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Re: PEP007 post# 22461

Wednesday, 03/28/2007 4:13:17 PM

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 4:13:17 PM

Post# of 38879
Perhaps I can fill in a little while you wait for the Master...

Oprah's 'Secret' Could Be Your Downfall; By Courtney E. Martin, AlterNet. Posted March 26, 2007.

Ref -

I can't help but suspect "The Secret" is a economic warfare psyop as it has all the characteristics of such a thing. It takes something that is true and warps it to produce a desired result, not unlike propaganda films like "300." Allow me to explain a bit, starting with a film like "300" because I also can't help but wonder if it's entirely coincidental that these two films are getting so much hype just as we're about to go to war against the Persians . . . I mean the Iranians . . . so we can maintain the ridiculously bloated and diabetic sort of lifestyle the typical American will be using the "law of attraction" to try to manifest for themselves. First, let's take a look at the effect of a movie 300:

Let's say you have two groups of 18 year old males, Group A and Group B. Each group has 1,000 subjects, all of whom are debating whether to sign up for the military. Show Group A a series of films like 300. Show Group B a series of documentaries about neutral, benign topics like marine life documentaries or nature shows. I guaran-damn-tee you that if you check back three months later the group that was shown films like 300 will have a higher enlistment rate than the group shown the benign documentaries.

Now does that mean the film "300" is total bullshit, devoid of any truth whatsoever? No. There actually was a battle at Thermoplyae between the Spartans and the Persians. All or almost all the Spartans died. So in that regard there is SOME truth to the film. It is, however, a completely distorted and warped version of the truth, intended to produce a specific psychological effect. In the case of 300 it's to get young men to think going to war against the Iranians . . . I mean "Persians" . . . is somehow a glorious thing they should volunteer for RIGHT NOW.

The same basic principle applies to "The Secret." Yes, positive thinking works. So as with "300" there is indeed some truth to the film albeit a completely warped and distorted version of it designed to produce an effect. To illustrate: let's say you have two groups of 30 year olds, Group A and Group B. Each group has 1,000 subjects, all of whom are debating whether to buy a new car, a bigger house, a high-def television, etc but are unsure if doing so is a wise idea financially. Show Group A a series of hyper-optimistic films like "The Secret". Show Group B a series of more reality-based films like "Maxed Out". I guaran-damn-tee you that if you check back three months later the group that was shown the films like The Secret will be in a lot more debt.

That's great because once the cheap oil economy tanks TPTB (i.e. The-Powers-That-Be) are going to need a lot of indentured servant laborers . . . The good news for them is they're going to have a whole lot of people in debt up to their eyeballs because they believed they'd be able to afford all the useless crap they wanted if they just visualized enough. Can you say "debtor's prisons" boys and girls?

I'd be laughing my ass off at these people -as would many of you I suspect - but unfortunately we're all tied to these 'effing lemmings so their downfall is likely to be our downfall as well.

Worse still is that the film is set up so that it makes negative thinking almost heretical. As though there is something fundamentally wrong with you for being upset that your children's' futures have been mortgaged to fight wars in the Middle East so that bloated Oprah viewers could drive their Urban Assault Vehicles from their Mcmansions to the moviehouses at the shopping malls where they've been so lustfully attempting to manifest themselves.

Turning positive thinking into a religion while making negative thinking heretical is great for the interests who don't want you getting upset should you realize there's a connection between the giant Mcmansion you've been visualizing and the wars going on in Mesopotamia. This is the real "mark of the beast." Bullsh-t propaganda designed to get you to smile as you sacrifice your freedom, your sovreignty, your children, your neighbor's children, etc for the gratification of their own beastly nature.

Of course they've got your son watching "300" so he can't wait to fight in Mesopotamia so I guess it all works out in the end. Wow, what a coin-inky-dink (i.e. Popeye-speak for coincidence).

The really sad thing is even if you do figure out what the game is, most of your neighbors will not as they've been totally suckered and atomized themselves. That's the whole point, as long as they've got everybody visualizing their own personal aggrandization, nobody is going to band together. After all, why should I care about what is happening to other people when I believe it's just a matter of time before I manifest myself a career as a rock star or business mogul living in a giant home, driving a giant car, wearing a giant fake hair-piece and married to a blonde bimbo with giant fake boobs?