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Alias Born 01/26/2007

Re: None

Monday, 04/09/2007 5:02:16 PM

Monday, April 09, 2007 5:02:16 PM

Post# of 14

....calling all battleships!!!

take a look at the chart=>

>this one looks like a hugely "naked shorted" stock, big playaz front loaded today!!!>>>easy ride to .005, I'm waiting to see .01-.015 before I start to flip out original $$$ and begin riding my FREE shares!

= this should trigger the massive short squeeze !!!

>can you say GOASS= Grandpa of all short squeezes*LOL*

Keep it on the down low& please don't tell any of the BHUBsterz!!!*~{8^))>!!!

LET'$ DO DI$!!!!!!

"LIBERTY(holdings) and JUSTICE(=$$$) for ALL"!!!!!!

....hip-HIP!!! HORAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!



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