Free at last!...Hey gang,evidently there was a swirl on a certain board that put forth a theory that Sequiam could be the mysterious 3RD party that is partly to blame for Ckys and Jimmy's mess. 100% NONSENSE. Jimmy is on record stating that his contact was a Ranking Marine who had contacted him back in early 2001. According to Jimmy, this mystery Marine had somehow heard what Jimmy was doing in 2001 and needed Jimmy to solve a scratchy disk problem that was making a Marine Corp General angry. According to Jimmy, The General's War Games were being stopped due to 'scratchy disks'. After solving this problem Jimmy was contacted 1 year later by the same Marine who had contacted him in 2001. According to Jimmy,this Marine had gone to work for a PRIVATE COMPANY and after 'years' of work Cyberkey got the $25 million DHS purchase order. This wonderful interview was given by Jimmy to Big Apple Consulting and it was published in Big Apple's Newsletter in September of 2006. JMHO
IN MY OPINION. Caution always advised.