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Alias Born 01/24/2011

Re: None

Monday, 03/03/2025 12:11:27 PM

Monday, March 03, 2025 12:11:27 PM

Post# of 122085
Perlowin now the sole owner of the NC plant

According to documents found on the Nash County, NC Register of Deeds, Bruce paid $475K on June 14, 2023 to take ownership of the "plant". The Nash County website was updated to show this on Feb 7, 2025.

IOW, Hemp, Inc (and the remaining shareholders) no longer own it:

Go to the following link and search for "INDUSTRIAL HEMP"

The "company" has also filed on the Colorado Secretary of State website to change its Registered Agent (who files the company business registration documents in CO) from a family member to a company in Delaware that provides registration services.

My guess is that Bruce is trying to sell what little remains of the company as a shell.

"Soylent Green is people!!!"

Detective Robert Thorn: Telling uncomfortable truths since 2022

DRT is Charleton Heston's character in the 1973 movie, Soylent Green, set in the year 2022, and is not my real name