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Alias Born 01/06/2018

Re: None

Friday, 03/14/2025 1:01:37 PM

Friday, March 14, 2025 1:01:37 PM

Post# of 239885
This stock is heavily weighted on bailers and has been for quite some time. Just no one willing to sell as taking this POS as a write off in ones portfolio.
💩💩💩Lot of SELLERS lining (💩ing) up today of MJNA @ O.OOO2 except few to no buyers at O.OOO3 of this pile of 💩
MJNA.... ....Bearish Another banner Sea of Red day for MJNA*1cqursl*_gcl_au*OTA1MjAwNDc2LjE3NDExMTYwODY.MJNA....