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Alias Born 01/09/2007

Re: Chancetaker post# 24785

Thursday, 03/29/2007 8:16:26 PM

Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:16:26 PM

Post# of 143047
Chance, I also emailed the company this morning with the same question about confirming which Grove Consulting. I received the "auto reply" of we will get back with you within 7-10 days due to the volume of requests.

I'll let you know if I get a response verifying if it is they are actually consulting with.

Additional comments after reading Clams post... I agree with your concerns about inundating the company with emails and requests. The one I sent today was only the second one I have sent requesting verification. Moneynmetals was going to contact the IR today before his accident and I was going to submit it through him.

There are several good people on this board that have already established contact and a good connection with the IR. If they would be willing to consolidate questions that is OK with me. Of course there will always be concerns from some people that won't trust what people are posting. If a person doesn't trust the info, its a free world and they can always make contact with the company for their own confirmation. For what it is worth, that is my 2 cents...

Everyone, have a nice evening.