On Knights Crossing::
Hi Kenn...On your powerfull setups we have an almost similar set up arnd Apr 1 st week in your example HGR...Magic square followed by the Knights crossing...
How do we take out these false breakouts!!!..
Or wat is a better strategy to have the market take us out..
Probably PSAR as a limiting factor...??
looking for the chart purists to reveal their exit stategy...if the market/stock turns agaist them...
Even in our example...what would be your stop limit...if any or how would you maximise your profit...so that u don't get out before the bugg runn!!!....oonce you realise that it si in one of our great setups...what is our exit strategy!!!
Appreciate your time...
Don't clutter your mind with scores of indicators...
READ the Tango of Price and Volume, the rest are all offshoots/Laggards..they tell you the story after it has happened.