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Alias Born 04/24/2000

Re: SSP post# 477

Saturday, 12/28/2024 9:20:39 AM

Saturday, December 28, 2024 9:20:39 AM

Post# of 509
Ah yes.... he said that and similar versions-- often.
The three most profound tidbits of wisdom I gleaned over the past 25 years
starting at Silicon Investors (TGL) were Jim's:

1) The taking of profits we just talked about, of course

2) "NEXT!" became a frequent lament from posters (meaning it doesn't matter if you missed this play, there's another one right around the corner)

3) ...and then there was Wayne's "All stocks are shit"

Funny how things like that stick with you- Made me smile🙂

Thanks for reviving my memories Steve!

Theo ;-)

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