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Re: None

Wednesday, 04/18/2007 11:39:50 PM

Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:39:50 PM

Post# of 326352
NAB- not much to say about NEOM

howdy all.
couldn't post from the floor... NAB internet was down for several days (can you believe that with all those companies there??).

RP was scheduled as part of a round table on mobile tv content and tech and the like..
The bio posted the other day is also the bio in the NAB conference guidebook-- no mention of NEOM, Qode or his affiliation. Javien is referred to, but only in the context of this particular seminar... 3-3:45 or so tuesday.
I was unable to be in that seminar due to another broadcast workshop (sucks to work!) but I sent a co-worker.
He arrived late, so he didn't get the intros and could not ID our guy, nor hear his intro regarding the company he represents... he did say a guy was referred to as 'Roger' so I'm assuming that Pavane was in attendance and contributed to the forum.

here's the highlights from J:
the discussion and the questions revolved around content and programming, understandable as it is a broadcasters event. a question was asked regarding standards, with the reported answer again involving a/v coding, resolution and delivery- but nothing concrete at all about click to access codes.
the tenor was very upbeat, as mobile tech for broadcast and content delivery is hot in this venue, and more content programmers focusing resources on this as an alternative delivery of what has always been the broadcasters domain and forte.
also discussed was adapting services for consumers, and on-demand programming for the cel type device. time was spent looking at increased downloads for phones, especially in places like the UK...
one presenter, might have been the NOK guy, spoke about the challenges about business models and how to make $ on phone content.
there was also a point made about merging of media, as in linking web to tv to mobile handsets... the consensus was postive, and a few audience members echoed that they are looking for better ways to meet these emerging tech's head on. while this could have been an opp for RP to tout qode, it was fairly inappropriate as NO presenter in any seminar I'm aware of using these forums for that sort of self/company promotion- that's left to the convention floor-

speaking of the convention floor:
I looked for Neomedia- no presence. Same for Javien- seems like RP was relegated to only this presentation.
Asked at the Qualcomm booth about RP, Javien and qode--- the surprising response?
A blank look.
that was a bit disturbing.

then again, there were lot's of folks there to represent their own companies that seemed to know very little (Sony rep, for example, could not answer some pretty basic questions about their product line--- had to wait for a second guy to get to me).

something else I found odd... no Iphone
Humungous Apple area... tons to see. But no phone.

There were MANY telecom type offerings-- MOT had a big presence, as did companies like VZ and Verisign.
The MOT guy said he was familiar with Qode, but had no clue whether embedding was going to happen with them.
Showed him my razr with the qode access... he thought it was cool, as was passing it along to his development buddy.

VZ was among the better known names associated with cel phones and programming-- talked to a friend/presenter who programs for Sprint, and she said they were VERY high on providing content and additional services to their broadband customers.

there were some companies somewhat similar to neom there- textcaster, for example...

sorry to say that mission to grill roger was not accomplished.
the tone at this convention sure hummed with the promise of content delivery via cel phone- and with that the potential for marketing revenues.
of course, all this secondary to the broadcast roots of NAB- but more talk this year about alternative delivery methods than I can ever remember before.

and I scouted LV locations for some good neom/ihub watering holes--- that I can confidently say, mission accomplished!

good luck to all....
