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Alias Born 01/05/2005

Re: itrade4profit2 post# 239028

Thursday, 03/15/2007 11:28:36 AM

Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:28:36 AM

Post# of 286521're not understanding
the business model. Should we post
a bit slower for you? Is everything
speeding past you, sonny? Would you
comprehend any better if we used grade
school verbage to explain the business
that GZ is engaged in? Would that help?

I do wish you well, but I'm not optimistic.

Don't be too lazy. Do some DD...and remember,
the world does not revolve around "your" needs.

I wish you well, sonny.


In pennyland, most things are not as they "appear".
Know when to buy...know when to sell.