2007 10:01:02 PM
Post #

Now that one put the pieces in order didn't it. When I was in both of these I never thought that they were both hijacked and run in a similar fashion. My congrats to TikiGal on that one.

Does that mean LCOL and NNCP are possible scams as well? Will BHUB's active pursuit of this lay the path for LSMJ?

Know anything about this Aaron Chaze? I don't remember seeing that name anywhere before.

Posted by: morcash
In reply to: lifegear who wrote msg# 6439 Date:4/17/2007 9:37:28 PM
Post #of 6860

Select American Transfer info

I was searching for info on them and looked up Lotta Coal and Nutrione remember the companies listed to Jason Wong in FL along with BHUB and LSMJ - they are all with Select American Transfer.

Then I searched for info on here and found that there is a whole board put together for this

Posted by: The_Pink_Lawyer
In reply to: None Date:4/16/2007 4:18:19 PM
Post #of 6860

SO, to state clearly my position:

A. I'm holding 20 million shares of LSMJ at .0013 average

B. I was going to buy more shares of LSMJ

C. For reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with LSMJ, I have no funds in my account with which to buy any more shares of LSMJ or any other stock.

D. Therefore, I am in waiting and holding mode

Posted by: hotstocks-agent
In reply to: op9171787 who wrote msg# 6594 Date:4/18/2007 3:17:16 PM
Post #of 6860

Tried to add the .0004`s all day long - NO FILLS!!! frown

Holding more than 30m, now!! (..enough funds left for adding more cheapies!!) LOL

The first 10m you can buy @0.01 USD - the 2nd 10m you can buy @0.10 USD - already put my sell orders in there!! wink



Posted by: Stock Scientist
In reply to: None Date:4/16/2007 4:33:54 PM
Post #of 6860

Here's my position

1. I own roughly 24 million shares which I added around .0006~.0007 range, some higher

2. I'm here as asst-mod & to dig around for some Due Diligence & to help out with the T/A.

3. One thing I'd like to point out is that we're officially at the bottom now but we need more VOLUME to get this moving.

This has moved up easily before and I believe we can get there again. I will do my part and hold a majority of my shares. However, I can't possibly do this alone because an army of one is WORTHLESS. Everyone must do their part and HOLD THE LINE!


From, SS
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